f*ck one piece f*ck cartoon or anime whatever the f*ck you call it it's waste of time because I care about my image and country plays big part in representing yourself Somalia is nothing but something that holds you down its utter garbage shithole for 3 decades nothing positive even Palestine gets rebuilt faster incompetent khat rabbits they eat khat only in Somalia it's a hrllgole I do not want to. Get associated by since I truly know how Zoomalīa is and how Somalia works and functions and the horrors to that place
Behave yourself will ya ( read that in DT's voice from aftv) last time I checked you hold ugly Arab Semites in high regard and love their women fair enough some are leng but some are ugly like their stereotypical look. And do not get on to one piece it's better than anything aidthopia and Djibouti the Kaliningrad of Somalia weyn but the ppl are poor while the rich prosper; If you're getting onto Somalia like that blame the politicians not the ppl and what the media shows us for since the pirates protected our waters from ppl profiting of our fish.