Pride, Self-hate, Loyalty and Hope

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Yea walahi I'm really impressed at how @GodKnowsBest went from one side of the polar to the complete opposite, it shows u that ppl who are honest with themselves and are willing to seek knowledge can change for the better.

Nothing incapacitates someone worse then faux pride, imagine if Moses refused to humble himself to learn from Khidr and make that long journey even tough he is far superior in rank to him in the eyes of Allah?

Faux pride stops you from everything you ever want to achieve in life, our ancestors that fought colonialists or those that went to war 77 and perished would be turning in their graves had they seen the state of the country today with the 1000 of MP's and 20 Presidents visiting Ethiopia for their marching orders.

It's the same reason why many of our fathers refused to do menial labour jobs when they fled civil war because they thought it was an issue of "pride" but instead took "benefits" an act that is even more degrading not only in the worldly life but also religiously.

It's the same story in the country! it's why we will never develop to the level of Bantu countries because we shun hard work due to pride (which in it's essence is a faux concept), all our houses today are being built by Madow's and Bantu's back home, how do a people like this ever succeed?

Look at the every Neo-Nazi or White pride groups, it's always the lowest of the low of society that join that couldn't make it in the world and at the top is always a savvy business man with a suit ready to profit from their collective misery whom deep down doesn't give a shit about them.

These Somali faux pride groups are no different from these people, they are incapacitated, lazy, unproductive, useless, unintelligent and sour losers in this world.

It's no surprise that in the whole of Africa collectively we have the most faux pride and yet we are the poorest country in the continent, no surprises there!
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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
We have many people on here who say they take pride in their Soomaalinimo, and then there are those who are self-hating and would switch teams in an instant if they could. I think both groups are misguided, here's why.

The dictionary definition of pride is: a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

If we look at the current state of Somalis and Somali regions are there any achievements, qualities and possessions from which we can derive a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction? The answer is unfortunately no. So why then all this talk of pride in being a Somali? I think here Somalis fall, especially young ones, into either one of two 'pride' camps.

The first is truly proud of being a Somali but only due to a faulty and misguided system of appraisal caused by an overestimation of the achievements and qualities of Somalis in comparison to other groups. It's something like the dunning-kruger effect writ-large at a societal level. This overestimation is caused by a cognitive inability or a lack of sufficient information to truly arrive at an objective assessment of ones (or in this case ones' groups) standing in the hierarchy. Interestingly, Somalis have expressed the tendency for the uninformed and/or those with lower ability to exhibit undue confidence, in proverbs such as 'habar fadhida lagdin wax uga fudud' which translates to 'there's nothing easier for a seated old woman than a take-down (in a fight)' and 'libaax nin aan aqoon baa lax ka rita' which means 'a man who does not know the lion will (foolishly) attempt to save his sheep from one'.

These young Somalis read about Black Hawk Down and the pirates who hijack ships for multi-million dollar ransoms and hear stories about their brave clan, and they come away with this idea that Somalis are 'hard' and 'brave' and that no one can mess with them. Yes, Somali valor and courage in battle is well known, but without contextualizing our place in the hierarchy it is meaningless information and amounts to an infantile understanding. What does it matter if we are brave and good fighters if all we have are machine guns mounted on Toyota pickup trucks when our neighbours have standing armies and air forces, which they are currently using to colonize Somalia? What does it matter if we are 'brave' when the Ethiopian government can ask for my arrest if I say the wrong things in my own city of Hargaysa?

It's just like youth in the hip-hop/rap culture who think gangsters are so big and bad with their guns tucked in their sagging pants, despite the fact that these gangster run as fast as they can whenever they see police. Such youth also foolishly think whites are cowards or averse to violence just because they are for the most part law abiding. If there ever was a race-war in America the madows in the inner-cities would get picked off like sitting ducks by the cadaans, many of whom are heavily armed and have been hunting and going to shooting ranges with their dads and uncles since they were young.

The second group, unlike the previous one, can actually see the abysmal state of Somalis and Somalia, but they double-down on being proud as a coping mechanism to help them deal with the ugly reality. Admitting to themselves and to others that we've hit rock bottom and are in an existential crisis is much too psychologically painful for them to handle. They'd rather live in the past and talk about the Adal and Ajuuraan empires, the Dervishes, SYL and the accomplishments of the Kacaan. They also like to focus almost exclusively on foreign meddling to explain the current state of Somali, since looking inwards perturbs their coping narrative. Once again I'm reminded of African Americans, this time with their 'We Wuz Kangz' obsessions and their constant blaming of 'whitey' and refusal to take some responsibility for their own role in the mess their in.

Granted, our history is well-documented and is not characterized by the sometimes comical historical revisions and fabrications rife in the 'We Wuz Kangz' stuff, and granted both Somalis and African Americans have faced and continue to face, to varying degrees, considerable blows and set-backs at the hands of their enemies. But despite all of that, it doesn't change the fact that we have to focus on the present, and that we have to address our own demons before looking outward to face external ones. History should be used as a source of confidence (not the same thing as pride) and as a guide for the present, not as an alternate realm to escape from the present. And as for looking inward and fixing our own issues first, well it's common sense that a well built and fortified home can better withstand the elements.

