PL Neutral Politics Needs To Change

The embarrassment somalia on the global stage suffered due to that woman who was picked to represent us in the 100 metre race in Beijing was because HSM patronised her sub clan and rewarded the ladies aunt or grandmother (I can’t remember which) with an important post in the sports ministry.

the islaan then proceeded to funnel and siphon off from the budget of the ministry and use it as a way to get tahriib for her relative (the runner) hence why you saw what happened.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Read the World Bank Document Somalia poverty profile report from 2017 & 2019.
NE is Puntland & NW is Somaliland

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This doesn't look wealthy at all 😂😂 you're not disproving my point.

Why doesn’t madaxweyne Ismail Gulleh dissolve Djibouti and throw himself at the feet of HSM? Listen here. There will be no advancement for Somalia as long as HSM patronises his own clan members and gives them all the major posts in government say for speaker of parliament and prime minister, and refuses to move on with finishing the constitution there has to be one man one vote, rule of law, a constitution, a president held to account by his government and people, meritocracy. And the path decided upon in 2012 is the way to that.
Because IOG is the same as HSM. It's just Djibouti Is an actual country so iog and his buddies can play around with more.

We’re reaching 1000$ per capita soon, there is safety, business is booming, infrastructure is being built, we haven’t said we will secede so why are you insistent on PL kowtowing to HAG rule from xamar, no way Jose
Nigga you gave me 0 sources to prove you're above the national average of 400$ you are not even close to 1000$.

Meanwhile Djibouti is closing in on 4000$

Also DR OSMAN is the one who alluded to this. I've seen it with other "puntlander" on tiktok also. Some MJs think they've created a successful country being dragged down by Somalia and must cut ties with the central government. This is far from reality.


This doesn't look wealthy at all 😂😂 you're not disproving my point.

Because IOG is the same as HSM. It's just Djibouti Is an actual country so iog and his buddies can play around with more.

Nigga you gave me 0 sources to prove you're above the national average of 400$ you are not even close to 1000$.

Meanwhile Djibouti is closing in on 4000$

Also DR OSMAN is the one who alluded to this. I've seen it with other "puntlander" on tiktok also. Some MJs think they've created a successful country being dragged down by Somalia and must cut ties with the central government. This is far from reality.

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It's really very simple, PL cannot enter an Oil/Gas exploration, Mining or Fishing deal with any foreign company or country without the Federal government controlling and corrupting it. For that reason PL cannot get any investments. Add to that the blockade of foreign funds placed on PL by the FGS for example the road from Garacad port to Ethiopia.
This doesn't look wealthy at all 😂😂 you're not disproving my point.

Because IOG is the same as HSM. It's just Djibouti Is an actual country so iog and his buddies can play around with more.

Nigga you gave me 0 sources to prove you're above the national average of 400$ you are not even close to 1000$.

Meanwhile Djibouti is closing in on 4000$

Also DR OSMAN is the one who alluded to this. I've seen it with other "puntlander" on tiktok also. Some MJs think they've created a successful country being dragged down by Somalia and must cut ties with the central government. This is far from reality.

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IMG_7576.jpeg - website of the puntland statistics department, if puntland wasn’t constantly economically sabotaged by villa somalia, if our development and aid money wasn’t looted in xamar and given to HAG supporters and their beneficiaries we’d be miles ahead, and we’ll soon eclipse it inshallah wa taala, colleges and universities that offer western scholarships are open in PL and we will have an educated and working population in the near future.

also kinda sad that Djibouti with all of its bases and ports and prime shipping location only has 4000 dollars gdp, instead of trying to go band for band with a federal state in Somalia, maybe you should be questioning your leaders and concerned over the stagnant economy, niggas would kill to have that prime location and your people out there squandering it….
Why did you downvote if you’re a supporter of PL 1st? Wouldn’t this proposed mega Darood state work in your favor? :sass2:
I'm trying to be realistic, that map is fake. It contains Hawiye and Mirifle lands.
Part of Daarod's lands are under Ethiopia and Kenya wake up plz. I'm just trying to get the best deal PL
It's really very simple, PL cannot enter an Oil/Gas exploration, Mining or Fishing deal with any foreign company or country without the Federal government controlling and corrupting it. For that reason PL cannot get any investments. Add to that the blockade of foreign funds placed on PL by the FGS for example the road from Garacad port to Ethiopia.
They’ve even sabotaged a portion of the Galkacyo road building renovation, all because PL wishes that the 2012 framework of governance not be sabotaged or stalled


