please yaa Rab get rid of it

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I do care bro I got honor I consider myself a noble man I have defended Somalia many times but then hits you why always defend that shithole like people care akhi it will always remain garbage

If there’s anything you should be mad at it’s the useless politicians and elders
Somalia is already finished & its not worth saving sxb.

All that's left is for a population replacement to happen & mixing which is already under way. Our Muslim Bantu brehs are in it for the long haul.
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East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Somalia is already finished & its not worth saving sxb.

All that's left is for a population replacement to happen & mixing which is already under way. Our Muslim Bantu brehs are in it for the long haul.

^This guy always with mixing agenda smh

I wrote an entire poem about my wish to see Somalia die. I posted it on the politics forum, I named it African euthanasia because I prefer an amicable and peaceful death of everything Somali. Somalis shouldn't exist on this planet. I hope you enjoy.:

"A demise which sheds no tear accepts not an offer of condolence,
An African burden should be laid to rest, nay rather cremated, ashes thrown, no reverence,
Continuous turmoil, unabated, sanctities violated, human souls, terminated,
A failed 'project', a test, we never existed, the diaspora had no chance, they didn't flourish,
Reactionary impulses, a confused answer to a problem, created premature expectations,
I feel no pain, my heart not perturbed, there was never love, it died estranged from remembrance,
Somalia, post 1991, produced without substance, production, no produce,
I say with no sorrow, nor remorse, nor love, nor regret, nor shame, nor and nor till kingdom come,

African Euthanasia, Cauli.
He has a lot of self hate. I think he was bullied

Im simply not a racist or some retarded Somali supremacist/nationalist like yourself & others that suffer from delusions of grandeur.

You don't belong to some magical pure race you deluded mutt.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Im simply not a racist or some retarded Somali supremacist/nationalist like yourself & others that suffer from delusions of grandeur.

You don't belong to some magical pure race you deluded mutt.

Your dogged obsession for the usurping of Somalis by foreigners and constant emphasis on an Archiac admixture event, just goes to show something isn't quite settled with you.

Would you still be harping on about ethnic replacement and have a tragic 'false' mulatto complex, if Somalia was in better shape?

You are either not Somali or a madow sycophant. Which one is it?
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Nigga I'm Binu Adam I don't care about gaalo borders plus I am from Ethiopia. Why should I get associated with Somalia because of my ethnic. Somalia is nothing but a failed project.
Without Somalia your ass would never exist. Your beloved Djibouti never sacrificed itself for your people we did, wallahi the utter disrespect you K5ers give makes me wish we fought for the NFD instead :kodaksmiley:
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