Puntland begins counterterrorism operation against ISIS and Al-Shabab

Ilaahey ha unaxaristo taliye mujaahid Mukhtar Qoryood iyo Abdifitah Qoryood and rest of our boys who died while defending their land from terrorists. History will remember you.
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Don't be sad for the Shaheeds, be happy for them and their families. I know their families will miss them, but I hope it's a consolation that their son/brother/husband/cousin is going to heaven.

The only people who are in trouble in this life and the next, are the terrorists and their demented backers. It pleases me that the suffered horrific deaths and that they will face eternal punishment. No, their 'intentions' are not pure, ilaahay na ma cafiyo, Aameen! And for us, their bakhti will fertilise our soil.
Just saw the list of all the poor soldiers that were killed by these t*rrorists, AUN. It’s a tragedy that Somali people aren’t even safe from these foreigners in their own land.
FGS in Xamar blocked passport issuance for injured PL soldiers who needed medical treatment abroad. Condition: requesting persons must come in-person. Imagine that, m@therf@ckers!

.Et waived passport requirement for the injured for flights to Jigjiga, DDS.


The only leader to have encouraged Puntland soldiers from the very start of this offensive and continues doing so. @Libaax-Joore

What a beg you are madaxweyne sharif has double the comments and likes on his post on this. Most of his comments say why are your talking about this.

Get off your damn knees boy
What a beg you are madaxweyne sharif has double the comments and likes on his post on this. Most of his comments say why are your talking about this.

Get off your damn knees boy
Most of the comments are positive.

How do you feel knowing Deni is the actual dalxuureeye compared to HSM? He achieved 2 things that your uncle HSM failed to achieve which is 1m1v and fighting terrorist. Both of these were achieved by Deni but your uncle HSM failed to accomplish both. You know why? Because HSM is shabaab.


Most of the comments are positive.

How do you feel knowing Deni is the actual dalxuureeye compared to HSM? He achieved 2 things that your uncle HSM failed to achieve which is 1m1v and fighting terrorist. Both of these were achieved by Deni but your uncle HSM failed to accomplish both. You know why? Because HSM is shabaab.
The reality is what Deni does doesn't concern you.

You people are being tied up like hogs on the Ceel Dheer - Xarardheere Road because every single degaan of yours outside of Muqdisho is a shabab stronghold

When will your 'uncle' be president of the nation lol Kheyre had the most shameful resignation in somali history if you afar qooble got all this wealth and people you should of fought for him waridka was ma anaga nagu dhacda :heh:

Don't derail these ppl thread
The reality is what Deni does doesn't concern you.
That’s the difference between us. Every single region inhabited by ethnic Somalis concerns me.
You people are being tied up like hogs on the Ceel Dheer - Xarardheere Road because every single degaan of yours outside of Muqdisho is a shabab stronghold
Your cawaan tribe is known to attack innocent travelers. You do this even to Xawaadle who are freeing your tribe from Shabaab something which you failed to do despite using the entire SNA manpower and resources :deadmanny:

When will your 'uncle' be president of the nation lol Kheyre had the most shameful resignation in somali history if you afar qooble got all this wealth and people you should of fought for him waridka was ma anaga nagu dhacda :heh:
How is his resignation shamefull when he he is the longest serving PM in modern Somalia?
Don't derail these ppl thread
It’s you who is derailing it. You are upset that Deni is doing his job while your uncle HSM just steals, lies and works with shabaab