Puntland minister wants the population to reach 8-10 million by 2040

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
I think it's closer to 4.5 million if u include Darawish/Makhir. 3 million is the estimate of Majerten Zone. I've used various models to reach that conclusion. I used Garissa which is censused by Kenya to 900k-1 million. Garissa is 45,000 SQ KM. Majerteniya is 150,000 SQ KM. That's 3 times the size of Garissa, so it's 3 million. I also estimated against Hamar.

PL is 50 districts(that's short changing it) as some districts exist that hasn't been given it's due process. Hamar is 16 district for 1.5 million. 16 districts x 3 = 48 districts. That's essentially 3 Mogadishus x 1.5 million= 4.5 million for Harti Puntland zone. PL and Harti as a whole can create 3 mogadishus. Not including Doolo or Lower Jubba.

Every model I use for PL including Makhir/SSC is around 4 to 4.5 million
4.5 Million are you having a laugh diktoor :russ:
Even without sool sanaag no way it’s 3 million maybe 1 million tops look how empty it looks compared to the south :dead:
It’s less populated compared to the south that’s very true but remember in the 2014 census the population of bari+nugaal+north mudug was estimated at around 1.5 million today id estimate it between 2-2.5 million

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The higher the birth rate the higher the economic growth has to be. A lot of African countries have actually become poorer over the last 40 years since population growth is higher than economic growth. Somewhere like Somalia needs 5% GDP growth just not to get poorer.

Somalia isn't a South Sudan or CAR where it can easily feed 4-5x its population just through stability + increasing agricultural output. We will surpass our carrying capacity very soon, what the minister is saying is insane. Forget PL, all of Somalia should not have more than 8 million

We should bomb down the ethiopian highlands, hogging down all the water nacalaa

In all seriousness though, not all hope is lost.

Check all parts, there is a solution. Im confident with this and perhaps desalination provided irrigation can change our peoples fate.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Holland has some of the highest human capital on the planet and the land is comprised of some of the most fertile soil in the world, similar to Bangladesh. Literally nothing we can learn from them. If Niger or Mali ever escape the malthusian trap, thats what we can learn from

We will colonise the Ethiopian Highlands saaxib. The Oromo and Habesha don't have nuclear weapons.

:russ: :wtf::denzelnigga::russsmug:
Maybe this is not the permanent solution but this is a long term solution. Read this thread I made Thread Also what we must do is take over the Bale mountains. The wars in the future are fought over water and Ethiopia and Kenya have plenty of water. Somalia is in a better position than both Kenya and Ethiopia. Ethiopia is dealing with a civil war, and Kenya is a debt ridden poor country we can easily outperform economically. We have a huge population too that could become the largest ethnic group maybe in 2030 and in Ethiopia we have the highest birthrate and we are the third largest ethnicity of 11 million.
Again its up to us, to actually avoid the end of our dear ethnicity.
what do you need bale for?
Now this video is from January 2022 but I thought it was interesting According to this minister of puntland he estimates the population to be 3 mill plus and he hopes to increase the population by more then 2-3 times in 18 years what do y’all think about this
As Muslims, it’s encouraged that we have more babies so the numbers of the Ummah grow. Fertility rates is a powerful long-term strategy against our enemies. Since we live in a capitalist materialistic world that seeks to control human population, we should at all times take advantage and make sure our wives give birth to as many babies as possible. The more babies a Muslim woman gives birth to, the more political and social advantage we have in the region and the rest of the world. If we decide to control population then our enemies may have an advantage over us in the long-run. A woman giving birth to 6 or 7 babies isn’t enough in my opinion, she should give birth to as many babies as possible. If she’s able to give birth to 17 babies, she should give birth to 17 babies and if she’s able to give birth to 23 babies then she should put the effort in and do exactly that as long as it’s not harmful to her health.

As Muslims, it should be our duty to encourage a rapid population growth. Anyone that is telling us to take birth control in order to reduce population growth because of the “economy” or any other flawed arguments he puts forth is either an ignorant or is probably an enemy munafiq that wants to destroy us in the long-term. May Allah protect us from the plots of our enemies.

