This guys mindset is very dangerous sxb. What is is literally saying is that if you were something before and that thing has broken down then there is nothing left of you and you should not be speaking of Somali pride ( very bold statement).Actually the issue is your ilk who are stuck in the 1800s still arguing about qabyaalad when you can't see the bigger picture that we are all somali bro and it is our job to fix up. We're only 20+million max in this planet and no one will help us. No Turk, no Arab, No white man. Only is the Somali people can make Somalia great. If you are pride in being Somali then amen to that but if you divide up Somalis based on qabil then nacalaa to that and that mentality. f*ck qabyaalad.
The main thing I want to ask is when you talk about your pride coming from the heritage, background and history of your people to you refer to your qabil or to all Somalis?
Going by history we all know fallen nations have recovered only by means of self pride and nationalism, a good example is Germany in after ww1 and Russia after sovjet collapsed. They only recovered by massive mobilization of the people and drilling self pride and nationalism into them by looking back what they use to be and this dude is saying if your past is gone it means nothing
An old saying goes like this "if you don't know where you're from you don't know where your going"
This guys idea is nothing anti qabyalad but more like anti Somali pride. He is calling for burial of Somali nationalism the only thing that made Somali great.