@DR OSMAN my bah dubeys brother come move with me in banderbayla&Haafun it’s ur land@Libaax-Joore bendar bayla n hafun waa degmoyin soo jireen and now Harfo-Bocame-Xingalol-Bareeda-Carmo are considered the 'same level' degmo B before they were tuulo District C. Degmo A waa capitals of gobols only. Dad ba iska hurdo like you and dad ba soo jeedo like them.
@DR OSMAN my bah dubeys brother come move with me in banderbayla&Haafun it’s ur landBelweynta osman mohamud dhul ma kala laha your land is my land my land is ur land
🫣🫣 cisse dhux wax ku dhamo lawa booweGarowe used to be tuulo, all issa mahmouds were in eyl, way soo gureen, waa inay bah dubays tashata hadi manta qabiil loo noqdey ama dadka aan degaanka ka soo jeedin loo celiya meeshay ka yimadeen.
Definitely Xingalool its a big district that stretches until the Sool border@Laagite is there other towns in Makhir that deserve 'District B' allocation? District B depends on 'financial' capacity, how many villages report to it, population size, and if it delivers govt services, are the criterias used.
@DR OSMAN my future house in garowe it’s only cost $60k@Libaax-Joore only reer puntland can destroy garowe not 'shisheeye', the capital is surrounded on all corners protecting it from shisheeye. The idea was up untill Oog village in caynabo, till galkacyo, till bosaso n Sanaag protect the capital from all directions.
This guy one time I meet him. I feel he just tool for faroole always.@FBIsomalia why is farah ali shire against 1person1veto election In puntlandhe became a tool used by faroole and his araanjaan cartel