Puntland Local Election 2024


Will there ever be a possibility for 1m1v?
Maybe in future there is way too much distrust in Somalia and Parallel systems of governance with clan elders. I think incumbent presidents implementing major changes in future like democracy should not run for re-election can go long way in building trust
This was well played on Deni's part.

The mucaraad will now have to cough up money to win over their preferred MPs through the elders along with the bribe money needed to win the Presidential election. All of this with only a month to go.

Also, the dual loyalties of the current parliament was exposed when speaker Cabdirashid proposed an extension that would've pushed Deni out through the proposal outlined by the SSC/Nugaal elders. The MPs that sided with him are in trouble come reelection.

Now we await the final decision from the SSC elders on whether or not they will partake in the upcoming selection of the parliament. If they decide not to, the 66 system will no longer work. Then Deni will sit on the seat longer as a grand convention will have to be held to amend the constitution.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
This was well played on Deni's part.

The mucaraad will now have to cough up money to win over their preferred MPs through the elders along with the bribe money needed to win the Presidential election. All of this with only a month to go.

Also, the dual loyalties of the current parliament was exposed when speaker Cabdirashid proposed an extension that would've pushed Deni out through the proposal outlined by the SSC/Nugaal elders. The MPs that sided with him are in trouble come reelection.

Now we await the final decision from the SSC elders on whether or not they will partake in the upcoming selection of the parliament. If they decide not to, the 66 system will no longer work. Then Deni will sit on the seat longer as a grand convention will have to be held to amend the constitution.
Ngl it would be pretty stupid of them to not have raised money in anticipation of Deni letting go of 1m1v


True Puntlander
Lol this is exactly what Deni wanted, the same MPs electing the President on 8 January, the very same pro Deni MPs


Laftagareen taking notes 📝
As SSC peace treaty, elected president has one year to prepare 1m1v elections for mps seat.

Now if Deni been re-lected will araan jan accept results :farole: .
Lol this is exactly what Deni wanted, the same MPs electing the President on 8 January, the very same pro Deni MPs


Laftagareen taking notes 📝
Not really. That's why he made the announcement yesterday for the elders to select the new MPs and then the presidential election will take place on the 8th of January. Speaker Abwaan seems to have gone rogue since the election law pushed by Deni through PEC failed and SSC elders entered the fray to lead the negotiations. The parliament has extended their term by 1 year today but it will likely be blocked by the supreme court. The mucaraad MPs blocked the electoral law drafted by the election committee that outlined the Presidential and Parliamentary 1M1V elections would take place on the 25th of February twice.

The mucaraad believe or not will side with Deni's position.
More fuckery. VP Karaash has come out and supported the election proposal by the SSC elders that was recently put into motion by the parliament with their 1 year extension.

Lol this is exactly what Deni wanted, the same MPs electing the President on 8 January, the very same pro Deni MPs


Laftagareen taking notes 📝
Deni now wants new MPs to elect the president on 8 January, after he saw how the current parliament blocked 1m1v as they wanted to elect the next president. If he accepted that suggestion he would probably be a favorite, but since they blocked 1m1v in favor of the cash from the presidential candidates, Deni said to them if I'm going down, you're going down with me.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Lol this is exactly what Deni wanted, the same MPs electing the President on 8 January, the very same pro Deni MPs


Laftagareen taking notes 📝

Deni only won by 2 votes difference. The parliament is definitely not on his side. His only option is to have the Supreme Court to reject this term extension.

Deni is gone
Deni only won by 2 votes difference. The parliament is definitely not on his side. His only option is to have the Supreme Court to reject this term extension.

Deni is gone
Who do you support in the case that Deni is out. I think the next best choice is the main in my DP Aden Sheikhdoon.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Deni now wants new MPs to elect the president on 8 January, after he saw how the current parliament blocked 1m1v as they wanted to elect the next president. If he accepted that suggestion he would probably be a favorite, but since they blocked 1m1v in favor of the cash from the presidential candidates, Deni said to them if I'm going down, you're going down with me.
It is not clear to me that Deni is finished yet. If there is no new parliament he is likely finished, but if there is a new parliament he may have a chance.

The only goal now is to make sure no Ciise riyoole becomes president. MPs must show that hostage taking does not work. If a Ciise riyoole is elected, it is unlikely Puntland will democratize/demilitarize anytime this decade. Cumar maxamud will say it’s our turn in 2028. That is a decade gone the drain.

If Deni is not reelected, my choice is Faarax Cali Shire. I hate Ina Cali Shire but only he and Ina Shire Abgaal are capable enough to lead. Ina Shire Abgaal is anti elections in principle, he is a true believer in the hagbad system so he cannot be allowed to rule. Ina Diyaano and Ina Faroole literally lack the necessary IQ. Jebiye is a good party leader but he is not cunning enough to be president.

Everyone else is garbage.
A clear case of failure to reconcile habitude (Issims) with politicking (political leaders) in managing state affairs. More so under Deni, who had shown to lack the necessary skills in acting as the fulcrum to maintain the balance.

