President Hassan Sheikh arrives in Kismaayo

Farmaajo was a technocrat who used the soft approach and he never went for buaale or kismaayo. He went for gedo and he was successful. Now we will build on that success and free kismaayo from terrorist madoobe.

And my xog is not from mowliid. But mowliid is close to fartaag he is the one that broke the news about fartaag coming to gedo months before anyone else.

My xog is from mx close to madoobe that are part of his illegal regime. And from those close to fartaag and both are saying the same things.
How was he successful when in the end madobe elected your mps for you and all you guys and farmajo could do was watch? what a delusional mf this guy is. lmao

anyways, we are discussing the fate of Gedo and you think you are winning. kkkk

Apparently the jar.rer looking fartaag will do what farmajo couldn't do. :mjlol:

me waiting for the ilkayyar "showdown" since 2011.
Mudane Hamza Hafidullah

He’s playing the quiet long game. Kheyre the Obama wannabe was too reckless and in the end came out short. Hamza’s job is to stay quiet and open a secret back door for Absame to sneak in & bask from their large shares in the FGS. As long as Hamza continues to stay silent and pretend to be weak, Hag will not be able to force him to go against his uncle Madoobe

Sayid Ahmed will continue to remain unchallenged and the PM card is rendered useless 4 future conflicts with JL

:salute:View attachment 257718

It works both ways, HSM made this guy PM so will get our Shares in the JUBBALAND admin " You give and Take", We made Og's PM and Head of Police you think that comes without anything? Wallahi your Politically confused. PM Hamza is our brother and i would like to see him become the future President of Jubbaland.
It works both ways, HSM made this guy PM so will get our Shares in the JUBBALAND admin " You give and Take", We made Og's PM and Head of Police you think that comes without anything? Wallahi your Politically confused. PM Hamza is our brother and i would like to see him become the future President of Jubbaland.
Doqonka tahay wase Hamze is reppin darood seat and no one can do shit to for your langaab you seem to be dreaming that might hutu army might came to your rescue lol you’re deluded as f*ck if you think so
The truth of the matter is that Cayr maxamed are the royals of JL and only they can control it without foreign help. We are coming back for our lands and this time on a HAG notice.
Mx without us are weak hungry gedo residents that can barely put up a days fight, this can be proved by the fact that Cayr beat mx black and blue before leaving kismayo to defend the crown jewel muqdisho which they built with Kismayo loot whilst OG has to be safeguarded by their Abo KDF from the HAG/Cayr after Cayr gifted them JL which we will be back for. From before the Karbaash was limited to the weak kablalax hada labadiina wey idin dhacate.
The truth of the matter is that Cayr maxamed are the royals of JL and only they can control it without foreign help. We are coming back for our lands and this time on a HAG notice.
Mx without us are weak hungry gedo residents that can barely put up a days fight, this can be proved by the fact that Cayr beat mx black and blue before leaving kismayo to defend the crown jewel muqdisho which they built with Kismayo loot whilst OG has to be safeguarded by their Abo KDF from the HAG/Cayr after Cayr gifted them JL which we will be back for. From before the Karbaash was limited to the weak kablalax hada labadiina wey idin dhacate.




Reality speaks for itself pre AMISOM MX controlled all of JL without any assistance from Fufus. While your “20,000” men are afraid of teenagers in sandals :mjlaugh:
Pre-Amisom reality of Marexaan now show me KDF fighting Marexaan forces
The truth of the matter is that Cayr maxamed are the royals of JL and only they can control it without foreign help. We are coming back for our lands and this time on a HAG notice.
Mx without us are weak hungry gedo residents that can barely put up a days fight, this can be proved by the fact that Cayr beat mx black and blue before leaving kismayo to defend the crown jewel muqdisho which they built with Kismayo loot whilst OG has to be safeguarded by their Abo KDF from the HAG/Cayr after Cayr gifted them JL which we will be back for. From before the Karbaash was limited to the weak kablalax hada labadiina wey idin dhacate.
We saw HG in Galgaduud, all bark no bite as far as we could tell :axvmm9o:


The truth of the matter is that Cayr maxamed are the royals of JL and only they can control it without foreign help. We are coming back for our lands and this time on a HAG notice.
Mx without us are weak hungry gedo residents that can barely put up a days fight, this can be proved by the fact that Cayr beat mx black and blue before leaving kismayo to defend the crown jewel muqdisho which they built with Kismayo loot whilst OG has to be safeguarded by their Abo KDF from the HAG/Cayr after Cayr gifted them JL which we will be back for. From before the Karbaash was limited to the weak kablalax hada labadiina wey idin dhacate.
Two words: Abdi Iley


Only areas/districts of certain regions where the local clans like Gaaljecel (West hiiran), Murusade & Duduble (Ceelbuur), Biyomaal, Rahanweyns (L.S) and so on, are in bed with Al-shabab are still controlled by Al-shabab.

How am I celebrating Hawadle achievement? Hawadle liberated their deegan and so did Abgaal, they freed their deegan stretching from Adale in middle Shabelle to Ceeldheer in Galgaduud (Adan yabaal, Galcad, Masagawaay, Ceeldheer and a lot of other deegans). HG freed their only district that was in the hands of Al-shabab (Harardhere).

