I am suprised why we don't do 'larger scale' industrial level farming. With 'drip technology' from Israel, u don't even need to use much water but 'droplets' one well is sufficient to 'green' up large scale land with drip technology.
Drip irrigation, only using droplets and look at the soil already producing grass-land in Garacad
I think we should start large scale irrigation, drip technology means we won't need much water, nothing to stop us. we won't need to use much water and can green up as much land as we want. But u can't create mountains, valleys, islands, beautiful sea and ocean, beautiful forests, like we have in PL.
We need top-research facilities in agriculture techniques n technology so PL farmers can be upgraded with knowledge to produce more yeild. Remember it's not how big your farm is that counts, holland has less fertile land then sub saharan africa but produces more then sub-sahara africa combined. PL must follow that model and we could out-produce all the south if we remain no 1 in our technology.
Wasiirka Beeraha dawladda Puntland iyo Wasiirka Beeraha XFS ayaa kormeeray deegaanka Karin oo ay ku taal xarunta kaydka Timirta oo 3000 kun oo geed lagu beeray.
Wasiirka Beeraha ee Puntland iyo Wasiirka Beeraha XFS ayaa gaaray deegaanka Ceeldaahir ee gobalka Bari, waxaana ay kormeereen Beer ay ka baxdo Timirta oo ku taalla deegaankaas.
Wasiirada ayaa warbixin ka dhageystay beeraleyda iska leh beertan, kuwaas oo dalbaday in la siiyo taageero, si ay u kordhiyaan wax soo saarkooda.
Wasiirka Beeraha Puntland, Mudane Axmed Shire Siciid ayaa sheegay in dawladda Puntland ay go'an tahay hormarinta beeraleyda Puntland, isagoo ballanqaaday inay ka shaqeyn doonaan siddii ay garab u heli lahaayeen.
This canned camel meat was processed by an new factory in Beyra Mudug Puntland state of Somalia. The ministry of commerce, industry and investment of Puntland plays pivotal role in encouraging the emergence and expansion of Small and medium industries in Puntland
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