UPDATE Puntland Local Election 2024


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@FBIsomalia it will be interesting to see how good the coverage is in places like Qardho and Eyl because they have a lot of nomads. I think they will need more polling stations in nomadic areas. The more polling stations the better.

The biometric voting system will be very useful from a fraud standpoint, you can’t fake an eyeball match.


True Puntlander
@FBIsomalia it will be interesting to see how good the coverage is in places like Qardho and Eyl because they have a lot of nomads. I think they will need more polling stations in nomadic areas. The more polling stations the better.

The biometric voting system will be very useful from a fraud standpoint, you can’t fake an eyeball match.
Already they announce voting registration locations and poll locations in the three District.


@FBIsomalia please explain is only 3 districts in Puntland will decide which 3 parties will be official from all the parties running? I highly doubt that is the case or else the whole of puntland will be furious that they don't get a say which party they prefer and relying on 3 districts to decide for them.

Maybe I read this wrong, but 'doorashada' happening in eyl-qardho-ufayn is it about which party proceeds forward as an official party of puntland or are they just testing the waters with 3 districts to see how the election will happen across puntland? I hope the latter is the case


@FBIsomalia it will be interesting to see how good the coverage is in places like Qardho and Eyl because they have a lot of nomads. I think they will need more polling stations in nomadic areas. The more polling stations the better.

The biometric voting system will be very useful from a fraud standpoint, you can’t fake an eyeball match.

Actually I wouldn't say that, there is reason why western nations don't use biometrics, it's easily hackable by uploading 'fake iris file' all u need to do is get an indian nerd who will give u a file of 'iris' database to upload and you just registered millions of fakes. I am suprised why puntland is using this method, technology is very easy to get around and never used in industrialized nations, so why would puntland use it when u know developed nations don't touch it.

I am not supporter of this method and we should follow 'paper ballots' and have representatives of each party at each polling station like america does to confirm the count. U know how puntland elections is done now, where each vote is cross checked by a 'guddi' on TV, they need to do this at each polling station where each ballot is cross checked by each party official. This is far more secure then relying on eye or finger prints which can be easily faked.
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I bet the server room is hacked already by osman mahmoud dude who laid a backdoor to remote connect from india and have an indian coder who uploads fake 'irises and finger print generators' which u can find online quite quickly.

@Thegoodshepherd shame on you for saying this is secure, it's not. I am expecting a civil war to happen in PL when they see how easily that shit is hackable. Surely puntland needs a 'technology' expert before they go around buying these useless biometrics and the expert can give them the good n bad side of them.
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True Puntlander
@FBIsomalia please explain is only 3 districts in Puntland will decide which 3 parties will be official from all the parties running? I highly doubt that is the case or else the whole of puntland will be furious that they don't get a say which party they prefer and relying on 3 districts to decide for them.

Maybe I read this wrong, but 'doorashada' happening in eyl-qardho-ufayn is it about which party proceeds forward as an official party of puntland or are they just testing the waters with 3 districts to see how the election will happen across puntland? I hope the latter is the case
Its Pilot elections for testing, the real one will start when all PL Distracts involve in local elections late this year.


True Puntlander
I bet the server room is hacked already by osman mahmoud dude who laid a backdoor to remote connect from india and have an indian coder who uploads fake 'irises and finger print generators' which u can find online quite quickly.

@Thegoodshepherd shame on you for saying this is secure, it's not. I am expecting a civil war to happen in PL when they see how easily that shit is hackable. Surely puntland needs a 'technology' expert before they go around buying these useless biometrics and the expert can give them the good n bad side of them.
TPEC checked the system by Technical Engineers, You can see on first page of thread when they try to check it.


@FBIsomalia it's quite silly using technology for election, I am sure someone will google online how to use fake eye contacts, upload fake eyeball files of non existent people, finger prints can be duplicated also.

If the western world who created this doesn't use the technology in it's election, that is enough evidence for any sane nation not to use something the host nation of developers won't use, if it's so good why don't they use it in the west is first security question you would ask if puntland does indeed have technical expert. A proper election is done by having all parties send in represenative at each pollingn station and all ballots are verified by each representative. Similar to how they do it now in puntland parliament but they need to replicate that at polling station


True Puntlander
PL pilot elections , Qardho, Eyl and Ufayen will start after 4 or 5 months.

PL local elections all 9 states will start after 9 or 10 months at the end of this Year as the plan.

Great days waiting us reer Puntland to choice the party or leader will push PL to new level. :farole:
PL pilot elections , Qardho, Eyl and Ufayen will start after 4 or 5 months.

PL local elections all 9 states will start after 9 or 10 months at the end of this Year as the plan.

Great days waiting us reer Puntland to choice the party or leader will push PL to new level. :farole:
Will the elections be held in Sanaag and Sool too?
As they are part of PL. The answer is Yes.

Even the smallest gobol Cayn of 9 PL gobols will part of first PL local elections.
Will this be parliamentarian or include presidential elections???

This is wonderful news, if we can get actual political parties in Puntland we can rapidly grow the state.

