PL Neutral Politics Needs To Change



Ths constant press releases to Mogadishu about political resolution, not changing the federal system, power sharing, international aid, etc is way past it's used by date, they been saying this since 2012 HSM first term up untill now a decade later, the lost decade of press releases and it's a shame Deni is pursuing another press release giving us more lost decades while the rest of the world who r raggeedi every minute, hour, day, month, year is recorded, measured for growth, gee some places even built new cities while we r stuck in stupid press releases 😂

@Bari @Libaax-Joore you reer Bari folks are responsible for this constant neutrality posture, this constant PL inaga badan attitude. Listen neutrality gets U nowhere but u just get killed by whoever wins in a war, they deal with neutrals as enemies watching from the sidelines. It's the worst political position you can take even in times of peace forget in times of war and instability. You either eat or get eaten, nations r in war or or preparing for it this is even modern politics of industrialized countries.

Do you see America just saying America inaga badan wtf is that shit, they have military bases worldwide, they know conflict is forever the only question is where will the theatre be and they don't want it in their land so they go on the offence and create theatres worldwide. PL must move on the offensive nacala not be in the defence always, why wait for the war to come to your doorstep when you can move offensively and keep the war theatre somewhere else away from you.
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Nabad Kuma timaado xal siyasaded U will be sitting in this stalemate hell for another 50 years begging for peace like a langaab nacala, the strong rule and the strong r decided by war, they didn't beg Hitler in WW2 the allies nor did he beg them for xal siyasaded, same with USSR vs USA ma jirin baryotan because U can't resolve conflicts untill someone wins and then you discuss peace only then.

Halays xiniyo taabto wat is wrong with Somalis why keep playing this stalemate shit heading nowhere, at least we know a lasting outcome will be achieved thru full out war and the nation can move forward. Even chairman Mao is quoted as saying politics is settled thru the gun not thru dialogue because dialogue just ends in stalemate hell. Why r we refusing all these great philosophies of big nations who never do what our leaders continue to do begging for peace and talks.


Kkk you and what army , xamar surrounded by foreign troops Al shabab and clan militias.

Why is everyone against me? You have two options hold onto somalinimo and remain a failed state or carve a new way forward, my priority is having a proud people and I can't see that happening thru Somalis, trust me I looked into their issue for decades and it's unresolvable so why hold each other back trying to pursue @Abdisamad stupid dream, even his own kids and their kids will be like my awoowe was a xoolo, he spent a 100 years and wasted it on Somalia when he could've listened to DR Osman.

IF YOU WANT SOMALI ALSO TELL THE PPL THE TRUTH U WILL ALWAYS BE IN FAILED STATE STATUS, tell them what somalinimo produced and will produce in the future, it's the most sickening colonial cancer put on us and our leaders don't remove the cancer they try to resuscitate it lol.


Just balkanize the whole horn of Africa including Ethiopia and Somalia and carve them into mini states like Balkan regions, you get way more stability this way not trying to put life into a dead idea that is causing more problems for the locals and is being an unproductive mess to the world itself. Breathing life into old ideas that didn't work is the craziest things U see in this continent and nothing gets better only worse.
Why is everyone against me? You have two options hold onto somalinimo and remain a failed state or carve a new way forward, my priority is having a proud people and I can't see that happening thru Somalis, trust me I looked into their issue for decades and it's unresolvable so why hold each other back trying to pursue @Abdisamad stupid dream, even his own kids and their kids will be like my awoowe was a xoolo, he spent a 100 years and wasted it on Somalia when he could've listened to DR Osman.

IF YOU WANT SOMALI ALSO TELL THE PPL THE TRUTH U WILL ALWAYS BE IN FAILED STATE STATUS, tell them what somalinimo produced and will produce in the future, it's the most sickening colonial cancer put on us and our leaders don't remove the cancer they try to resuscitate it lol.
Somalia would be much stronger and prosperous compared to a small fragmented states under Ethiopian influence, as you might know Ethiopias aim is to keep Somalia fragmented and even in the long run incorporate some of the territories into Ethiopia.. So if you want your grand children to be cucked and xooged by Oromo hordes on their own soil then please proceed with your plan.


Somalia would be much stronger and prosperous compared to a small fragmented states under Ethiopian influence, as you might know Ethiopias aim is to keep Somalia fragmented and even in the long run incorporate some of the territories into Ethiopia.. So if you want your grand children to be cucked and xooged by Oromo hordes on their own soil then please proceed with your plan.