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
It's really very simple, PL cannot enter an Oil/Gas exploration, Mining or Fishing deal with any foreign company or country without the Federal government controlling and corrupting it. For that reason PL cannot get any investments. Add to that the blockade of foreign funds placed on PL by the FGS for example the road from Garacad port to Ethiopia.
Can puntland even enter into a fair agreement with foreign countries to do oil gas exploration for them? Again, pl is a poorer african micro state. If every single african country that explores oil gas gets snagged by western corporations. Is pl different? The only way is for Somalia, an actual country, to build capabilities while making fairer deals. Which won't be as favourable as gulf states for example but closer to equal as Somalia has more weight.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
View attachment 343649 - website of the puntland statistics department, if puntland wasn’t constantly economically sabotaged by villa somalia, if our development and aid money wasn’t looted in xamar and given to HAG supporters and their beneficiaries we’d be miles ahead, and we’ll soon eclipse it inshallah wa taala, colleges and universities that offer western scholarships are open in PL and we will have an educated and working population in the near future.

also kinda sad that Djibouti with all of its bases and ports and prime shipping location only has 4000 dollars gdp, instead of trying to go band for band with a federal state in Somalia, maybe you should be questioning your leaders and concerned over the stagnant economy, niggas would kill to have that prime location and your people out there squandering it….
Djibouti is ruled by a current dictator and we still have a higher per capita then every horn country incl sudan combined I'm not crying abojr anything

Why do you niggas keep saying PL is sabotaged by the fgs? Do you think you would be anything without the central government? I'm not sure if you understand, but this is what the pl politicians do and that's why they keep this status quo. There is no such thing as an autonomous state without a central Govermment that all countries recognise. And there is no punltand without a weak central government. Thus PL keeps the status quo.
Djibouti is ruled by a current dictator and we still have a higher per capita then every horn country incl sudan combined I'm not crying abojr anything

Why do you niggas keep saying PL is sabotaged by the fgs? Do you think you would be anything without the central government? I'm not sure if you understand, but this is what the pl politicians do and that's why they keep this status quo. There is no such thing as an autonomous state without a central Govermment that all countries recognise. And there is no punltand without a weak central government. Thus PL keeps the status quo.
See this is the problem, you don’t understand the framework agreed upon in 2012 when the FGS was established

step 1: whilst the constitution and rule of law are in the process of establishment there should be a temporary federal government that would rule in conjunction with its allies (the other federal states in Somalia)
Step 2: when step 1 is finished and everything consolidated, naturally the federal states come under the subordination of the FGS, so what’s the issue with PL and the FGS? In short it’s the actions of the president, HSM and his predecessors, Farmaajo included, they’ve tried to either, 1. Scupper the process, when that fails move to 2. Blocking and stalling the implementation of the 2012 framework, 3. Actively sabotaging or trying to punish PL by withholding Development Aid or messing with infrastructure programs within PL, all because PL voices concern over the trajectory of the Villa Somalia government.

HSM is in short trying to back out of the agreement and consolidate his grip on the FGS and federal states, it’s undemocratic, he’s proven to be corrupt, and we are within our rights to voice opposition.

also PL was established in 98 and the FGS in 2012, PL was around when there was no FGS and the Hawiye were battling it out amongst themselves in xamar out or killing minorities in southern Somalia. Matter of fact the FGS wouldn’t have come into shape if it wasn’t for birmade GEN Abdullahi Yusuf illahay ha u naxaristo and his intervention in xamar, we’ve expended too many resources and money on this FGS project and in hindsight I believe we should’ve instead looked inwards towards our own development and let xamar sort itself out. You niggas ungrateful wlhi 😭😭