Puntland minister wants the population to reach 8-10 million by 2040

Bale mountains are the place our two rivers come from. Securing that, we secure our two rivers. Siad Barre actually had the plan to take over that region and this is due to this reason.
it was wrong of him to do that, and that land belongs to Oromo. Wllhi a retard move lol, he should have funded the OLF and they would have done for WSLF what TPLF did for the Eritreans.
Bro that’s our land
he’s an idiot poster ignore him.


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They're all going to starve or be shot by European coast guards. 2040 won't be pretty for Africans.
it was wrong of him to do that, and that land belongs to Oromo. Wllhi a retard move lol, he should have funded the OLF and they would have done for WSLF what TPLF did for the Eritreans.

he’s an idiot poster ignore him.
Lets agree to disagree Bale, Hararghe. Thats all our land. All of Oromo occupied land except Borona region is ours. We ruled it 400 years before the Oromo Expansion. We need the Bale Mountains or watch all of Somalis go extinct. Somalia is a barren land and our most precious possession is Juba and Shabelle, shabelle has become a seasonal river and Juba River water flow has decreased. This is why we must expand and also secure the fertile lands that used to be ours.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
Lets agree to disagree Bale, Hararghe. Thats all our land. All of Oromo occupied land except Borona region is ours. We ruled it 400 years before the Oromo Expansion. We need the Bale Mountains or watch all of Somalis go extinct. Somalia is a barren land and our most precious possession is Juba and Shabelle, shabelle has become a seasonal river and Juba River water flow has decreased. This is why we must expand and also secure the fertile lands that used to be ours.
There are still Somalis round there. I’ve heard of Hawiye, Dir and Ogaden communities in Bale. There’s also raayitu who are pseudo Somali oromos. An oromo on this forum was talking about something interesting about how the majority population in the region of negele (Arsi region one) are Hawiye in origin waliba Daud Abgaal and know their origins but speak the Oromo tongue
Lets agree to disagree Bale, Hararghe. Thats all our land. All of Oromo occupied land except Borona region is ours. We ruled it 400 years before the Oromo Expansion. We need the Bale Mountains or watch all of Somalis go extinct. Somalia is a barren land and our most precious possession is Juba and Shabelle, shabelle has become a seasonal river and Juba River water flow has decreased. This is why we must expand and also secure the fertile lands that used to be ours.
Oh my god brother when will you stop
Lets agree to disagree Bale, Hararghe. Thats all our land. All of Oromo occupied land except Borona region is ours. We ruled it 400 years before the Oromo Expansion. We need the Bale Mountains or watch all of Somalis go extinct. Somalia is a barren land and our most precious possession is Juba and Shabelle, shabelle has become a seasonal river and Juba River water flow has decreased. This is why we must expand and also secure the fertile lands that used to be ours.

holy shit you are mentally handicapped. Somali inhabited lands is enough for us.

Oh my god brother when will you stop

I’m sorry, he had a bullet stuck in his brains or he is 14 years old. He’s as idiotic as those oromo radicals who claim hargiesa or mogadishu is oromo. Oromia belongs to you oromos.
holy shit you are mentally handicapped. Somali inhabited lands is enough for us.

I’m sorry, he had a bullet stuck in his brains or he is 14 years old. He’s as idiotic as those oromo radicals who claim hargiesa or mogadishu is oromo. Oromia belongs to you oromos.
Its not, its mostly barren and our two rivers are saline. We need to take Bale Mountains. Prove to me that what we have is enough to sustain a rapidly growing population that will reach beyond 100 million at the end of this century? Less than 4% of our land is arable and its all mostly semi-arid and arid land. If they under Ethiopia a gaal country with a murtad kafir leader, why would it be wrong for their fellow Somalis who are Muslims to rule them? Hararis, Arabs, everyone flourished under us until contemporary times. Somalis have to expand all the way to Tana, the source of Genala river and Awash River. If you disagree tell me how we can become food secure then.
holy shit you are mentally handicapped. Somali inhabited lands is enough for us.

I’m sorry, he had a bullet stuck in his brains or he is 14 years old. He’s as idiotic as those oromo radicals who claim hargiesa or mogadishu is oromo. Oromia belongs to you oromos.
I agree with him, we need to have direct control of those lands in the future. Having our most important resource in the control of others is just not very wise. Ethiopia has built dams all along the Shabelle and Juba rivers and has the power to severely restrict water flow already. They essentially hold a knife to our neck with this.

