Premier airlines unveiled at Aden adde. The first Somali owned passenger airplane in 30 years

Dhulbahante owned
The Wire Roland Brice GIF
yk what annoys me, is these langaab odeys. Everytime someone does something they stand as if they we're the ones to do it.

A road built with foregin investment, built by young somalis - Odays take a picture together like they did it :deadpeter:

A new football pitch made by a crowd fund from the diaspora - odays take a picture together like they did it :deadpeter:

A kid undergoing kidney mashallah tho transplant, the kidney is donated by his brother - Odeys crowed the kid as if they did the transplant themselves :deadpeter:

mashallah tho


Staff Member
Good step forward. As usual private companies leading the way. Big brother the Somali state shoud follow suit and revive its own Somali airlines.

Does premier airlines have something in common with somali owned banc PREMIER? Maybe it is premier banc unveiling its own premier airlines. Anyways good step forward. Somalis only need peace and stability they are the most intelligent african race on earth. But hey we violent as well. If we angered nothing stop us at destroying everything we worked so hard for. It comes with the package I guess.
Good step forward. As usual private companies leading the way. Big brother the Somali state shoud follow suit and revive its own Somali airlines.

Does premier airlines have something in common with somali owned banc PREMIER? Maybe it is premier banc unveiling its own premier airlines. Anyways good step forward. Somalis only need peace and stability they are the most intelligent african race on earth. But hey we violent as well. If we angered nothing stop us at destroying everything we worked so hard for. It comes with the package I guess.
It might be a lead up to FGS airline inshallah.

yeah I made that connection too, premier bank and now airlines. Talk about diversifying, they got it down.

we needed some kind of nerf, and mutually assured destruction towards each other was exactly that.