U have the old attitudes of syl, kacaanka, no new way forward. Just back to somalinimo and we know this just leads to clan wars and failed state, how can U honestly not even prioritise who your enemy is? Ethiopia maybe an enemy, but they r not responsible for your 30 year clan war shit that is @MaliMohamed who is and U say he is your ally 😂 listen we would get way more development if we were inside Ethiopia or even Israel while the Hamar boys U love have been doing isbaaro on your region since 2009 for well over a decade, politics is about interests and our interests and Hamar don't meet up, let the ppl get along socially but politically and territorially separate, I don't mind even some cross trade as that's functioning. I refuse non functioning solutions and handing down a failed idea for our kids and their kids to inherit as they will despise you for your lack of vision.

Finally @Abdisamad has responded and I've blasted back Puntland first son and my friend is whoever helps me achieve it even yahud or Ethiopia, I have no place in this Somalia who do isbaaro on my fair share of development aid, somalinimo has hurted my region since the 60s whether economically or clan genocide, I would call for your arrest if I was in PL power.

Ths constant press releases to Mogadishu about political resolution, not changing the federal system, power sharing, international aid, etc is way past it's used by date, they been saying this since 2012 HSM first term up untill now a decade later, the lost decade of press releases and it's a shame Deni is pursuing another press release giving us more lost decades while the rest of the world who r raggeedi every minute, hour, day, month, year is recorded, measured for growth, gee some places even built new cities while we r stuck in stupid press releases 😂

@Bari @Libaax-Joore you reer Bari folks are responsible for this constant neutrality posture, this constant PL inaga badan attitude. Listen neutrality gets U nowhere but u just get killed by whoever wins in a war, they deal with neutrals as enemies watching from the sidelines. It's the worst political position you can take even in times of peace forget in times of war and instability. You either eat or get eaten, nations r in war or or preparing for it this is even modern politics of industrialized countries.

Do you see America just saying America inaga badan wtf is that shit, they have military bases worldwide, they know conflict is forever the only question is where will the theatre be and they don't want it in their land so they go on the offence and create theatres worldwide. PL must move on the offensive nacala not be in the defence always, why wait for the war to come to your doorstep when you can move offensively and keep the war theatre somewhere else away from you.
I agree PL has been at a stale mate with the FGS since 2012. We are not responsible for fixing south Gallkacyo to Ras kambooni. Balkanization may be a long term solution, but for now PL elites should push to become an autonomous region within Somalia, one country two systems, that's a win-win for both PL and the SFG as they already dominate the rest of the FMS's. The PL elites seem to be content with this stalemate or atleast have done nothing about it for the last 12 years.


@MuseGuud we must lay down the options to PL elites and not tolerate this stalemate politics to continue any longer as we r losing valuable time that we could've built or addressed areas of PL development priority or concerns.

1. Balkanize which will require all Somali support before presenting to the international community that this is the best way forward for all

2. Be selfish and take care of PL thru a 2 system 1 nation model similar to how china and Hong Kong were, this will mean PL is highly autonomous and the rest of the nation falls under Hamar

3. Implement strong vs the weak, go to war like west did on Hitler or USSR, noone sat there in Moscow, d.c saying we need a xal siyasaded 😂 but these guys will literally spend decades saying the same thing and nothing is achieved because their scared of the little progress achieved being reset to 91 conditions.

Mark this down bruv but if U keep hearing our leader say we need xal siyasaded or compromise they have no real solution and wasting our ppl time. PPL think I'm anti Somali, socially the ppl can love each other I have no problem with that but politically and territorially we must be separate or else it may even harm our social relation if we continue thinking social unity means political unity which it doesn't the Arab world is a great example of social unity but their politically and territorially separate.
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U have the old attitudes of syl, kacaanka, no new way forward. Just back to somalinimo and we know this just leads to clan wars and failed state, how can U honestly not even prioritise who your enemy is? Ethiopia maybe an enemy, but they r not responsible for your 30 year clan war shit that is @MaliMohamed who is and U say he is your ally 😂 listen we would get way more development if we were inside Ethiopia or even Israel while the Hamar boys U love have been doing isbaaro on your region since 2009 for well over a decade, politics is about interests and our interests and Hamar don't meet up, let the ppl get along socially but politically and territorially separate, I don't mind even some cross trade as that's functioning. I refuse non functioning solutions and handing down a failed idea for our kids and their kids to inherit as they will despise you for your lack of vision.