Then we have the Somalis who suffer from self-hatred. They have made a mental break with Soomaalinimo, and sometimes a physical one too by marrying out. These people are no good and foolish for two reasons. Firstly, they are disloyal. An ethnic group can be thought of as an extended kinship group, or in other words an extremely large family. If someone was born into a family that was poor, had substance abuse issues and was on welfare, would they abandon that family due to the embarrassment of being associated with them or would they remain loyal to their blood? Most people would remain loyal to their immediate families no matter what. So think of Somalis as your family on the world stage of 7 billion people. Yea we're a dysfunctional family and it's quite embarrassing, but only a spineless weasel would abandon his kin.

Secondly, they confuse a bad situation with a hopeless one. Yeah, Somalis and Somalia are a total mess. But there is nothing immutable about the current political and social ills plaguing our society. They can be fixed, and insha'Allah will be fixed. This is an important point because there are issues that cause self-hate in certain groups that can never be addressed, such as the looks related self-hate of madows and indho-yars. Look at how successful the East Asian countries are, yet they still hate themselves because of how they look and there's nothing they can do about it short of cutting and snipping away their Asianess via cosmetic surgery or marrying a White person in order to have less Asian offspring.

My advise; Use our historical achievements for confidence (have a backbone, keep your head up), and use our historical failures as lessons. Look inward, because our biggest problems are from within. Be loyal to Soomaalinimo and be hopeful for our future as a people. But do not be prideful just yet, because we need to earn it first.
Why is this zealot cuck @inquisitive bring up quranic reference time and again lol.. dude stop sucking upto Arabs when you don't want us to look down on blacks, religion had never had influence or shaped the pride of Somalis and how we viewed things.

Kulaha we will not develop to the level of Bantu countries lol does this dude even know that Kenya with independence of 50+ years has the second largest slum in Africa and many more slums scattered across the capital city? Does he know the average Kenyan lives in less than 1.5 $ on a day.

What Somalia is missing is not capability but it needs nationalist leaders with vision like MSB. Somalis are doing by far better than countries like Congo even without us having a state for 26 years. But cucks like this dude want to believe us that it's an absolute shithole due their self hate.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I must say confidence is key. How can you get from point a to z without it? How can you overcome challenges without it? How can you commit to progressive excellence without it? How can you cultivate competence without confidence? :wtf:

Little wins add up to make macro-wins. :win::win::win:

Perservence is what must be inculcated into the youth. They give up far too easily and many assume talent is innate. They suffer from a fixed mindset. They think intelligence comes from lifting heavy mental weights last minute to win a triathlon.
:faysalwtf: Its insane. Wallahi when ever I meet a kid like this, I recommend they read, Professor of Engineering, Barabara Oakley's book titled - A Mind for Numbers - How to Excel At Math and Science. She also has a coursea module that anyone can take for free. Its called Learning How to Learn. Her story appealed to me since it demonstrates how someone weak in STEM and discouraged by teachers could go on to change directions at 26 (and start over). She demonstrates that grit is essential for success. That's what Somalis need. :farmajoyaab:
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I must say confidence is key. How can you get from point a to z without it? How can you overcome challenges without it? How can you commit to progressive excellence without it? How can you cultivate competence without confidence? :wtf:

Little wins add up to make macro-wins. :win::win::win:

Perservence is what must be inculcated into the youth. They give up far too easily and many assume talent is innate. They suffer from a fixed mindset. They think intelligence comes from lifting heavy mental weights last minute to win a triathlon.
:faysalwtf: Its insane. Wallahi when ever I meet a kid like this, I recommend they read, Professor of Engineering, Barabara Oakley's book titled - A Mind for Numbers - How to Excel At Math and Science. She also has a coursea module that anyone can take for free. Its called Learning how to Learn. Her story appealed to me since it demonstrated how someone weak in STEM and discouraged by teachers could go on to enter the field at 26 (and start over). She demonstrates that grit is essential for success. That's what Somalis need. :farmajoyaab:
I have no idea what u said, but it sounds good, here's a thumbs up:nvjpqts:
I must say confidence is key. How can you get from point a to z without it? How can you overcome challenges without it? How can you commit to progressive excellence without it? How can you cultivate competence without confidence? :wtf:

Little wins add up to make macro-wins. :win::win::win:

Perservence is what must be inculcated into the youth. They give up far too easily and many assume talent is innate. They suffer from a fixed mindset. They think intelligence comes from lifting heavy mental weights last minute to win a triathlon.
:faysalwtf: Its insane. Wallahi when ever I meet a kid like this, I recommend they read, Professor of Engineering, Barabara Oakley's book titled - A Mind for Numbers - How to Excel At Math and Science. She also has a coursea module that anyone can take for free. Its called Learning How to Learn. Her story appealed to me since it demonstrates how someone weak in STEM and discouraged by teachers could go on to change directions at 26 (and start over). She demonstrates that grit is essential for success. That's what Somalis need. :farmajoyaab:

