Pray for our fallen Cushitic brothers


Nigga that place is a fucking prison those niggas be giving 5 homeworks a day while in friday the would give me 8.

Am glad I left that school and went to an indian school
How are somalis treated in kenya? Do you know how the somali parts of the country are?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I remember reading a book from the 19th century, one of the old ones. And one cadaan going on an expedition asked one of the Bantu helpers about us and the Bantu man said, "The Somalis no good, mister. Each man thinks he is a sultan/king".

I found the quote:

The first thing to understand about the Somalis is that they are not as other men. Richard Burton, the famous Arabist and explorer who trekked across their lands in the 1850s, called the Islamic Somali nomads a ”fierce and turbulent race of republicans”. More pungently, a Ugandan sergeant with the British forces fighting the Mad Mullah went on record as telling his officer: ”Somalis, Bwana, they no good: each man his own sultan.” - Warriors: Life and Death Among the Somalis

I found the quote:

The first thing to understand about the Somalis is that they are not as other men. Richard Burton, the famous Arabist and explorer who trekked across their lands in the 1850s, called the Islamic Somali nomads a ”fierce and turbulent race of republicans”. More pungently, a Ugandan sergeant with the British forces fighting the Mad Mullah went on record as telling his officer: ”Somalis, Bwana, they no good: each man his own sultan.” - Warriors: Life and Death Among the Somalis

Haha, right on.

It would be too hectic trying to search for it, so I never bothered.
I found the quote:

The first thing to understand about the Somalis is that they are not as other men. Richard Burton, the famous Arabist and explorer who trekked across their lands in the 1850s, called the Islamic Somali nomads a ”fierce and turbulent race of republicans”. More pungently, a Ugandan sergeant with the British forces fighting the Mad Mullah went on record as telling his officer: ”Somalis, Bwana, they no good: each man his own sultan.” - Warriors: Life and Death Among the Somalis

I bothered to find the source that I read by retracing my archival journey search endeavors. Partly it was because I thought the specifics about the "fighting the Mad Mullah" aspect was something I did not remember from the quote stemming from a context I specifically recalled being from somewhere around the southeastern Africa area, not in Somaliland despite it being a book about Somaliland at the time of Mohammed Abdullah Hassan:


Came across this video on twitter. The Hutus targeted the most ethnically pure Tutsis
lol yes of course ! hutu are the vilain in this story and the tutsi the victim ! stop with this fake narrative. Everybody talk about the genocide in rwanda but no one about the hutu in burundi who was literally kill by these ppl 😂

