Puntland 4 Year Plan. Another Empty Talk Conference


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081

You can keep dreaming I turn on Siyad Barre abaal laawe ma ahi, I have integrity same with U @Tiyeglow

He said was loo siman yahay fursadaha dalka, Lakin looma sinna amalka Iyo natiijoyinka, the best man is selected on merit. Equal opportunity but not equal outcomes and even god is like U have opportunity for heaven also and everyone but U don't get equal rewards.

Siyad Barre was the last official leader of a real Somalia. Abdillahi Yusuf even tho he caused slot of problems fixed that negativity and left behind PL and a federal govt, he did his best, he had his positives and negatives also so he ends up in zero and so will siyad he had his positives and negatives and it ends in zero but it's better then anyone else in 91 to 2024 who are in the negatives ten times over.
Listen to my voice not bire qaate ditoore @DR OSMAN am driving iam not jobless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Listen to my voice not bire qaate ditoore @DR OSMAN am driving iam not jobless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I don't know what happened to Chinese Somali embassy after we left in 88, it was handed to someone else from Somalia and we saw the nation situation and didn't return. We caused no harm to any Somali and we didn't take any Haram, noone even dares say that to us, what Haram? Working is Haram now. But I know hundreds of ppl like my dad for giving them money when they were on scholarship as he would tell them you are my replacement and they were from all clans, he called ubaxa dalka uu Soo kordhayo.

He even helped many Somalis who were arrested for harming other people. He didn't take 80,000 from Ali khalif Galayr because even abdiqasim said I don't want to buy him directly, please buy him for me, and he was told go kill 300 of your clan for 80,000. Let's end it there waryaa if U had one inch of our gobanimo I would support U.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Hassan Abshir Farah (Somali: Xasan Abshir Faarax, Arabic: Ψ­Ψ³Ω† ابشير فرح; June 20, 1945 – July 12, 2020)[1] was a Somali politician. He previously served as mayor of Mogadishu and interior minister of Puntland. From November 12, 2001 to November 8, 2003, he was also prime minister of Somalia.[2] Farah was an MP in the Federal Parliament of Somalia.


@Libaax-Joore drinking alcohol is an cay πŸ˜‚ at least we don't have 300 ppl blood on our hands. He thinks alcohol is worse then killing this dude. War isku dambi ma aha ours is little whip and we in Jannah, your adeer tho wa qissas lol even in akhirah.


@The Oponian Guild

His a bidhe @Libaax-Joore

He follows a man who killed 300 majertens for 80,000, waba la ibsaday is the biggest ceeb and what's worse waxaa loo ibsaday inu dadkisa dilo. Untill he steps away from that man, he will even in akhirah as 300 ppl stand before him and say that guy ended my life for money sent to him. God is all forgiving tho snigu naar Kuma sheegayo hawl ii yaal ma aha nor my affairs to decide, but damn it don't look good tho. Unless his done some transformative change to balance his mistakes with good who knows. Sometimes it's also just ignorance so I'm not condemning him to hell, Lakin aduunka wala hisabtama just like akhirah.


@Libaax-Joore knows all majertens watched Ali khalif boast waan ibsaday jama Ali jama. I'm not making this up he seen the video. We definitely know he left behind alot of dead bodies also. Im not accusing him of something Ali khalif even said in private to dhulbahante.