Finally @Abdisamad has responded and I've blasted back Puntland first son and my friend is whoever helps me achieve it even yahud or Ethiopia, I have no place in this Somalia who do isbaaro on my fair share of development aid, somalinimo has hurted my region since the 60s whether economically or clan genocide, I would call for your arrest if I was in PL power.
Bro Somalinimo is a complete joke, Ethiopia does not run 150 illegal clan checkpoints in the South, It sure shit didn't create AS. It didn't divide Xamar into neighborhoods each controlled by a Warlord.
I don't think our grandfathers in SYL had a choice since our political elites were all jailed in the late 20s and taken to Mogadishu, but we are not going to do it again. Gone are the days where our region was called Gaari waa meaning “difficult to reach". Gone are the times when our elites invested every cent in Xamar only to be told go back to your tuulo. Men like Xaaji ibraahim uunlaaye whose grandkids today have squatters living in their houses. Every qabil must fix their own region. PL has been getting their aid blocked while SL's signed a treasonous MOU and receive theirs on the first of the month.


@MuseGuud please note don't fall for @Abdisamad his unproven idea of Somali unity means we r powerhouse, it has proven to work the opposite direction we r a bloody joke and he wants to keep preaching this idea balkanizing means weakening Somalis to be swallowed by Ethiopia.

Let Ethiopia follow that unity nonsense while always being on the edge of civil war and foreign interference in the future, it hurts them more then just balkanizing. I'll give U an example Qatar or UAE r small city states but they r now powerful and dominating large dysfunctional countries in Africa as a whole, it's better being a small country and getting your act together because U can then destroy larger countries. Israel is an example defeated arabs in 6 days lol a population of 300 million dysfunctional ppl plus the arabs had the soviet tech edge which the Israelis didn't have even from America.

This idea big nations swallow up little ones is just what ppl imagine and has no substance in truth. If you can organise your 4 million in PL to be wealthy, educated they will advance every part of your region capability while the larger dysfunctional states will be in constant edge of war, not having loyal citizen help their state,etc
@MuseGuud we must lay down the options to PL elites and not tolerate this stalemate politics to continue any longer as we r losing valuable time that we could've built or addressed areas of PL development priority or concerns.

1. Balkanize which will require all Somali support before presenting to the international community that this is the best way forward for all

2. Be selfish and take care of PL thru a 2 system 1 nation model similar to how china and Hong Kong were, this will mean PL is highly autonomous and the rest of the nation falls under Hamar

3. Implement strong vs the weak, go to war like west did on Hitler or USSR, noone sat there in Moscow, d.c saying we need a xal siyasaded 😂 but these guys will literally spend decades saying the same thing and nothing is achieved because their scared of the little progress achieved being reset to 91 conditions.

Mark this down bruv but if U keep hearing our leader day we need xal siyasaded or compromise they have no real solution and wasting our ppl time. PPL think I'm anti Somali, socially the ppl can love each other I have no problem with that but politically and territorially we must be separate or else it may even harm our social relation if we continue thinking social unity means political unity which it doesn't the Arab world is a great example of social unity but their politically and territorially separate.
There reason I take option 2 is because our elites have been preaching this fake Somalinimo crap to our people since day one like psyop, Majority of Puntlanders have a wierd saviour complext so I don't see our people supporting option 1 anytime soon. With the FGS running a complete blockade on us and HSM cursing us from the mosque every Friday, we can't at least convince them of option 2 as path to option 1.
U have the old attitudes of syl,

I'm proud to be associated with the SYL.. I wish I could do just a small fragtion of their work.
kacaanka, no new way forward. Just back to somalinimo and we know this just leads to clan wars and failed state, how can U honestly not even prioritise who your enemy is? Ethiopia maybe an enemy, but they r not responsible for your 30 year clan war shit that is

It is a well known fact every jabhad from north to the south have been armed by Ethiopia, how are you so blind to see this fact?
@MaliMohamed who is and U say he is your ally 😂 listen we would get way more development if we were inside Ethiopia

The same Ethiopia that cannot even feed its own citizens who are coming to underdeveloped poverty ridden Somali cities to beg for handouts and do manual works.. Ehm.. Something is not adding up sxb..
or even Israel while the Hamar boys U love have been doing isbaaro on your region since 2009 for well over a decade, politics is about interests and our interests and Hamar don't meet up, let the ppl get along socially but politically and territorially separate,

Beside these issues can be easily resolved through a change of leadership, this requires the old men in politics needs to go and we need a new visionary unitary leadership in place, I'm hopeful this will happen sooner or later.. Beside Somali people are tried of being fragmented why I'm confident we will prevail..


Your raw meat smelling xabashi c*nt is a joke not Somali unity.
There reason I take option 2 is because our elites have been preaching this fake Somalinimo crap to our people since day one like psyop, Majority of Puntlanders have a wierd saviour complext so I don't see our people supporting option 1 anytime soon. With the FGS running a complete blockade on us and HSM cursing us from the mosque every Friday, we can't at least convince them of option 2 as path to option 1.
Certainly I do not recognize you as one of us, you are unconfirmed sheegato, if you even understand the word.


