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Geelweyta is often confused for Hundegaal should be renamed and 50km from LQ is Dabra part of Geelweyta Shidan isn't 50km.Why is Birta Dheer my town not recognized in Garowe?
Geelweyta is often confused for Hundegaal should be renamed and 50km from LQ is Dabra part of Geelweyta Shidan isn't 50km.
Dawaco is now called Degmo Khayre and its part of Shimbiraale.
Dhabar Dalool is a walking distance from Damala Xagare why are they separared.
Qaarar is actually closer to Jidali than Badhan.
Damalka mayor is Cali Siciid Ducaale reer Damala Xagare are happy with him.
Damala Xagare and Shimbiraale should be their own district they both have tuulos that form under them.I just did a count on the file by state. This is the total number of towns per state.
115 Towns In Bari
90 Towns In Sool
23 Towns In Haylan
66 Towns in Sanaag
33 Towns In Gardafu
116 Towns in Karkaar
135 Towns in Nugaal
26 Towns in Cayn
165 Towns In Mudug
Total = 769 towns for 56 districts.
I hope we can crack the 1000 mark for towns in the future. I counted the number of districts and it's 56.
56 districts divide by 769 towns = That's an average of 13 towns per district.
Damala Xagare and Shimbiraale should be their own district they both have tuulos that form under them.
Inshalla PL will move on toward bright futureBearing in mind, this is the first time, barring the three districts in the pilot, and a lot could be improved in later rounds. This is a good starting point, and hopefully could quieten Faroole & Gaas, who failed where Deni seems to be leading. His intention must be questions 'cos the man has authoritarian tendencies and could not be trusted after the Bosaaso fiasco. In subsequent rounds, shortcomings could be learnt from and corrected.
Second good step forward, and a good example for the rest of the country excluding SL, which had successful, if imperfect, previous elections.