The Hate For Somalis Is Palpable

Did she really say that? Then why are some posters here going crazy about how Somali people are responding to them? Under no circumstances would I ever accept a half Jamaican kid as Somali. I'm glad Somalis are on code when it comes to this topic.
You are right. It is mostly women who want to accept him as Somali. Honestly half Somalis ,regardless if the dad or mom is Ajnabi, should not be considered Somali.
My mother has a cousin that is half-white (white father) and he's part of our family; he even served as a soldier during the North-South war and no one is allowed to call him foreigner or sideline him...

..The Dinka usually don't accept people that aren't pure Dinka (paternally & maternally), so it seems that my mother's family (educated) is the exception.

The Nuer and the Luo absorb entire groups and will accept anyone as long as they go through a process of conversion.
What does education have to do with anything? Do u mean just because your mothers family probably have a western education/western influenced education that their ideas somehow is much better on cultural issues than what is agreed upon by the vast majority of Dinka?
Did she really say that? Then why are some posters here going crazy about how Somali people are responding to them? Under no circumstances would I ever accept a half Jamaican kid as Somali. I'm glad Somalis are on code when it comes to this topic.
you should accept him as half Somali and have respect both of his cultures. This feels very unIslamic and we aren’t Jewish, our culture isn’t just based down from one parent.
What does education have to do with anything? Do u mean just because your mothers family probably have a western education/western influenced education that their ideas somehow is much better on cultural issues than what is agreed upon by the vast majority of Dinka?

I agree with the wider Dinka community on one particular component of this issue -> leadership; half-Dinkas should not yet be allowed to assume positions of power until we have developed -- and this is to remove the notion that foreign blood was essential to the eventual development of the group/Nation. After development, I wouldn't care.

I do think it's better to acknowledge that a person with a Dinka parent has some sort of right to be accepted by the group.
I don’t know why so many Xalimos on this site are fighting for the recognition of half Somali kids with the mother being Somali?

These women choose a man from a different culture/country to provide for her and protect her, that means her children’s lineage/communtiy comes under that man’s culture, how can you depend on a man from a different culture while not allowing the man’s children to have his name/lineage?

By choosing men of different cultures you thereby forfeit your children’s community towards that man’s culture as that’s the community that man was raised in and what YOU found to be attractive, in other words women look for protectors and providers and you choose to be protected and provided by a man of a different culture which influenced him and in which he has power.

Ya’ll females can complain about which gender gets to give their lineage/culture towards their children when men start choosing women based on status/income/power and women stop doing so. In other words never :pachah1:
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I agree with the wider Dinka community on one particular component of this issue -> leadership; half-Dinkas should not yet be allowed to assume positions of power until we have developed -- and this is to remove the notion that foreign blood was essential to the eventual development of the group/Nation. After development, I wouldn't care.

I do think it's better to acknowledge that a person with a Dinka parent has some sort of right to be accepted by the group.
did you know that in saudi arabia half saudis arent allowed major positions? and theyre developed.
guys like this that need to be jailed my g forgot the barre dream t=and all of the Ali madaxweyne somali abo nonsense. one mention of Ali madaxweyne before 1970 ill wait its not real bro face reality. Akisho is Oborra, Jarso is Daga infact he is the oldest Daga Akichu was even mentioned thr 16th century as oromos.
Chill bro as a akisho it hurts me to hear such a thing. Bro im somali af, never ever have we live near oromos as a matter a fact its a slander to consider akisho oromo. So basically a bunch of oromos been walking the roads and towns of somaliland and been swimming the oceans, giving birth to damn near 30-40 % habar awals numbers. You telling me all the credit would be to oromos? Gtfoh bro your somali believe it or not
Akisho live in the interior of Somaliland(Hargeisa and Gabiley) and the Somali region Waajale and Jigjiga,there’s no way they Oromo in fact they are one of the oldest clans and were instrumental in the spread of Islam.
Chill bro as a akisho it hurts me to hear such a thing. Bro im somali af, never ever have we live near oromos as a matter a fact its a slander to consider akisho oromo. So basically a bunch of oromos been walking the roads and towns of somaliland and been swimming the oceans, giving birth to damn near 30-40 % habar awals numbers. You telling me all the credit would be to oromos? Gtfoh bro your somali believe it or not
i live
هذا ليس صحيحا، أستطيع أن أفكر في العديد من السعوديين من أصل نصف سعودي الذين شغلوا مناصب مهمة بما في ذلك أمير
A person whose mother is Saudi and whose father is foreign may not join the army or sensitive positions in the country
Chill bro as a akisho it hurts me to hear such a thing. Bro im somali af, never ever have we live near oromos as a matter a fact its a slander to consider akisho oromo. So basically a bunch of oromos been walking the roads and towns of somaliland and been swimming the oceans, giving birth to damn near 30-40 % habar awals numbers. You telling me all the credit would be to oromos? Gtfoh bro your somali believe it or not
The real akisho are Oromo your probably some Ogaden who got assimilated into akisho
Bro are u serious lmao name me an oromo akisho in somaliland? Were to huge and all you probably kno is the ones that border ogadens and live with them but no way up north in jigjiga or hargiesa or gabiley. They all somali and will tell ya sorry ass. Who will claim next


The Conqueror, King of all Westeros
The most funniest thing is that they are trying to claim that their mulatto is somali only after their deadbeat father leave them
Bro are u serious lmao name me an oromo akisho in somaliland? Were to huge and all you probably kno is the ones that border ogadens and live with them but no way up north in jigjiga or hargiesa or gabiley. They all somali and will tell ya sorry ass. Who will claim next
Are you akisho from somaliland?