President Farmaajo addresses the nation


Notice the flags behind El-Presidente Farmaajo

game of thrones dragon GIF by NRK P3
you and i are in agreement and you're proving my point. I already mentioned how farmaajo doesn't gif a f*ck. Yesterday, reer muqdisho welcomed him, and picked him over two of their own sons, and he repayed them with a looming threat of violence, assasinations, and worst of all, smear campaign that vilifies all of hawiye as mooryaan destroyers.

Farmaajo doesn't care, i don't even think he understand much of Somali culture like repaying favors, being straightforward, fighting cleanly etc...

if you guys wanna take him out, you'll have to think like him and start with getting rid of qoorqoor and guudlaawe.

The first mistake hawiye made was making him president, the second was allowing him to install his loyal men to GM and HS.

it's too late now, without violence, not only is he staying, he's also more likely to return.


Farmajoo is just a a mosquito to me. He has been giving us hits after hits. from the Zoobe bomb massacre to daily bombings and killings. But my people are still standing and just as strong.

I agree he hit us with all he had. But these hits were just weak, no real damage. I already won this battle and it didn't take much effort.

But what does Farmajoo's defeat mean for Gedo community and langaab Daroods plus other minorities who supported him? What does Farmajoo's defeat mean for politicians such as Zakariye who talked about Somalimo but supported Farmajoo.

The bottom line is that I will come out of this fight with scratchers but my opponent will be dead. The only real threat I had was Ethiopia and because of the situation in that country Farmajoo can't use that card against me.

Farmajoo is so langaab that even the ones who stand by his shoulders are HAG. They stay to take whatever he got left. That sums up Farmajoo, just a fool.
As things stand, he has a very good chance.

The only people that support Farmajoo are reer Gedo, reer Lascanood, reer Goldogob and Cadcad. The last time I checked all these people are 0.5. Farmajoo doesn't even have the support of the big D clans like the Punites and reer Kismayoo. Even Deni controls Lascanood and Goldogob seats, Farmajoo won't even get that.

And PM Roble is in charge of elections.

Farmajoo tried to make his people relevant by fighting Ahmed Madoobe for Kismayoo but failed. Farmajoo is a loser.
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Waxaan waddanka imid ayadoo dibadda nalaga maamulo

noona taliyaan reer galbeed iyo amisom

waxaan juhdi ku bixinnay sidii aan karaamadeenna usoo ceshan lahayn

Arimaha dibadda waxaan u dhisnay si aan adduunka u tusno inaan nahahay dal madax banaan

waxaan Dalka ka erinay tuugo badan Gabre ugu horreeyo.

Dhanka dhaqaalaha waxaan nimid ayadoo musuqqu baahay oo aan Nala aamini Karin

waxaan la dagaalnay musuqii dib ayaana naloo aaminay

Dhanka ciidamada wax xuquuq ah ma lahayn

danna lagama lahayn illaa ay gartay in ay hubkooda gataan

waan tira koobnay waan dhisnay waxaan xilalkii ka qaaday odayashii fadhiidka ahaa waxaan hoggaanka u dhiibnay dhallonyaro firfircoon xaqoodana hela bil walba

waxaan farayaa inay Dalka u shaqeeyaan kana fogaadaan qabyaaladda.

Ugu dambayn kuwa hantida dowladda boobaya laga yeeli maayo inay duruufta jirtaa nooga faaiidaystaan waannu qabanaynaa.
View attachment 211683

Farmajoo is just a a mosquito to me. He has been giving us hits after hits. from the Zoobe bomb massacre to daily bombings and killings. But my people are still standing and just as strong.

I agree he hit us with all he had. But these hits were just weak, no real damage. I already won this battle and it didn't take much effort.

But what does Farmajoo's defeat mean for Gedo community and langaab Daroods plus other minorities who supported him? What does Farmajoo's defeat mean for politicians such as Zakariye who talked about Somalimo but supported Farmajoo.

The bottom line is that I will come out of this fight with scratchers but my opponent will be dead. The only real threat I had was Ethiopia and because of the situation in that country Farmajoo can't use that card against me.

Farmajoo is so langaab that even the ones who stand by his shoulders are HAG. They stay to take whatever he got left. That sums up Farmajoo, just a fool.
What is wrong with this slow parrot. Stop spamming the thread with fkd
Where are the mods
That's just pity.
Alhamdulilah for farmajos presidency , he showed us there are some ppl who still hold cuqdad for us . Is time to push those buttons and commence in removing every single one of them from wabaari district.

I knew the pattern from day one. AUN to all our innocent people they killed. Allamadullahi we are victorious.
Farmajoo is a coward. Always changing is mind. Yesterday he said that he sacked Rooble and today he says he accepts Roobles national talks. Farmajoo is a coward.


That's just pity.
Alhamdulilah for farmajos presidency , he showed us there are some ppl who still hold cuqdad for us . Is time to push those buttons and commence in removing every single one of them from wabaari district.
I am glad the picture of Adan Cadde was removed, the amount of hate Farmaajo got from the Badbaado moriyaan crew because of that picture was incredible, now its gone you still crying. Make up your mind Abgaalow.
I am glad the picture of Adan Cadde was removed, the amount of hate Farmaajo got from the Badbaado moriyaan crew because of that picture was incredible, now its gone you still crying. Make up your mind Abgaalow.

I respect his honesty and yours. When your ppl are no longer reqonized as Somali in banadir region you will see , farmajos done as a favour trust me


I respect his honesty and yours. When your ppl are no longer reqonized as Somali in banadir region you will see , farmajos done as a favour trust me
I remember you specifically said its an insult that Farmaajo had the Adan Cadde picture up in a previous press conference and now that the picture is down you are saying its an insult and bigotry, make up your freaking mind thats all, ain't nobody here is interested in your cambuulo induced duuso, if you want to calaacal go to your dameero and calaacal all you want, this is political section not calaacal section.


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