Pray for our fallen Cushitic brothers


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Honestly, our MENA blood is just as guilty. Have you seen Masris? I honestly don't know how they were ruled by ajanabis for 3,000 years. Probably with great difficulty. They are a rancorous, prideful and hot-blooded lot. And Arabians?! Saaxiib, Arabia before King Abdulaziz was pretty much identical to Somalia now:

The second major source of Bedu income was raiding. This was an ancient and
accepted means of acquiring livestock, arms, slaves, and chattel. Raiding was voluntary,
but avoiding it was deemed cowardly. Successful raiders were celebrated and most
Bedu married only after a few successful raids. By tradition, tribal leaders received one
fifth of the loot. Speed, mobility, and surprise were the Bedu’s weapons. Like a tenth-
century Viking longship appearing off the Northumbrian coast, they could travel long
distances, appear unexpectedly in overwhelming numbers, strike hard, and quickly
disappear before effective resistance could be mobilized. Before motor transport and
automatic weapons, camel-mounted tribesmen had no military rivals in the desert
except other Bedu. They were at the top of the Arabian food chain. Semi-nomadic
shepherds riding donkeys, travelers, pilgrims, and settled farmers were at their mercy.
- source

We were f*cked from the start. Descendants of two unruly peoples. We stood no chance.


HA Activist.
The afars have been fighting us but in djibouti the ciise basically own the country. 80% of the land was afar pre french colonisation but we rule it now due to having 70% of the population.
I've met tons of afars in my little summer school back in djibouti who spoke fluent somali, way better than me

this is all Bs lol. The older generations of Djiboutians are definitely polyglots but the newer generations are mostly speaking French and their native language.
If anything, Djiboutians are undergoing the same effects of having French as an official language as the west African francophone sphere. Neither Afar or Somali language will overtake (at least in this situation)


this is all Bs lol. The older generations of Djiboutians are definitely polyglots but the newer generations are mostly speaking French and their native language.
If anything, Djiboutians are undergoing the same effects of having French as an official language as the west African francophone sphere. Neither Afar or Somali language will overtake (at least in this situation)
Both my parents speak french because that is what school is taught in but on the streets of djibouti city you hear somali


HA Activist.
Both my parents speak french because that is what school is taught in but on the streets of djibouti city you hear somali
So do mine. As I said, people in their 40s and older can definitely hold small talks in Somali, just like my parents can speak arabic and carafaf to certain levels. The newer generation is just different.
If you go to Djibouti visit Arxiba and you’ll realize how foreign you feel there.


So do mine. As I said, people in their 40s and older can definitely hold small talks in Somali, just like my parents can speak arabic and carafaf to certain levels. The newer generation is just different.
If you go to Djibouti visit Arxiba and you’ll realize how foreign you feel there.
I haven't been to djibouti in a long time so i will go explore when i visit this summer. It would be a shame if french culture and language is starting to dominate djibouti
am not illiterate like u, i already told u bantu never assimilated cushitic but they intermarried, i'll give u exempel kikiyu, only nilotics assimilated cushitics, almost every east african group has cushitic admixture sxb, no bantu group has male cushitic haplo group does disproving your claim

am not illiterate like u, i already told u bantu never assimilated cushitic but they intermarried, i'll give u exempel kikiyu, only nilotics assimilated cushitics, almost every east african group has cushitic admixture sxb, no bantu group has male cushitic haplo group does disproving your claim
Where do you see in my definition of assimilation that it has to involve males ? Females can be assimilated as well so east African female haplogroups is enough to support the assimilation process. By the way, a minority of Kikuyus has cushitic male haplogroups, they're not the only ones, just ask for the sources next time


Nah they're taking over :deadosama:
I have never seen a bantu in djibouti, i have no family in the south so it may be different but somalis are very violent and seeing what we have done against each other, it only takes one incident for a random group of nomads to wipe em out
Even if somali bantu reach 10% of the population, there is nothing a few deportations and msssacres can't fix. :Man:
Someone has to keep the demographics stable after all :westbrookswag:
Lol somali bantus are probably already 15% of Somalia's population especially and 20% if you don't consider Somaliland which is basically autonomous and is unlikely to rejoin Somalia except if a war happens (lamagoodle would be more affected=increase of the Somali Bantus ratio).
In 2002 they were estimated to be 900 000 while the total population (Somaliland included ) was ~9 millions(around 10% in 2002).



Their percentage seems to have increase since then, while you're increasing in Kenya, Bantus are increasing in Somalia the headquarter😂
Congo migrants in east africa always onto us for no reason.
We need to restore cushweyn and put these niggas back in central africa
There's no such thing as an homogeneous East Africa, Cushites originally come from Egypt/Sudan, both them and Bantus are migrants in Kenya, Tanzania... Hunter-gatherers should revolt and claim what's rightfully theirs✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾⚔️