How was he successful when in the end madobe elected your mps for you and all you guys and farmajo could do was watch? what a delusional mf this guy is. lmaoFarmaajo was a technocrat who used the soft approach and he never went for buaale or kismaayo. He went for gedo and he was successful. Now we will build on that success and free kismaayo from terrorist madoobe.
And my xog is not from mowliid. But mowliid is close to fartaag he is the one that broke the news about fartaag coming to gedo months before anyone else.
My xog is from mx close to madoobe that are part of his illegal regime. And from those close to fartaag and both are saying the same things.
anyways, we are discussing the fate of Gedo and you think you are winning. kkkk
Apparently the jar.rer looking fartaag will do what farmajo couldn't do.

me waiting for the ilkayyar "showdown" since 2011.