There reason I take option 2 is because our elites have been preaching this fake Somalinimo crap to our people since day one like psyop, Majority of Puntlanders have a wierd saviour complext so I don't see our people supporting option 1 anytime soon. With the FGS running a complete blockade on us and HSM cursing us from the mosque every Friday, we can't at least convince them of option 2 as path to option 1.

Well option two must include our security, development, foreign engagement is done at a local level and Mogadishu is symbolic leader with only authority to sign off not interfere or tell us what to do. We must also put a clause in to show we r genuine about Somali federal republic and will only do so once a number of conditions r met such as the rule of law and institutions, no corruption, we see the south show us their political model leads to socio economic development, their is foreign and local confidence and we will only review each area after 25 years period and the two system one nation model will last for a 100 years initially but can be extended if the south cannot prove its system works to achieve Somali well being. If after 200 years and the south hasn't achieved milestones PL demands to see them separation can be discussed and by then our international partners would've have had 100 to 200 years of engagement with us which will help us slip into nation state status easier.
I'm proud to be associated with the SYL.. I wish I could do just a small fragtion of their work.

It is a well known fact every jabhad from north to the south have been armed by Ethiopia, how are you so blind to see this fact?

The same Ethiopia that cannot even feed its own citizens who are coming to underdeveloped poverty ridden Somali cities to beg for handouts and do manual works.. Ehm.. Something is not adding up sxb..

Beside these issues can be easily resolved through a change of leadership, this requires the old men in politics needs to go and we need a new visionary unitary leadership in place, I'm hopeful this will happen sooner or later.. Beside Somali people are tried of being fragmented why I'm confident we will prevail..


Your raw meat smelling xabashi c*nt is a joke not Somali unity.
Waxba ha caytamin niin ciilan ba tahaye.
I really hate blind unionists, They will never talk about what is the reality in Somalia, but about only about their wishes and dreams. They always try to belittle Puntland for wanting to actually fix the problems we face. They are not interested in facts and that every year the situation is getting worse and worse and the country is splitted more than ever. Everyone else who tries to actually analyze the situation and looks for a solution for his community is a Somalidiid, Qarandumis, Qabyalist and many more.
You are to scared to look in the harsh reality and you don't care for the situation and solutions, all you do is dreaming of what is "good for Somalis". If someone comes with a solution, which is not Somaliwayn, you call him qabiliste. Cajiib.

I'm not blind or naive, maybe you two jokers can answer me this, how come Ethiopia is supporting Somaliland independence in return for a naval military base? And once Somaliland gets recognized and PL is more or less an independent unrecognized state what would happen? Let me guess you'll somehow magically create an enlightened highly educated population who will magically appear to save PL right? And you call me naive :farmajoyaab: :snoop:
Just for the record, I do not support HSM, he's a failure in my view, I am also not against federalism and people developing thier regions etc.. These are all good things, I believe in equal opportunity for all federal states and I do not a centralist goverment who is corrupt and wants to loot the wealth of the Somali nation.. I believe what ever change needs to happen has be through internal affairs without the meddling of foreign states especially the likes of Ethiopia who have only interest in keeping us weak and fragmented..
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I'm not blind or naive, maybe you two jokers can answer me this, how come Ethiopia is supporting Somaliland independence in return for a naval military base? And once Somaliland gets recognized and PL is more or less an independent unrecognized state what would happen? Let me guess you'll somehow magically create an enlightened highly educated population who will magically appear to save PL right? And you call me naive :farmajoyaab: :snoop:
You seem to not understand the FGS supports Somaliland and you can't do a thing about it.
Ethiopia came up with this MOU to get a better deal from the FGS. Recognizing SL doesn't change a thing, over a 100 countries recognized Kosovo, What did that change ?
As far as you calling me a sheegato, That's truly funny.
You seem to not understand the FGS supports Somaliland and you can't do a thing about it.
Ethiopia came up with this MOU to get a better deal from the FGS. Recognizing SL doesn't change a thing, over a 100 countries recognized Kosovo, What did that change ?
As far as you calling me a sheegato, That's truly funny.
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We both know this doesn't make any sense, so how can PL survive without any recognition? And if PL claims independence who would regonize it? You see SL who claimed independence from Somalia and it is still underdeveloped shit hole with no hope, actually muqdisho is even more developed than hargaisa..

But anyway there's something else you can never change, the people in PL are hardcore unionist, why PL never went the SL root.