Puntland should deports Oromos immediately, violent backlash has started

I am glad you understand that Sweden and Somalia shouldn’t have the same moral standards.

Do you think that Somalia and stateless Oromos and Afars should have the same moral standard?
I'm saying Somalis should just protect themselves and their kin and that everyone else is an enemy and always has been. You idea of moral standards seems to be to accept ethnic replacement, the taken of your ancestral land and the destruction of your race

Ethiopia isn’t an Oromo country, most Oromos hate Abiy Ahmed.

Simple fact that you could’ve googled.
Oromos have replaced most of the Amhara and Tigray elite in the goverment, the OLA is allowed to ethnically cleanse Amharas with impudently, while Abiy doesn't bat an eye, yeah sure some Oromo may dislike Abiy but when it comes down to it, he has elevated the statues of all Oromos in Ethiopia and has bolstered this narrative that Ethiopia belongs to them. Why do you think thousands of amhara who believed in "Ethiopianimo" have suddenly joined FANO and stop believing the Frankenstein project of a nation called Ethiopia?

War is on the Somali peoples doorstep. If we don't wake up we will be overtaken

Also, your Djibouti history is very incorrect. Many Somalis including the first president of Djibouti, Abtidoon, wanted Djibouti to remain a French colony.

Either way, those referendums were rigged and have been widely recognised as such.

Abtidoon wanted the right of self determination. Afar and French collude to try and literally genocide Somalis out of Djibouti. The French, just like the British HATED Somalis and push for other groups to try and exterminate us. Read this thread

I am looking at this through the lens of a policy analyst, not someone who just wants to fulfil ethnic aims.

If you want to achieve protection of you kin through immigration policies, so be it. I never disagreed with that, but do it legally.

Your political lens is flawed, you do not understand fully what you're advocating for, you are forming your opinion based of emotions, you have this inherit bias most likely due to your western upbringing. Ethnic aims are behind every political aim especially in this region in the world.

The way we project our kin is through fighting and showing others we aren't weak so they can't take advantage of us. Inshallah one day Somalis will wake up very soon

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
I agree with regulation but we need to be following our legal obligations also.

No one wants open borders but no one should advocate for an ethnicity based immigration policy either…
it’s currently open boarders as we speak. On top of that we are at a fragile state and high unemployment. You keep speaking about “legal obligations” as if their are any atm. Until we are back at our feet and we have a shortage of capable workers there should be no immigration


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I'm saying Somalis should just protect themselves and their kin and that everyone else is an enemy and always has been. You idea of moral standards seems to be to accept ethnic replacement, the taken of your ancestral land and the destruction of your race

Oromos have replaced most of the Amhara and Tigray elite in the goverment, the OLA is allowed to ethnically cleanse Amharas with impudently, while Abiy doesn't bat an eye, yeah sure some Oromo may dislike Abiy but when it comes down to it, he has elevated the statues of all Oromos in Ethiopia and has bolstered this narrative that Ethiopia belongs to them. Why do you think thousands of amhara who believed in "Ethiopianimo" have suddenly joined FANO and stop believing the Frankenstein project of a nation called Ethiopia?

War is on the Somali peoples doorstep. If we don't wake up we will be overtaken

Abtidoon wanted the right of self determination. Afar and French collude to try and literally genocide Somalis out of Djibouti. The French, just like the British HATED Somalis and push for other groups to try and exterminate us. Read this thread

Your political lens is flawed, you do not understand fully what you're advocating for, you are forming your opinion based of emotions, you have this inherit bias most likely due to your western upbringing. Ethnic aims are behind every political aim especially in this region in the world.

The way we project our kin is through fighting and showing others we aren't weak so they can't take advantage of us. Inshallah one day Somalis will wake up very soon

Let me ask you a simple question:

Do you want Somalia to be at the same level HoA country?

If you do, then compare yourself to the rest of the Horn in terms of policy, mentality and so on.

However, if you want Somalia to become better than its neighbours then you need start acting like you’re better.

If you keep excusing things with “Well that’s the reality in this region” then your ceiling will always be the status quo of your neighbours.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
it’s currently open boarders as we speak. On top of that we are at a fragile state and high unemployment. You keep speaking about “legal obligations” as if their are any atm. Until we are back at our feet and we have a shortage of capable workers there should be no immigration

We are signed to the 1951 Geneva convention of refugees.

Those are our legal obligations.

If you’re advocating leaving that agreement then that’s another conversation. However, until we do that, this entire conversation is advocating something illegal.
We are signed to the 1951 Geneva convention of refugees.

Those are our legal obligations.

If you’re advocating leaving that agreement then that’s another conversation. However, until we do that, this entire conversation is advocating something illegal.
this is somalia we are talking about walaal

Ain’t such thing as legal or illegal :heh:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
this is somalia we are talking about walaal

Ain’t such thing as legal or illegal :heh:

Technically, that convention is part of our law and we’re held accountable to it.

The UNHCR also has a huge presence in Somalia at state and federal level. They’re not letting large scale violations slide.

I am being realistic here.
Let me ask you a simple question:

Do you want Somalia to be at the same level HoA country?