Abu Dawood (2050) narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yasaar said: A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, “I have found a woman who is of good lineage and is beautiful, but she does not bear children. Should I marry her?” He said, “No.” Then he came again with the same question and he told him not to marry her. Then he came a third time with the same question and he said: “Marry those who are loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the other nations.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel, 1784.
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The population should not become large, you live in a desert And you do not have water desalination like the Arabian Gulf
As Muslims, it’s encouraged that we have more babies so the numbers of the Ummah grow. Fertility rates is a powerful long-term strategy against our enemies. Since we live in a capitalist materialistic world that seeks to control human population, we should at all times take advantage and make sure our wives give birth to as many babies as possible. The more babies a Muslim woman gives birth to, the more political and social advantage we have in the region and the rest of the world. If we decide to control population then our enemies may have an advantage over us in the long-run. A woman giving birth to 6 or 7 babies isn’t enough in my opinion, she should give birth to as many babies as possible. If she’s able to give birth to 17 babies, she should give birth to 17 babies and if she’s able to give birth to 23 babies then she should put the effort in and do exactly that as long as it’s not harmful to her health.

As Muslims, it should be our duty to encourage a rapid population growth. Anyone that is telling us to take birth control in order to reduce population growth because of the “economy” or any other flawed arguments he puts forth is either an ignorant or is probably an enemy munafiq that wants to destroy us in the long-term. May Allah protect us from the plots of our enemies.

Abu Dawood (2050) narrated that Ma’qil ibn Yasaar said: A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and said, “I have found a woman who is of good lineage and is beautiful, but she does not bear children. Should I marry her?” He said, “No.” Then he came again with the same question and he told him not to marry her. Then he came a third time with the same question and he said: “Marry those who are loving and fertile, for I will be proud of your great numbers before the other nations.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Irwa’ al-Ghaleel, 1784.
Which enemies are you talking about, the only enemy near we have is Ethiopia, and its population has exceeded 100 million because they are farmers and they have enough water for them You live in a desert and you have no water and your country is poor. Why do you want the population to become large?
Which enemies are you talking about, the only enemy near we have is Ethiopia, and its population has exceeded 100 million because they are farmers and they have enough water for them You live in a desert and you have no water and your country is poor. Why do you want the population to become large?
I’m talking about Muslims as a whole. I want Muslims (including Somalis) to give birth to as many babies as possible because this is in our long-term interests. Ethiopia, despite having a population of 100 million, are ethnically diverse and there’s hatred between the dominant ethnic groups of that country which is why there’s a current civil war going on.

Ethiopia’s dominant groups are the Tigray, Amhara and the Oromo.

Tigrayans are 6 million. Amhara’s are 19 million and Oromos are 35-40 million (most Oromos are Muslims). Somalis as a whole (when you include Somaliweyn as a whole) are about 25 million. There are also other Muslim ethnic groups in Ethiopia as well (Harari, Argobba, Afar and a minority of Tigrayan and Amhara Muslims etc). Ethiopia has a significant Muslim population (even though they try to downplay Muslim numbers) so by Muslim woman giving birth to as many babies as possible, the demographics of the country massively changes which would favour Muslims and as long as the demographics favour Muslims, we would have a social and political advantage to control society and rule as the dominant religion. If we Muslims seek to have a rapid population growth in any part of the world we live in, inshallah the future outcome would be in our favour.
The higher the birth rate the higher the economic growth has to be. A lot of African countries have actually become poorer over the last 40 years since population growth is higher than economic growth. Somewhere like Somalia needs 5% GDP growth just not to get poorer.

Somalia isn't a South Sudan or CAR where it can easily feed 4-5x its population just through stability + increasing agricultural output. We will surpass our carrying capacity very soon, what the minister is saying is insane. Forget PL, all of Somalia should not have more than 8 million
Your right that Somalia has been economically stagnant for the past several decades because of our population growth of 3% on average but you’re underestimating our agricultural potential. The vast majority of farms use limited amounts of fertilizer, and only basic hand tools. We farm how the west farmed 200 years ago. We could easily feed 30-40 million by just industrializing our farming practices.


It means Somalia can't feed itself even after completely developing the Juba valley.
Most countries can’t feed themselves and rely on the international market. France is the only country in Europe that is self sufficient in basic food production.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Most countries can’t feed themselves and rely on the international market. France is the only country in Europe that is self sufficient in basic food production.

Australia is also thankfully part of that club.

Australia has a similar climate to Somalia, lush greenery and red dirt deserts with camels. Maybe we should learn from them?


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