It's my fault for even expecting you to try to have discourse about grammar, when all you're capable of, is producing the written equivalent of 'grunts' like a caveman or sucking up to Culusow. On the bright side, at least you've accepted your political station, which is either at the feet of Deni or at the feet of Culusow, or politically 'promiscuous' and spreadeagled between the two.
Again, you are far too emotional about politics hence my Taliban comment.
Everything is a personal attack you feel aggrieved by, everyone with a different opinion is an enemy, waxaagu waaba gang shit. You somehow imagined in your mind some random user with the name of Diini was some sort of secret Kacaanist agent with a nefarious plot against the dreaded Puntite Queen

I guess living in the bowels of a North London slum getting hounded by hordes of Jamaicans and Nigerians will do that to the best of us

I honestly think you're genuinely unhinged