I want to also add that Oromos that claim Hargeisa or Muqdisho are just ethno fascists with no ideology other than ethnic domination. They have no history, or nativity to these lands while on the other hand Bale, and Hararghe are historically Somali lands, we had an established population and civilization in theses regions 100's of years before the Oromos even left Kenya.
Its not, its mostly barren and our two rivers are saline. We need to take Bale Mountains. Prove to me that what we have is enough to sustain a rapidly growing population that will reach beyond 100 million at the end of this century? Less than 4% of our land is arable and its all mostly semi-arid and arid land. If they under Ethiopia a gaal country with a murtad kafir leader, why would it be wrong for their fellow Somalis who are Muslims to rule them? Hararis, Arabs, everyone flourished under us until contemporary times. Somalis have to expand all the way to Tana, the source of Genala river and Awash River. If you disagree tell me how we can become food secure then.

You have a 11 century mindset sxb. Somali population will tap out at 50 million. We will trade with our oromo and Tanzanian neighbors for grain, the same way Japan and Korea and Singapore and Saudi Arabia feeds itself.

very low iq mindset wllhi
You have a 11 century mindset sxb. Somali population will tap out at 50 million. We will trade with our oromo and Tanzanian neighbors for grain, the same way Japan and Korea and Singapore and Saudi Arabia feeds itself.

very low iq mindset wllhi

I agree to an certain extent. We should definitely boost regional trade and have good diplomatic relations with Ethiopia until we have fully progressed to the point we are considered a developed country and a regional powerhouse. When that times comes we must have our regions back. War is the last resort, we don't want a 1977 repeated so we will take everything into consideration. When trading it is important that the trade is in our benefit and that Ethiopia imports more than we import for them. Ethiopia is a landlocked country and they need Berbera port. Somalis must also put pressure on the Ethiopian government to treat the Somalis well and to preserve ethnic federalism. Sxb, if you knew what I knew, you would quickly change your mind. Check this thread out. Read all of it, no breaks.
You have a 11 century mindset sxb. Somali population will tap out at 50 million. We will trade with our oromo and Tanzanian neighbors for grain, the same way Japan and Korea and Singapore and Saudi Arabia feeds itself.

very low iq mindset wllhi
No, you dont understand that Geography and demographics play a huge role when it comes to wether a nation thrives or declines. You also don't know that globalism is dead and the world shift to regionalism. This is why I agree we should boost regional trade, but this is temporary until we have a strong nation.
I agree with him, we need to have direct control of those lands in the future. Having our most important resource in the control of others is just not very wise. Ethiopia has built dams all along the Shabelle and Juba rivers and has the power to severely restrict water flow already. They essentially hold a knife to our neck with this.

I want to also add that Oromos that claim Hargeisa or Muqdisho are just ethno fascists with no ideology other than ethnic domination. They have no history, or nativity to these lands while on the other hand Bale, and Hararghe are historically Somali lands, we had an established population and civilization in theses regions 100's of years before the Oromos even left Kenya.
Are you serious bruh Oromos originated in bale why do you want their land
Are you serious bruh Oromos originated in bale why do you want their land
Oromos didn't originate in Bale, who told you that?:gucciwhat:

If you know the history of the region, you would know that Sheikh Hussein, who was originally from the port city of Merca, established the Sultanate of Bale in the 13th century. He's also credited for introducing Islam to the local Sidama people there. Over time many Somali clans including Merchants from the Ajuraan sultanate settled in Bale. This is hundreds of years before an Oromo even knew this place existed.

The Oromos who you say are native to this region didn't show up here until the mid 16th century due to the wars between Abyssinia and Awdal Sultanate. That's a whole 300 years after the Bale Sultanate was established by Somalis.

How can you deny our right to a region where our rivers begin, and have roots going back 700 years to, but be ok with Oromos claiming lands they've barely inhabited for 300 years like Dire Dhaba, making native Somalis second class citizens?
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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Are you serious bruh Oromos originated in bale why do you want their land

Oromo did not originate in Bale, Bale was for a long time dominated by Habesha Muslims (Harla, Adari, etc..), Dir subclans (Guure, Gariire) and Hawiye (Karanle, Gugundhabe). The Oromo entered Bale sometime in the the late 1500s when the Muslims and Christians had exhausted each other in decades long conflict.

Bale had been grazing land for Somalis for centuries at that point.
Oromo did not originate in Bale, Bale was for a long time dominated by Habesha Muslims (Harla, Adari, etc..), Dir subclans (Guure, Gariire) and Hawiye (Karanle, Gugundhabe). The Oromo entered Bale sometime in the the late 1500s when the Muslims and Christians had exhausted each other in decades long conflict.

Bale had been grazing land for Somalis for centuries at that point.
We literally originated in Madda walabu Bale and only Hadiya lived in bale not Somalis or Habasha. Gurre aren’t Somalis they are oromos they got expelled from the akisho In fafaan around the 1800’s and came to our lands for protection and if you don’t believe they are Oromos look at the names of their subs and Karanle we’re welcomed by oromos too into bale so no need to lie
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