MP Dhashaane represents Nugaal he should focus on making Hawd Sare region a reality instead of focusing on Mudug.
MP Dhashaane represents Nugaal he should focus on making Hawd Sare region a reality instead of focusing on Mudug.
What are you talking about? Did you even watch the video?MP Dhashaane represents Nugaal he should focus on making Hawd Sare region a reality instead of focusing on Mudug.
Deni will win in the first round! The opposition are toothless, they didn't even manage to mount a serious challenge against Deni for the speaker position even when everyone knew he was supporting Abdirazaq.
Deni wants to be sure to win, clever move
So who are the official candidates that were vetted by the vetting committee?
Two more nights sleep
You'd think Deni was Thanos the way they're teaming up.Opposition forming alliances to dethrone Deni.
No 8 on the list is the dark horse candidate. He is very wealthy guy from Zambia.