Yea walahi I'm really impressed at how @GodKnowsBest went from one side of the polar to the complete opposite, it shows u that ppl who are honest with themselves and are willing to seek knowledge can change for the better.
Nothing incapacitates someone worse then faux pride, imagine if Moses refused to humble himself to learn from Khidr and make that long journey even tough he is far superior in rank to him in the eyes of Allah?
Faux pride stops you from everything you ever want to achieve in life, our ancestors that fought colonialists or those that went to war 77 and perished would be turning in their graves had they seen the state of the country today with the 1000 of MP's and 20 Presidents visiting Ethiopia for their marching orders.
It's the same reason why many of our fathers refused to do menial labour jobs when they fled civil war because they thought it was an issue of "pride" but instead took "benefits" an act that is even more degrading not only in the worldly life but also religiously.
It's the same story in the country! it's why we will never develop to the level of Bantu countries because we shun hard work due to pride (which in it's essence is a faux concept), all our houses today are being built by Madow's and Bantu's back home, how do a people like this ever succeed?
Look at the every Neo-Nazi or White pride groups, it's always the lowest of the low of society that join that couldn't make it in the world and at the top is always a savvy business man with a suit ready to profit from their collective misery whom deep down doesn't give a shit about them.
These Somali faux pride groups are no different from these people, they are incapacitated, lazy, unproductive, useless, unintelligent and sour losers in this world.
It's no surprise that in the whole of Africa collectively we have the most faux pride and yet we are the poorest country in the continent, no surprises there!
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