Yes little wins add up to macro-wins. And to get the little wins on a consistent enough basis for them to add up to macro-wins we need perseverance, I agree. But I don't think we can afford to wait for Somalis to develop perseverance and other culturally adaptive norms through the diffusion of ideas via books and education. In a largely oral and nomadic society like ours it could take a hundred years or more for this to occur organically. I think we need a top-down approach, in which a nationalist government can inspire people to do better and become better. Sort of like Siyaad Barre's 'iskaa wax u qabso' motto of hard work and grit.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Yes little wins add up to macro-wins. And to get the little wins on a consistent enough basis for them to add up to macro-wins we need perseverance, I agree. But I don't think we can afford to wait for Somalis to develop perseverance and other culturally adaptive norms through the diffusion of ideas via books and education. In a largely oral and nomadic society like ours it could take a hundred years or more for this to occur organically. I think we need a top-down approach, in which a nationalist government can inspire people to do better and become better. Sort of like Siyaad Barre's 'iskaa wax u qabso' motto of hard work and grit.

That's a long time. :wowsweat:I see, a nation-wide government intervention.:denzelnigga:Brainwash them through mass media and formal education. I wouldn't mind being the Minister of Propaganda once I upgrade my Somali language competency to working proficiency. :mjohreally:
That's a long time. :wowsweat:I see, a nation-wide government intervention.:denzelnigga:Brainwash them through mass media and formal education. I wouldn't mind being the Minister of Propaganda once I upgrade my Somali language competency to working proficiency. :mjohreally:

Precisely. :russsmug:

If a nation does not educate (I.e. brainwash and propagandize) its own people for the benefit of the people and the nation, then foreign entities will step in to fill the void, creating a confused and demoralized population, full of cucks and traitors who erode the nation from the inside.

Somalis backhome are at the mercy of the propaganda machines of the Wahhabis, the predatory NGOs spreading corrosive ideologies like feminism, the foreign curriculum in schools, the treacherous politicians who work for Ethiopian interests and the Bollywood and Turkish movies and soap operas who have destroyed traditional Somali female beauty ideals and along with it their self-esteem.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Why is this zealot cuck @inquisitive bring up quranic reference time and again lol.. dude stop sucking upto Arabs when you don't want us to look down on blacks, religion had never had influence or shaped the pride of Somalis and how we viewed things.

Kulaha we will not develop to the level of Bantu countries lol does this dude even know that Kenya with independence of 50+ years has the second largest slum in Africa and many more slums scattered across the capital city? Does he know the average Kenyan lives in less than 1.5 $ on a day.

What Somalia is missing is not capability but it needs nationalist leaders with vision like MSB. Somalis are doing by far better than countries like Congo even without us having a state for 26 years. But cucks like this dude want to believe us that it's an absolute shithole due their self hate.
Somalia has the best and cheapest telecommunications in Africa with a whopping cash flow. Peaceful African countries have double our rate and can only envy

Angola has gone through 25 years of civil war and looks like a first world country today. Stop whining like children and have pride in your nation through good or bad. Or stay forever cucked to the point of saying we are lower than Bantus:birdman:
Somalia has the best and cheapest telecommunications in Africa with a whopping cash flow. Peaceful African countries have double our rate and can only envy

Angola has gone through 25 years of civil war and looks like a first world country today. Stop whining like children and have pride in your nation through good or bad. Or stay forever cucked to the point of saying we are lower than Bantus:birdman:
:qri8gs7::qri8gs7:Preach to these Bantu wannabes


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Precisely. :russsmug:

If a nation does not educate (I.e. brainwash and propagandize) its own people for the benefit of the people and the nation, then foreign entities will step in to fill the void, creating a confused and demoralized population, full of cucks and traitors who erode the nation from the inside.

Somalis backhome are at the mercy of the propaganda machines of the Wahhabis, the predatory NGOs spreading corrosive ideologies like feminism, the foreign curriculum in schools, the treacherous politicians who work for Ethiopian interests and the Bollywood and Turkish movies and soap operas who have destroyed traditional Somali female beauty ideals and along with it their self-esteem.

Somali institutions need an infusion of decision makers with integrity. Sadly, they care more about self-preservation and lining their pockets like poltical pimps/puppets.:trumpsmirk: If we begin the culling. Where do we start?
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Somali institutions need an infusion of decision makers with integrity. Sadly, they care more about self-preservation and lining their pockets like poltical pimps/puppets.:trumpsmirk: If we begin the culling. Where will we begin?

I'll start in Hargaysa, u start in Borama and we'll meet in Gabilay. :fredo:

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon
Indeed. Saying my qabiil is the richest most landheer the most powerful etc is so dumb to me. Why not focus on getting your own maal and putting your own positive mark on this Earth while you're alive. Muh ancestors and muh qabil is so idiotic it amazes me how people are staunch qabilistes.

Woah Woah Woah

You just said muh Qabiil

That's my phrase

I'll see you in court:ufdup:
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