In the greater scheme of things, it is pointless to reflect, for the mare is mortus upon arrival. How its carcass is being lanced and sliced bears no importance, with any lesser man able to ply the sickle henceforth. I could not imagine it would go down this route 'cos I thought there were mature politicians about, but I was bloody wrong.

The initial phase of the coup is evident. Observable is the disintegration of the Deni camp with Jibril and Karaash now playing a rather precarious, if necessary game, which technically diminishes Deni's chances of reelection. His speech yesterday was rather telling of his preemptive strike against Jibril & Co, waking up to the coup rather late, and his now being on a par, in terms of influence and political clout, with opposition members with whom he refused to negotiate. Whilst Jibril and Karaash seem to be singing from the same hymn today, one must recognise their political interests being as divergent as Deni's.

Will their coup to dislodge Deni succeed? If so, do they agree on a candidate? If so, whom is their pick? Time will tell.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Who do you support in the case that Deni is out. I think the next best choice is the main in my DP Aden Sheikhdoon.

Who is that?

I am supporting dr. Shirwac, the warsangeli candidate from the US. But since the Abwaan decided not to leave office, it’s unlikely Warsangelis can be speaker and president at the same time.

Qabiil wise I am supporting Cartan Bardacad, even though I have absolutely no idea what his background is :trumpsmirk:
Who is that?

I am supporting dr. Shirwac, the warsangeli candidate from the US. But since the Abwaan decided not to leave office, it’s unlikely Warsangelis can be speaker and president at the same time.

Qabiil wise I am supporting Cartan Bardacad, even though I have absolutely no idea what his background is :trumpsmirk:
Sanyare is the better choice and a DaLjoog too who already proven what he can accomplish👍

Absolutely no one will vote for aaran jaan they have no friends or allies except for fellow riyooles, they have no business men to fund them or have proper armed forces to become major players in PL except for threatening to burn Garowe. The only opposition with a real support base is Diyaano who can also at least gain support of other clans. This opposition is the most useless ever Deni should have wiped them out instead of giving in to their demands.
Who is that?

I am supporting dr. Shirwac, the warsangeli candidate from the US. But since the Abwaan decided not to leave office, it’s unlikely Warsangelis can be speaker and president at the same time.

Qabiil wise I am supporting Cartan Bardacad, even though I have absolutely no idea what his background is :trumpsmirk:
He is Ciise Maxamuud and daljoog like Deni. Packed CV.

Taarikhidiisii waxbarasho, shaqo, tababbarkii XAlANE, Shaqo qaran, Lafoole iyo macalinmo.
Gudomiye Aadam Sheikhdoon Ali Ciise.
Aadam Sheikhdon Cali wuxuu 15kii Juun 1954 ku dhashay magaalada Beledweyne. Dabeedna wuxuu u wareegay Qardho oo uu ka bilaabay dugsi Qur'aan.Wuxuu galay dugsiga hoose ee Qardho. Wuxuuna Qardho ka sii watay waxbarashadiisa dugsiga dhexe iyo ka sare.
Gudomiye Aadam Sheikhdoon Ali wuxuu ahaa qofkii ugu horeeyay oo Qardho ku dhigtay dugsi Qur'aan ilaa fasalka saddexaad ee dugsigga sare. Sanadkii afraad wuxuu ku dhammaystay dugsiga sare ee Cumar Samatar ee Gaalkacayo. Markuu dhammaystay waxbarashadaas
1974-1975kii wuxuu bishii Sebtembar galay dugsigii tababarka ee Xalane wuxuuna tababar kumaandoos oo boobsiis ku dhammaystay Xarunta ciidammada dalladaha ku soo booda ee Balli doogle.
1976dii wuxuu shaqo qaran oo hal sano oo macallinnimo ka qabtay dugsiga wiilasha ee Marka
1977-1978kii wuxuu dhigtay kulliyadda Lafoole oo ka tirsanayd Jaamacadda Ummadda Soomaaliyeed isagoo bartay fisigis/xisaab.
1979kii wuxuu noqday macallin wax ka dhiga dugsiga sare ee Dhallinta Kacaanka ee Lafoole.
1980kii wuxuu ku biiray halgankii Jabhaddii Badbaadinta Soomaaliyeed SSF (Somali Salvation Front) oo dabadeed noqotay SSDF.
Xilal kala duwan buu halkaa ka qabtay isagoo soo noqday madaxa saadka, xubin golaha dhexe iyo ka fulinta ee jabhadda ahna xoghayaha maaliyadda.
Wuxuu kaloo maamule ka soo noqday NGO-yada Kaalo iyo SWS oo qaban jiirtay waxbarasho, xarumo agooneed oo adeeg dhammaystiran leh, la dagaallanka nabaad guurka, samafallo, daryeel caafimaad oo dhowr kun oo qof indhaha loogu fiiqay.
1999-2000kii wuxu waxbarsho heerka masarta ah ku soo qaatay dalka Paksitan
Kadib burburkii dawladi dhexe ee 1991 Somalia waxà ay gashay xaalad mugdi ah waxaana mar qura la waayay adeegyadii asaasiga ahaa. Sida cafimaadka, waxbarshada iyo isgaariinsta.
1991kii wuxu ku soo noqday Garoowe oo isaga iyo rag kale ay ka fureen dugsi hoose oo Alfatx la oran jiray.
Gudoomiye Aadam Cali wuxu ka mid ahaa ragii durufaha adkaa dalkeenu soo maray u kacay oo ka shaqeeyay sidii lagu badbaadin lahaa dadka iyo dalkaba. Kana bilaabay adeegyaddii taclintii sare. Puntland iyo samafalkii hadayah khayriga ahaa burburkii kadib.
Gudoomiye Aadam wuxuu ka mid aha asaasihii waxbarashada puntland dad badana kaalin mug iyo miisaan leh ka qaatay waxbarashadooda oo anigu ku jiray.
Waxa uu dib u bilaabay 1992kii waxbrshdii sare waxa maclinka ka noqday dugsiyadii sare wuxu dhigi jiray Physics & Maths oo arday badan soo saaray waxbartay.

