Xaqiiqo xanuun malahan
Farmajoo is stupid and the ones who believe in him are sad.
Are you threatening me with Xijaar? Is this a joke?
The President publicly encouraged everyone to follow their agreement and busy themselves with the elections. Most FMS will proceed with elections in the agreed time, it will be obvious who does not want elections if there are any delays in any state.
The whole nation stood still to listen to the President unlike Booble Baahane whose looking for his next baasto shipment
I agree he's petty af, but he is still here, almost a year after his term expired. He's using HAG against each other, and they are helpless at this point because the only option he gave them is to start a war, destroy their city and kill each other, and then get blamed for another 40 years for destroying somalia. kkkkFarmajoo is not a Machiavelli politician. He is driven by petty revenge and hatred. He played dirty but look where he ended up today? Aimless and a broken man.
Madoobe is a better leader than Farmajoo. I watched Madoobe. He is good at hiding his feelings, doesn't say nothing about HAG and doesn't want conflict.
Today Farmajoo has nothing to show for all the looting and killing he committed. All that bum licking of Ethiopia. kkk He just created division and a lot of hate in peoples hearts.
I agree he's petty af, but he is still here, almost a year after his term expired. He's using HAG against each other, and they are helpless at this point because the only option he gave them is to start a war, destroy their city and kill each other, and then get blamed for another 40 years for destroying somalia. kkkk
how do HAG get rid of him without all that? i don't see how.
SNTV posted itSomali government bans Farmajoos broadcast so he aired it on Universal TV. Ceebta
SNTV posted it
you and i are in agreement and you're proving my point. I already mentioned how farmaajo doesn't gif a f*ck. Yesterday, reer muqdisho welcomed him, and picked him over two of their own sons, and he repayed them with a looming threat of violence, assasinations, and worst of all, smear campaign that vilifies all of hawiye as mooryaan destroyers.Your missing the point. Did Farmajoo become president of Mogadishu by the gun or was he not selected by reer Mogadishu. Why is Farmajoo killing and hurting the people who trusted him? If he came by the gun than no problem. But he was given power by reer Mogadishu and he used it to hurt them. I wasn't fooled because I read history. I read about Siad Barre and Farmajoo is his nephew.
I remember when they all came to the streets and were saying we want Farmajoo. Many of these fools actually believed in Farmajoo. Those days I felt sick and wondered what happened to everyone. I told people then that Farmajoo will kill, rape and loot and favour reer Gedo and other langaab Daroods.
Well done Mr Farmajoo for killing, looting and raping because you have prove my point.
Farmajoo is no longer a threat to us despite him doing his best to burn our city Mogadishu. He is now just a clown who is still pretending to be in power when elections have started.
you and i are in agreement and you're proving my point. I already mentioned how farmaajo doesn't gif a f*ck. Yesterday, reer muqdisho welcomed him, and picked him over two of their own sons, and he repayed them with a looming threat of violence, assasinations, and worst of all, smear campaign that vilifies all of hawiye as mooryaan destroyers.
Farmaajo doesn't care, i don't even think he understand much of Somali culture like repaying favors, being straightforward, fighting cleanly etc...
if you guys wanna take him out, you'll have to think like him and start with getting rid of qoorqoor and guudlaawe.
The first mistake hawiye made was making him president, the second was allowing him to install his loyal men to GM and HS.
it's too late now, without violence, not only is he staying, he's also more likely to return.