Dammit when I see these type of essays, I wonder to myself dont u hate reading it, imagine what ppl think of my essays. I will be working hard to reduce everything to a paragraph or two. But I will read it inquisitive!!!
PL waa naago iyo ma dagalaman, I mean seriously!!! Can u explain why not an inch of their land is occupied by anyone? You would think with that psychological traits of being cowards, they would be eaten up alive. Can you explain why shabab can't just control any city in PL and has to resort to hit n runs which they also employ against amisom. If they are doing the same thing to amisom as they do in PL wouldn't that indicate both must be powerful and can't be faced mano to mano?
Listen the honest truth about war isn't about bravery, yes morale is important but it's not the only one that counts. A good plan and strategy is critical or else your soldiers are basically lost and uncoordinated as they fight. Imagine an army with no plans no matter how brave they are they will end up uncoordinated and wasting bullets and eventually run out. Finally weaponry is critical and how it's used. It's not about how big your tank is it's how u use it and when u use it. A good commander will take those three key areas and demonstrate to the president how he can achieve the political objective of the that state.
So a good army will combine all those traits, have an excellent commander that isn't up for random changes cuz not everyone can be a good commander and strategist(step in sicid dheere). A commander that all the soldiers love and respect is critical, step in(sicid dheere), and a brilliant mind on the battle field(step in Sicid Dheere). He knows exactly how much fuel will be needed, food rationing, medical envoys, and how to set up his army and equipments for maximum impact with the least amount of casualties to the civilian population(cuz they will turn on u) and to his troops.
PL are military gifted boys, that's why no1 has been able to step foot on their soil without a massive fight even colonialists