He’s Hawiye soo raac clans probably galjecel or shekhaal or other small samaale clans.Sxb what is your sub and who are these hawiyes in the jubbas?

He’s Hawiye soo raac clans probably galjecel or shekhaal or other small samaale clans.Sxb what is your sub and who are these hawiyes in the jubbas?
He is neither even galjecel or sheikhal or even mainstream hawiye.Sxb what is your sub and who are these hawiyes in the jubbas?
My mind blanked, I need to sleep earlier lol but I was thinking of the deputy. Cayr have plenty of troops there was my major point. We’re near the Middle Jubba front too. JL only makes sense if it is fairly split. Hawiye are underrepresented and that must change.
Waa kan Habargidir iyo shabeelada hoose labo sanad kahor. Hadii wax isbadeleen waad sixi kartaa. Mala socdi waxa sanadahan ka socday.
1)#Gudoomiyaha shalaanbood waa habargidir.
2)#Gudoomoye ku xigeenka marka waa habargidir.
3)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baraawe waa habargidir.
4)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka janaale waa habargidir.
5)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka qoryooleey waa habargidir.
6)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka afgooye waa habargidir.
7)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka amniga shabeelada hoose waa habargidir..
8) #General ka laanta buuro ilaa baraawe General laba afle habargidir.
9)#Taliyaha ciidanka daraawiishta shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
10)#Taliyaha guutada 14ka abriil ee shabeelada hoose waaa habargidir.
11)#Taliyaha Ururka 26aad ee marka iyo shalaanbood waa habargidir.
12)#Taliyaha guutada 6aad iyo 7aad ee shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
13)#Taliyaha afgooye ilaa walanweeyn axmed gaashaan habargidir.
Kuna dar inta ciidamada oo dowlada Cayr ka ah oo ku sugan.
To the cagdheers here, if you want JL free from Shabaab, give us the Kismayo port again and we can arrange that.
HG used to have Baraawe Mayor led by Salebaan fella until 2015, and than the reconciliation happened and HGs got the deputy Mayor of Baraawe along with Deputy Governor of S/hoose
Here is the Deputy Mayor and the leader of the SNA army in Baraawe
I sent 300 of his boys to Aaqiro and still kept my lands and today he is in an amhara pit prison whilst Mahad who was funding the boys against him today is a respected official. Do not compare where you don't compete.Two words: Abdi Iley
Coming up with your own stats wont change reality brev. Cayr are comingCeyr is 50% shabab 35% ahlu sunah and 15% part of the dowlada. Farmajo had to bring in ranaxweyn foot-soldiers to build galmudug and bring in qor qor. In lower shabeele alone 10,000 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers guard the few hg and digil soldiers. In jubaland there’s less than 4,000 kdf soldiers and jubaland daraawish are as far as buulo xaaji baar sanguni cabdale biroole, and many other towns by themselves no other forces are like that any town south of hiiraan.
qayib and other galmudug towns daily sieges or attacked. Hg in lower shabele are guarded by amisom and can’t move without Burundian at least in jubaland troops are by themselves.barawe to xamar is no go zonebananas are so expensive in xamar because afgoye road is blocked so they take the xeebta.
Do you really know the political dynamics of Shilaabo and how you even became relevant? Do you know the isbahaysis that exist there? I won’t speak because I don’t want to give these guys FKD ammo, but if you know, you know. It is not just simply Cayr attacking and taking MX border, there’s more to itI sent 300 of his boys to Aaqiro and still kept my lands and today he is in an amhara pit prison whilst Mahad who was funding the boys against him today is a respected official. Do not compare where you don't compete.
Brother gedo troops is not ethiopian troops. I know a lot of people on the ground. It’s like saying kismayo troops are Kenyans.Your military lines are overstretched. Your infantry tactics are outdated. Your defensive positions are penetrable. you do not control the hawadle militas in Hiiraan they act on their own accords. Lower Shabelle troops do not exist. Bakool troops are majority Ogaden they will not join you. “Gedo troops” is another term for Ethiopian.
So tiring can’t believe a single man in madobe caused this much friction between our communities.Mx has actually taught OG a very good lesson, yaryar only know xoog. OG will not be appeasing anyone else in the future.
It is not Madobe. It was you guys and Barre that started massacring innocent OG civilians. And to this day, you have Mxs including those on here claiming our lands. You started this fightSo tiring can’t believe a single man in madobe caused this much friction between our communities.