If you do, then compare yourself to the rest of the Horn in terms of policy, mentality and so on.

However, if you want Somalia to become better than its neighbours then you need start acting like you’re better.

If you keep excusing things with “Well that’s the reality in this region” then your ceiling will always be the status quo of your neighbours.
You are very naive sxb, you think if Somalis act morally superior to their neighbors then they will automatically become better than their neighbors? Somalis just need to be united, that's all it will take for stability to happen then development and so on.

The USA is the most powerful country in the world and they didn't get to the spot by acting nice and being "moral".


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
You are very naive sxb, you think if Somalis act morally superior to their neighbors then they will automatically become better than their neighbors? Somalis just need to be united, that's all it will take for stability to happen then development and so on.

The USA is the most powerful country in the world and they didn't get to the spot by acting nice and being "moral".

If you base your actions on someone, you become that person. It’s a fact of life.

If Somalia bases their actions on Ethiopia, their ceiling will be Ethiopia’s status quo.
It’s a yes or no answer, if Europeans called for violence against Somalis in the event we committed violence, would you support it?

Don’t try to qualify a hypothetical with another impossible to prove hypothetical.

Maybe, the International Community haven’t said anything because they don’t want to derail any progress by the Somali government over a small number of deportations?

Key word being small. Do you think they will have the same attitude when the number becomes big?

Do I really have to spell out the obvious?

Your whole arguement is nonsense. Of course I wouldn't support it but the Europeans retaliating would make sense. That's how the world works.

Not only are we cursed with incompetent leaders but we're also riddled with naive Westernized people who think that the Horn of Africa is Sweden. Our ancestors didn't amass all that land by holding hands and singing kumbaya.

The Somali government doesn't even have to do anything overtly. All it takes is for the media to push anti Oromo messages and local Somalis to deny them jobs and housing. Somali clans can't even pack their bags and live in other clan's lands en masse so why should Oromos be able to live in our lands while killing our people in Somali Galbeed.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Your whole arguement is nonsense. Of course I wouldn't support it but the Europeans retaliating would make sense. That's how the world works.

It was just a simple exercise to see whether you hold a moral juxtaposition.

Not only are we cursed with incompetent leaders but we're also riddled with naive Westernized people who think that the Horn of Africa is Sweden. Our ancestors didn't amass all that land by holding hands and singing kumbaya.

You do know Swedes are the descendants of the Vikings.

As in one of the most notorious expansionists ever?

If anything, it would be helping your argument to compare the Horn of Africa to Sweden.

The Somali government doesn't even have to do anything overtly. All it takes is for the media to push anti Oromo messages and local Somalis to deny them jobs and housing. Somali clans can't even pack their bags and live in other clan's lands en masse so why should Oromos be able to live in our lands while killing our people in Somali Galbeed.

I believe that Somalis should have a right to settle anywhere in Somalia regardless of qabiil.

So using this “Somalis can’t even live in other clan lands” argument is moot when you’re discussing with me.

As for your policy suggestions, don’t you think there are Somali politicians that hold the same views as you?

Or do you seriously think that you’re the only one that has thought of this.

The reality is that Somalia will never be able to exercise the policies you advocate for without significant downsides.

The real naïveté is advocating for breaking UN mandated regulations when we rely on the UN for our own survival.



Veni Vidi Vici
You are right on all counts, but we have to process the claims in a legitimate manner before you reject them.

If we arbitrarily deport people based on ethnicity, we’re in breach of the law.
Hencewhy, the FGS, in collaboration with the FMS needs to make a cement immigration policy, and systems in place with it, including a court system that deal with such cases and ministies with it, before its too late. Puntland should not bare the brunt for the incompetence of policies. If it happens to one state, its bound to happen to all.

I am not saying wake up one day and say, kick them out, but a set plan, a reason why they are there, whats their plan, and so on. Those without a valid reason can bug off. And there must be a cap, a quota.

Our current policy is ridiculous. Did you know, all nationals can get a visa on arrival, from a person with a North Korean passport to a person with a Guyanese Passport. Its open doors for the world, what type of a policy is that???


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Hencewhy, the FGS, in collaboration with the FMS needs to make a cement immigration policy, and systems in place with it, including a court system that deal with such cases and ministies with it, before its too late. Puntland should not bare the brunt for the incompetence of policies. If it happens to one state, its bound to happen to all.

I am not saying wake up one day and say, kick them out, but a set plan, a reason why they are there, whats their plan, and so on. Those without a valid reason can bug off. And there must be a cap, a quota.

Our current policy is ridiculous. Did you know, all nationals can get a visa on arrival, from a person with a North Korean passport to a person with a Guyanese Passport. Its open doors for the world, what type of a policy is that???

I never said anything different to what you said. Please highlight where I said any different?

I am just against violations of International law and norms, esp ones that we have adopted into our legislation.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
The only time there is unity on this forum is when we all come together to refute @Periplus :deadmanny:

I never said Somalia should have open borders, all I said is that we can kick out every Oromo for no reason other than their ethnicity.

Don’t see what’s wrong with that and pointing out the illegality of this…
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Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Oromos are parasites to be sure. We must closely monitor the ones in our country.