1995i kadib waxa uu wareegay inuu ka shaqeyo haydaha khayrigga ah samafale dhisay dugsiyo, maasaajid, iyo xarumo agoonta lagu koriyo.
2000-2001kii wuxuu muxaadareeye (lecturer) ka noqday Jaamacadda Bariga Afrika, kulliyada "Business Administration" isagoo xubin ka ah BOD-ga jaamacadda. (JBA)
(2002) kii ayuu wax ka asaasay shirkaddii Golis Telcom oo baahi wayn loo qabay adeega hadlka kadib isgarisintii wadanka oo muqdisho kaliyah ka jirtay burburkii ka hor.
2002dii wuxuu noqday madaxa hawl gelinta shirkadda isgaarsiinta ee Golis Telecom.
Isla sanadkaas ayuu Aadam Sheikhdoon ka mid noqday boodhka shirkadda isagoo la wareegay jagada maareeyaha guud.
Bishii Jan 2002 ayuu (Operational Manager) ka noqday Shirkadda GolisTelcom S kadib October ayuu u wareegay (General manager) maareyaha guud shirkada Golis uu hayay ilaa 2012kii oo uu iskiis isaha wareejiyay.
Golis markii hore waxaa lagu bilaabay Garowe, qardho, Bosaaso iyo Baran oo marka hal ateeno ka taagnayd. Wuxuu gaarsiiyay in gobalada oo dhan la gaariisiyo Raas-Asayr ilaa Raas kale oo adeegeedu noqday " Ha miliqsan" is daalco" goor walba hel ku hadal iyo khad sare.
Wuxu shaqalaha gaarsiyay ilaa 5k oo qof waxa uu xareeyay dhaqaale farabadan, waxa hogaan sare ka muuqday wanaajinta maamulka wuxuu soo saaray rag badan oo maamulka iyo adeega shirkada wadi kara.
10 sano oo mareeya ka ahaa Golis waxa uu aad dadaal badan galiyay in golis noqto shirkad ugu wayn somaliyaa adeegeednu gaaro meel walba oo daafah dunida ah.
Gudoomiye Aadam Sheikhdoon Ali intii uu hawlahaas kala duwan ku soo jiray wuxuu caan ku ahaa hoggaamin toolmoon, hagar la'aan, inuu wax ka beddelo heerka iyo habka nolosha dadka oo isugu mid ahaa. Hal ku dhegyadii uu u curin jiray adeegyada kala duwan ee shirkadda Golis waxaa ka mid ahaa kii lagu xayaysiinayay sahalka ee oranayay gabadhaan sahal lahayn maba garan sirta nolosha. Wuxuuna sirta nolosha ku fasiray in qofku fahmo wixii loo abuuray isla markaana aanu u noolaan sidii awoowayaashii u noolaayeen
February, (2014) waxaa laga wareejiyay (JBA) guddoomiyihii boodhka jaamacadda waxaana loo doortay guddoomiyaha guud ee jaamacadda. Jagadaas wuxuu hayay ilaa 2020kii oo uu codsaday in laga nasiyo
sano oo gudoomiye ahaa jaamacada waxay yeelatay heshiiyadna la gashay Jamacadaha aduunka oo dhan sida Malaysia, Uganda, waxa la baaray oo la sameeyay cilmi baariso badan oo jamacadu lahayd. Aqoonyahno badan iska kaa shadeen.
Waxa la furay faracyo badan oo oo jaamacada furtay waxa kor u kacay heerka waxbarashada iyo wacigii arayda jaamacda.
Gudoomiye Aadam Sheikhdoon Ali hadda waa mushrax u taagan xilka madaxwaynha Puntland ee (2024-2029)

