Puntland 4 Year Plan. Another Empty Talk Conference


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
@DR OSMAN Bah dubays being the only Cusman Maxamuud in Nugaal made you guys internalise some of Cise Maxamuud's reer baadiye traits, AY AUN was right laakin stop trying to divide Cusman Maxamuud out of love for Afweyne.
Bah dubeeys haku wasto ina gummed yahow ina gummedka dhaleey



Listen U know why Garowe is known as amni badan? They don't live in fiction, wala hissbtama, everyone knows that their humans and make faults, noone is perfect or tries to play perfect, everyone talks their positive and negatives and then it's weighed based on that and that alone. It's different deegaan culture to mudug(closed off to all) and Bari(open to all), their more in the middle.

Why is this @Libaax-Joore defending a man everyone knows was bought like a slave yes when someone send U money U been bought like U buy a slave in the market, I'm not calling him what he isn't, he is a bidhe wala ibsaday and to make matters worse waxaa loo iibsaday inu majerten Soo dilo. I want him to own his mistakes and it's over.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Yusuf Haji Nur (Somali: Yuusuf Xaaji Nuur, Arabic: يوسف حاجي نور; died 23 June 2019) was a Somali politician and lawyer. He was Chief Justice of Puntland
On 1 July 2001, he declared himself acting President of Puntland after the end of the presidential term of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. However, the former President rejected Yusuf Haji's claim and insisted that he was the legitimate President, which led to a two-year civil war in Puntland.[1] Yusuf served as interim President until 14 November 2001.[2] He later became an independent lawyer and headed PARA LEGAL, a law firm for people who couldn't afford to pay for legal proceedings.[3]
On 16 August 2016, Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali appointed Nur as Chief Justice of the Puntland Supreme Court.[1] Prior to this, Nur held this position under Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed.[4] On 21 August 2016, Yusuf took office.[5]


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Jama Ali Jama (Somali: Jaamac Cali Jaamac, Arabic: جامع علي جامع) is a Somali politician. He was the President of Puntland from November 14, 2001, to May 8, 2002.[2] The period of his presidency was overshadowed by the Puntland Crisis (2001–2002), which began after former president Abdullahi Yusuf rejected Jama's election. In May 2002 he was forcible deposed by Ethiopian troops seeking to install his political rival president.


Jama Ali Jama (Somali: Jaamac Cali Jaamac, Arabic: جامع علي جامع) is a Somali politician. He was the President of Puntland from November 14, 2001, to May 8, 2002.[2] The period of his presidency was overshadowed by the Puntland Crisis (2001–2002), which began after former president Abdullahi Yusuf rejected Jama's election. In May 2002 he was forcible deposed by Ethiopian troops seeking to install his political rival president.
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War ninkasi ka har bay iga tahay ma aha neceb aan U gabo muse suldan we don't even recognise him as muse suldan as bidhe suldan wala ibsaday, a real muse suldan lama ibsan Karo.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
War ninkasi ka har bay iga tahay ma aha neceb aan U gabo muse suldan we don't even recognise him as muse suldan as bidhe suldan wala ibsaday, a real muse suldan lama ibsan Karo.
Your Alcholeste father xaranta umada somaliyeed we ka so baxdhey 😀 his drinking in public sida nin walan



Don't worry there is even bah dubays sheikh we have been informed took a mp post in sheikh sharif, Kuma dambabayo untill we hear evidence he became a bidhe which we don't have Intel yet and he didn't harm anyone so we assume wa nin iska shaqo tagay, Lakin wala hissbtamaya ileen intu maqna wax Soo kordhay ama legacy ama wax la taban karo ma hayno.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

Don't worry there is even bah dubays sheikh we have been informed took a mp post in sheikh sharif, Kuma dambabayo untill we hear evidence he became a bidhe which we don't have Intel yet and he didn't harm anyone so we assume wa nin iska shaqo tagay, Lakin wala hissbtamaya ileen intu maqna wax Soo kordhay ama legacy ama wax Indians taban karo ma hayno.
Your alcholic father need rehabilitation before he commits suicid🙏🏽🙏🏽 xaraanta umada somaliyeed 21 years u cunaaye ka so baxdhe ilmo xaraan ba tahay wayo xaraan ba lagugu koriye


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
All Saudi diplomats drink too, when was alcohol the same as killing 300 ppl like your adder and being bought like a slave by facisa 😂
Abdullah Yusuf Ahmed created ilmo diyaano when him and bah dir made peace agreements 😡 they destroyed puntland we know those who destroyed puntland and it’s citizens 😂 bire qaaatihi ku dhale wase


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

Do I have to buy U like a slave also

Bire qaatihi ku dhale was it was bah dir malitia led by caade muse and reer mudug militia led by Abdullah Yusuf that fight over puntland, it’s them who killed each other over 300 young men….. jama Ali jama left garowe the night Abdullahi malitia attack garowe and never came back…. Don’t lie about history alcoholic ibnu alcoholic



Bal firi ninkani @Libaax-Joore now he saying we grew up on Haram thru siyad barre when all Somalis know noone got a job if you lacked talent it was called a meritocracy, when is a meritocracy is Haram, is it Haram god sends ppl to different levels in Jannah while libaax will cry your in higher spot due to Haram by god because everyone got what they sowed on earth? Do U know how many ppl love my dad for helping them in their scholarships in china across all Somali clans? I'm not even having this discussions with some man oo nin kake ibsaday I'm a free man, how embarassing his leader is being bought like bantu slave.

I would prefer to be alcoholic then some other man buying me like bantu slave which is your leader and adeer. He follows a slave this dude.



I cannot allow @Libaax-Joore to support jama Ali jama waa nin la ibsaday sida adoonka oo kale, his up for sale waa beec lol sale sale sale jama Ali jama boqol kun ayaaba loo diray keliya which is 100 geel 😂 even lowest bah dubays ayaa boqol geel Laga bixiya. How does libaax support such dude oo la Kala ibsanayo damiir malaha miyaa


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

I cannot allow @Libaax-Joore to support jama Ali jama waa nin la ibsaday sida adoonka oo kale, his up for sale waa beec lol sale sale sale jama Ali jama boqol kun ayaaba loo diray keliya which is 100 geel 😂 even lowest bah dubays ayaa boqol geel Laga bixiya.
This is ur bidhe alcoholic father former afweyne kaabo qad for 21 years


This is ur bidhe alcoholic father former afweyne kaabo qad for 21 years

His a warrior he don't bow down to white man U bow down to habar gedir lol, waba Lagu ibsaday adoon yahow U weren't even expensive rumor is 80,000, that's just in my bank now. Aan ku ibsade 😂

We don't bow down to whites




Even me I see whites as having 1 to 5% neaderthal genes which even they admit 😂 their brains is full of ape cells they can create their own social theatre in Hollywood and society but DNA don't lie 🤥



You can keep dreaming I turn on Siyad Barre abaal laawe ma ahi, I have integrity same with U @Tiyeglow

He said was loo siman yahay fursadaha dalka, Lakin looma sinna amalka Iyo natiijoyinka, the best man is selected on merit. Equal opportunity but not equal outcomes and even god is like U have opportunity for heaven also and everyone but U don't get equal rewards.

Siyad Barre was the last official leader of a real Somalia. Abdillahi Yusuf even tho he caused slot of problems fixed that negativity and left behind PL and a federal govt, he did his best, he had his positives and negatives also so he ends up in zero and so will siyad he had his positives and negatives and it ends in zero but it's better then anyone else in 91 to 2024 who are in the negatives ten times over.