An area stretching from Adale to Wisil (where both operations from Middle Shabelle - Galgaduud - Mudug started from) was liberated in the span of weeks.

Meanwhile after 10+ years of Ahmed Blackie and Kenyan owners you can’t even go 50KM outside of Kismaayo without a plane. Stop acting like you have or can do shit by yourselves, talking about “Culusow is begging us to deploy Eritrean trained troops in JL”. The only states that can’t go to their capital in Somalia are Jubaland and Southwest. Not only is JL missing an entire region that’s in the hands of alshabab, Gedo isn’t in your hands and you can barely go outside of Kismaayo without flying to Afmadow.
You people do know that the AS campaign (which was actually started by OG in Ogadenia karbashing AS and then arming Xawaadle to create a buffer zone) is actually a federal program in coordination with the states right? That’s why you see the head of the SNA and other commanders on the field and the campaign is going in phases. Hirshabeelle first, Galmudug second, now Jubbaland, then KGS.


The gudomiyaha baraawe Liban aboukar Osman is tunni dacfarad, since when did he become habr gidir 😂
Why do people on this forum claim is easily debunked bullshit.
My mind blanked, I need to sleep earlier lol but I was thinking of the deputy. Cayr have plenty of troops there was my major point. We’re near the Middle Jubba front too. JL only makes sense if it is fairly split. Hawiye are underrepresented and that must change.

Waa kan Habargidir iyo shabeelada hoose labo sanad kahor. Hadii wax isbadeleen waad sixi kartaa. Mala socdi waxa sanadahan ka socday.

1)#Gudoomiyaha shalaanbood waa habargidir.
2)#Gudoomoye ku xigeenka marka waa habargidir.
3)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baraawe waa habargidir.
4)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka janaale waa habargidir.
5)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka qoryooleey waa habargidir.
6)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka afgooye waa habargidir.
7)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka amniga shabeelada hoose waa habargidir..
8) #General ka laanta buuro ilaa baraawe General laba afle habargidir.
9)#Taliyaha ciidanka daraawiishta shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
10)#Taliyaha guutada 14ka abriil ee shabeelada hoose waaa habargidir.
11)#Taliyaha Ururka 26aad ee marka iyo shalaanbood waa habargidir.
12)#Taliyaha guutada 6aad iyo 7aad ee shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
13)#Taliyaha afgooye ilaa walanweeyn axmed gaashaan habargidir.

Kuna dar inta ciidamada oo dowlada Cayr ka ah oo ku sugan.

To the cagdheers here, if you want JL free from Shabaab, give us the Kismayo port again and we can arrange that.
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My mind blanked, I need to sleep earlier lol but I was thinking of the deputy. Cayr have plenty of troops there was my major point. We’re near the Middle Jubba front too. JL only makes sense if it is fairly split. Hawiye are underrepresented and that must change.

Waa kan Habargidir iyo shabeelada hoose labo sanad kahor. Hadii wax isbadeleen waad sixi kartaa. Mala socdi waxa sanadahan ka socday.

1)#Gudoomiyaha shalaanbood waa habargidir.
2)#Gudoomoye ku xigeenka marka waa habargidir.
3)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka baraawe waa habargidir.
4)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka janaale waa habargidir.
5)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka qoryooleey waa habargidir.
6)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka afgooye waa habargidir.
7)#Gudoomiye ku xigeenka amniga shabeelada hoose waa habargidir..
8) #General ka laanta buuro ilaa baraawe General laba afle habargidir.
9)#Taliyaha ciidanka daraawiishta shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
10)#Taliyaha guutada 14ka abriil ee shabeelada hoose waaa habargidir.
11)#Taliyaha Ururka 26aad ee marka iyo shalaanbood waa habargidir.
12)#Taliyaha guutada 6aad iyo 7aad ee shabeelada hoose waa habargidir.
13)#Taliyaha afgooye ilaa walanweeyn axmed gaashaan habargidir.

Kuna dar inta ciidamada oo dowlada Cayr ka ah oo ku sugan.

To the cagdheers here, if you want JL free from Shabaab, give us the Kismayo port again and we can arrange that.
Ceyr is 50% shabab 35% ahlu sunah and 15% part of the dowlada. Farmajo had to bring in ranaxweyn foot-soldiers to build galmudug and bring in qor qor. In lower shabeele alone 10,000 Ugandan and Burundian soldiers guard the few hg and digil soldiers. In jubaland there’s less than 4,000 kdf soldiers and jubaland daraawish are as far as buulo xaaji baar sanguni cabdale biroole, and many other towns by themselves no other forces are like that any town south of hiiraan.
qayib and other galmudug towns daily sieges or attacked. Hg in lower shabele are guarded by amisom and can’t move without Burundian at least in jubaland troops are by themselves.barawe to xamar is no go zone 😂 bananas are so expensive in xamar because afgoye road is blocked so they take the xeebta.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
It works both ways, HSM made this guy PM so will get our Shares in the JUBBALAND admin " You give and Take", We made Og's PM and Head of Police you think that comes without anything? Wallahi your Politically confused. PM Hamza is our brother and i would like to see him become the future President of Jubbaland.
Sxb what is your sub and who are these hawiyes in the jubbas?