Puntland Local Election 2024


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Of the 14 recommendations put forth by the opposition leaders, will Deni agree to, and implement the following recommendations:
a) Remove the 3 political party cap,
b) Reduce the number of local district councillors.

These were the two that I liked the most. Walahi Deni is one impressive man. He is the most rational Somali politician I've ever seen.

Removing the 3 party cap

If only they adopted proportional representation. This would make sure that clans that are dispersed able to elect an MP. This is my biggest issue with the current first past the post, winner take all system. It would be much more democratic.
How would proportional representation work in Somalia?

I do not have the same confidence in Dani as you do, and I do not think much of his leadership. If anything, I think of him as a murdering, cowardly psychopath, but then again, I place all Somali politicians in the same category. They kill innocent people only to be praised for not killing more.

Has Deni accepted to incorporate opposition leaders' recommendations into the election process?
Imposible cause PL parliement decide it not Deni.
The bloody thing is not sacred, and whatever serves the public interest is to be adopted. It came by consensus, and so it shall be modified through the same process. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Besides, there is an amendment process. When agreed, Deni lodges proposed amendments, lobbies MPs, who in turn draft addendums, and so it is ratified.
If the Somali republic had a three party cap in 1960 we would not have a civil war or a coup I think. It’s a smart idea and Deni should keep it otherwise we will have micro-parties run by corrupt clan-leaders


True Puntlander
The bloody thing is not sacred, and whatever serves the public interest is to be adopted. It came by consensus, and so it shall be modified through the same process. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Besides, there is an amendment process. When agreed, Deni lodges proposed amendments, lobbies MPs, who in turn draft addendums, and so it is ratified.
If Deni sent it back to parliement. It will take time.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The bloody thing is not sacred, and whatever serves the public interest is to be adopted. It came by consensus, and so it shall be modified through the same process. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Besides, there is an amendment process. When agreed, Deni lodges proposed amendments, lobbies MPs, who in turn draft addendums, and so it is ratified.

I fully agree with you here, Deni should simply ask parliament to amend the const

Closed-list Proportional representation would mean that voters vote for parties not candidates, and there are no districts. If a party receives 10% of the vote, that 10% is multiplied by 66 parliament seats. So the party would get 6.6 seats which are rounded up to 7. It is the most democratic way of electing a parliament.

This would be fair to small clans and large clans, every single person's vote would have equal weight. There would also be no need to draw boundaries, everyone can vote anywhere, no need for census either.

The president of Puntland is actually a PM in that he is elected by the parliament not directly. So we have to make sure the parliament is as democratic as possible.

It is the old system Somalia had in the 1960s.
The Politics of the Electoral System in Somalia: An Assessment

The same system as the Netherlands
This is very smart, and very important. Having listened to the messages, and spoken with some of the agents on the hotline, I must say it is very advanced. More importantly, the professional way the agents explain the process to the voters is calm, informative, if impressive. I did not even think it could be as good as it is. Well done to the team in charge.

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This I am unfamiliar with, and will have to research.

Closed-list Proportional representation would mean that voters vote for parties not candidates, and there are no districts. If a party receives 10% of the vote, that 10% is multiplied by 66 parliament seats. So the party would get 6.6 seats which are rounded up to 7. It is the most democratic way of electing a parliament.
Agreed, as is the case in most parliamentarian represenatative democracies in the West.
The president of Puntland is actually a PM in that he is elected by the parliament not directly.


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