Puntland sends delegation to meet state minister of Ethiopia.


Deni could denounce Islam and posters here would cheer him. In some eyes he is the infallible the unerring. If reer PL support this, no wonder Biixi got away with similar stunt in January.
It's the standard "I support x politician because he's from my area/clan". Lots of folk bend over backwards for poor politicians.


Sincerity is a dangerous thing.
When Hawiye finally builds Hobyo Port (and pigs fly), we'll see Hawiye try to connect roads to DDSi also, and then all of you, will be lauding it as a great achievement.

Munaafaqnimada meel kale la aada, and spare us the fake patriotism.
I hope it's just that, a trade deal. If it isn't anything else then I wish it well. Reer Doollo are missing out on Ethiopian federal projects, it's good to see PL filling the void.
I hope it's just that, a trade deal. If it isn't anything else then I wish it well. Reer Doollo are missing out on Ethiopian federal projects, it's good to see PL filling the void.

That's all it's been since day 1. It's no secret that Puntland has been in talks to build roads from DDSI to Garacad. But of course, we can't have people report genuinely about Puntland, for even one minute.


The government didn't oppose calling Addis Ababa Finfine. The only ones I saw who was opposed calling Addis Finfine was Amhara's. Amhara's aren't the majority of Ethiopians.
We will see. The pm is not full Oromo. His wife Amhara his mom is Amhara, he is pente. He even installed the Haile Selassie monument in Addis Abeba.
I'll tell you how to cure Somalia's division, tell them that Puntland is trying to develop itself, you'll see an immediate consensus and organisation between opposing clans, from distant parts of Somalia, united in the goal to oppose and destroy Puntland.

We have 1 Leelkasse, several Marehan, several Hawiye, 1 Bantu in here, all united under one banner called: Puntland Ha Dhacdo
I'm a supporter of the road and the port. I don't really give a damn about Somaliwayne I just want the best for Leelkase. Although I fear the MOU giving SL power I'm deeply invested in Laasaanod my wife is D block and my reer ayeeyo is as well.
I'll tell you how to cure Somalia's division, tell them that Puntland is trying to develop itself, you'll see an immediate consensus and organisation between opposing clans, from distant parts of Somalia, united in the goal to oppose and destroy Puntland.

We have 1 Leelkasse, several Marehan, several Hawiye, 1 Bantu in here, all united under one banner called: Puntland Ha Dhacdo
U see even historically speaking as a people we have only united to destroy, never to build . We are truly an uncivilisable race. :mjkkk:
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I'm a supporter of the road and the port. I don't really give a damn about Somaliwayne I just want the best for Leelkase. Although I fear the MOU giving SL power I'm deeply invested in Laasaanod my wife is D block and my reer ayeeyo is as well.

These fake patriots, are purposefully acting as if DDSI isn't part of this 'Somaliweyn' they pretend to care about.


Are all locked into Garacad Port officially.

DDSi will join this group.

These other Central Somalis, especially the Kacaanists are already using the Port, and their standards of living have already increased thanks to it. But instead of being grateful to Puntland, for being ambitious and self-respecting, they throw hate our way. They will cut off their nose to spite their faces waxaan. We see their traders in Galkacyo and Garacad already, taking advantage. But they sit on this forum spreading their hateful lies.

In the meantime, they are the ones whose lands are under foreign occupation, and who are giving their land away for free to build Ethiopian bases.

You can't make this up.
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That's all it's been since day 1. It's no secret that Puntland has been in talks to build roads from DDSI to Garacad. But of course, we can't have people report genuinely about Puntland, for even one minute.
I although I'm skeptical how Leelkase will fare in a sea of MJs. We already have bloody feuds with RB and I can see a sort of dog pile effect happening in a closed environment of a PL state.
U see even historically speaking as a people we have only united to destroy, never to build . We are truly an uncivilisable race.

I'm telling you, walahi, if Puntland was the one that tried to leave Somalia, instead of Somaliland. It would cure Somali division. Nothing unites these people more, than the hate they collectively have for Puntland.
I although I'm skeptical how Leelkase will fare in a sea of MJs. We already have bloody feuds with RB and I can see a sort of dog pile effect happening in a closed environment of a PL state.

Leelkasse have always lived in a sea of MJs, would you prefer to live in a sea of HG, or any other clan? When have MJs united to fight you? And do you not see how nomadic skirmishes affect everyone. I'm sure your own LK fights within itself.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
you were warned not to pass the damn constitution or face balkanization. It is what it is now. Jubbaland and SWS are next. The regional government of benadir and galmudug can’t do anything about it

stopping aid was the fuel to the fire. Puntland had deals with Ethiopia since 2017 that can’t continue due to FGS.

All this walalo and wadanimo talk calling puntland traitors is amusing when their damn uncle continues to use PL and give nothing back.
I'm telling you, walahi, if Puntland was the one that tried to leave Somalia, instead of Somaliland. It would cure Somali division. Nothing unites these people more, than the hate they collectively have for Puntland.
That sort of unity on hating and destroying is not what we’re looking for. We need unity to build and become a self sufficient nation rid of terrorism, piracy and foreign meddlings.
I gotta study the pretext of most of these MJ conflicts before I form an opinion. I heard RB was trying to build tuulos in leelkase territory and that was the pretext to fighting.

Nomadic settlement are an issue everywhere, there are MJ sub-clans that are involved in never-ending grazing land issues with each other. It has nothing to do with LK being targeted. We need stronger laws against building settlement and to introduce rotational, shared grazing for all Puntland nomads.
Nomadic settlement are an issue everywhere, there are MJ sub-clans that are involved in never-ending grazing land issues with each other. It has nothing to do with LK being targeted. We need stronger laws against building settlement and to introduce rotational, shared grazing for all Puntland nomads.
What really needs to be change is the tit for tats especially on non-combatants.
That sort of unity on hating and destroying is not what we’re looking for. We need unity to build and become a self sufficient nation rid of terrorism, piracy and foreign meddlings.

The way things are going now, we will enter a long period of cold war, where everyone will live as it was pre-1991. And only those who prepared for autonomy, will make it.

My unsolicited advice to you, is to organise the area you are from, and prep for what is coming.

