15 districts borders not clear lines. At the end 9 gobols will enter elections.@FBIsomalia This nation is preparing for elections. 37 districts only. 15 districts will not participate.
15 districts borders not clear lines. At the end 9 gobols will enter elections.
Puntland is big state. Not to mention its first election after 50 years. Let us start election for now. In the coming one we can fix it.This time they will go to nomads unlike the 3 pilot elections in Qardho-Eyl-Ufayn.
Waxaa jira deegaano isugu jira miyi iyo tuulooyin oo hoostaga degmo walba oo aan loo sameyn goobaha diwaan-galinta ama cod-bixinta, meelahaas waxaa loo kala diri doono kooxo guur guura oo soo diiwaan-galiya meelwalba oo dad joogo.
Inshalla next election Ceerigaabo iyo Lasscanood to be add@FBIsomalia This nation is preparing for elections. 37 districts only. 15 districts will not participate.
SL has no districts like puntland that is true. Second point they lie so they can have fund from international community like UK.@FBIsomalia look at jalam in nugaal at 7:48 mark
My town Birta Dheer is close to Jalam, within 20 kilometers. It's not fair in SL these would be called 'districts' but in PL Election Map they are called 'tuulo'.
We need a Federal standard on what is xafad/tuulo/district/state. We can't hold federal elections untill this is managed and every region is under the same formula.
Puntland is true model of democrocey in horn AfricaThese discussion sessions are very important, and must continue.
Judging from the questions, Masha'Allah young people are more informed, and ahead of TPEC based on the responses to the questions. Case in point, questions about a) nomads in remote areas, who have not been included in the participation and awareness sessions, and b) the Constitutional Courts, of which role is to litigate, deliberate, and resolve where a conflict, or a dispute arises. Over all, a very good beginning, and a promising direction.