this guy is delusional. we share inskushabn with osman mohamud. we are 3 times the population than osman mohamud in bosaso. i hope you know even osman mohamud in puntland admit cali saleebaan is twice the size of them. why do you keep pushing this agenda. the only reason i keep responding with these numbers is because you keep claiming tyour bigger. you will never see a ali saleeban continualy making posts about how they are bigger than osman mohamud. than why do the osman mohamud on here keep posting atleast once a week about the same topics. how they are bigger than cali saleebaan. bro cali saleebaan only compete with mohamoud saleebaan. not a sub clan. bro im starting to think you guys are trolling.Osman maxamud should've of gotten 2 for the qardho district. Completely 3 for bayla. Iskushuban maybe 2. Bosaso 1. Something like that is closer to the truth. They should've of gotten 50% at least of the bari quota by themselves. Tanasul happened clearly. The problem isn't ali saleban or osman maxamud, there are other clans who are getting far more then their fair share. Dashishe shouldn't get more then 1 MP for Boaso district. Those other mj clans shouldn't even be speaking at all. Siwaqroon maybe 2 for Calula