Puntland should deports Oromos immediately, violent backlash has started


Veni Vidi Vici
I never said anything different to what you said. Please highlight where I said any different?

I am just against violations of International law and norms, esp ones that we have adopted into our legislation.
I disagree with the concept that we own them any legal obligations, when there's no regulation of said legal obligation, and that even if we did, whose there to regulate that.

This all stems down to a lack of regulation.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I disagree with the concept that we own them any legal obligations, when there's no regulation of said legal obligation, and that even if we did, whose there to regulate that.

This all stems down to a lack of regulation.

We owe them legal obligations to process their claims.

Because we signed the Geneva convention and made it legally binding.


Veni Vidi Vici
We owe them legal obligations to process their claims.

Because we signed the Geneva convention and made it legally binding.
We can process it for the sake of it, but again, at the end of the day, they are not welcome en-mass, especially with current economic, social and political climate.
Let's not be too reactionary.

The Arsi, Bale and Afran Qallo Oromo are our closest kin in the HoA after the Afar. Believe me, when armageddon inevitably kicks off in Ethiopia, we will want good relations between them. All these groups all share a common destiny.
alot of clans in bale and in the afran qallo are somali in orgin
Oromia is doing better than many parts of Somalia. Ethiopia provided healthcare and educational grants for them, so tell us people, what is an Oromo seeking in Somalia, that they cannot find in their own land? Other than land-expansion and other politically motivated agendas?

The naivety is staggering.
when did The Ethiopian government give oromia health care they aint helping oromia for shit if they were people in bale,hararghe and borana zones wouldn't be suffering from poverty. the government doesnt care about these people.
You guys don’t have oromo squating in your backyard, you can’t hit a stone without hitting an oromo in boorama, they are the ones who beg on the streets, one of my squatters was chasing my little sister because she was light skin and had straight hair she attracts perverts, he was a dusty and smell like shit this is my neighbour, the government must have a deportation team cause these people are ruining Somalia with their lawless, qashin
You guys don’t have oromo squating in your backyard, you can’t hit a stone without hitting an oromo in boorama, they are the ones who beg on the streets, one of my squatters was chasing my little sister because she was light skin and had straight hair she attracts perverts, he was a dusty and smell like shit this is my neighbour, the government must have a deportation team cause these people are ruining Somalia with their lawless, qashin
bro I heard it's really bad in Awdal with all of them running around, how did so many of them get in? There are even Xabesha there begging and loitering around, you have to be careful they are disease riddled people with no deen as well.

Oromo are the closest cousins to us but also our worst enemies. They claim our land, our people and our culture as their own. In their culture they see Somalis as nothing but an Oromo subcategory and as a result think they have a right to every inch of our vast territory. It annoys me that Somalis don’t see the danger the Oromo expansion is bringing on our ethnic group

They’ve effectively forcefully taken Somali cities such as Dirdhabe, Moyale, Nagayle, Gursum etc and are moving in on other major Somali towns such as Baabili, Jinacsani and even Jigjiga. Forget DDSI they even swarmed Somalia proper in places such as Hargaysa, Burco, Bosaaso and Xamar. In Xamar they are asking Hawiye for representation after they genocided the same Xaskul, Gugundhabe and Karanle Hawiye in Miesso and Baabili. They killed off the Gherri Kombe deep in Hararghe and assimilated sections of the Jidwaaq and Balcad absame. There are even Harti in hararghe whom they forcefully assimilated. They assimilated Jarso, Akisho and Gurgura, they genocided Barsuuq, Ciise and Sheekhash forcing them into an oromo led clan confederacy of Humme dagga and taking their territories as a result, there isn’t a Somali clan they left out of their bloodthirsty expansion. When/If Somalis ever get on the same page, regaining these lost territories and putting a stop to their expansion should be up there as one of our biggest priorities. The assimilated Somalis should be retaught their heritage and language and as long as they will choose us over the gallas should be readmitted into Somalinimo
Ur being very disingenuous here and it’s bc ur not from Ethiopia. You’re moving like they forced Somalis to be Oromo when it was Somalis who did it themselves. You all live to bring up hararghe and perpetuate this notion that oromos migrated from shewa & repopulated it. When I’m reality your own tribesman willingly joined the afranqallo confederacy to spite their rivals. You can always tell where a somali is from based on how they speak on areas they’re not from. You’re advocating for the removal of innocent people under the guise of nationalism while residing in some dusty tuulo in Europe. It’s weird and deranged. Claiming our culture also doesn’t make sense considering half if not all of the tribes you mentioned are oromos today. You can’t claim these people & attack them when it benefits you, pick a side. Violence between oromos & Somalis was relatively unheard of in boarder towns up until recent years. Somalis have a really bad habit of always using some other group as a scapegoat. It’s very much a victim complex, Somalis are responsible for all of our misfortunes the sooner you acknowledge that the better. Furthermore you’re advocating for ethnic violence & hostility toward a group far more larger than us & share territories with us. Somalia is a shit hole, you want these territories to end up just like it.
Let's not be too reactionary.

The Arsi, Bale and Afran Qallo Oromo are our closest kin in the HoA after the Afar. Believe me, when armageddon inevitably kicks off in Ethiopia, we will want good relations between them. All these groups all share a common destiny.
It’s a bit late for that, xoolos have been attacking them over clothing that is not only worn by them but among the Ugandans. They were asking why niggas were wearing Baatis in dire dawa, & this is exactly what I mean when I say it’s always people from Somalia. Never anyone from these regions.
Ur being very disingenuous here and it’s bc ur not from Ethiopia. You’re moving like they forced Somalis to be Oromo when it was Somalis who did it themselves. You all live to bring up hararghe and perpetuate this notion that oromos migrated from shewa & repopulated it. When I’m reality your own tribesman willingly joined the afranqallo confederacy to spite their rivals. You can always tell where a somali is from based on how they speak on areas they’re not from. You’re advocating for the removal of innocent people under the guise of nationalism while residing in some dusty tuulo in Europe. It’s weird and deranged. Claiming our culture also doesn’t make sense considering half if not all of the tribes you mentioned are oromos today. You can’t claim these people & attack them when it benefits you, pick a side. Violence between oromos & Somalis was relatively unheard of in boarder towns up until recent years. Somalis have a really bad habit of always using some other group as a scapegoat. It’s very much a victim complex, Somalis are responsible for all of our misfortunes the sooner you acknowledge that the better. Furthermore you’re advocating for ethnic violence & hostility toward a group far more larger than us & share territories with us. Somalia is a shit hole, you want these territories to end up just like it.
First of all Harar was conquered by the Shewan army and it was where Haile Selassie was ruling as Ras Mekkonen before becoming an emperor it is basic history of the region. Neftenya system and the unholy alliance of Shewa Oromos and the Gondar Amharas was what brought the Oromo qurun to Haraghe. Your dumb rhetoric of Somali clans willingly becoming Oromo after centuries of war with them is beyond absurd.

Somalis prior to TPLF rule were seen as a foreign enemy invaders by the regimes in Addis. The state(Ethiopia) sponsored the displacement of Somalis for an almost a century. This displacement hit extremely hard the farming communities since their lively hood depended on the land while the nomadic ones could survive for long periods in duurka and make counter raids when opportunity showed. Thus many farming Somali clans had to either be displaced (pretty word for ethnic cleansing) or accept Oromonimo.

Dont forget that after 77 war, Somalis were on the radar of the Mengistu regime. If Im not mistaken, I do believe that most of the recent incursion into Somali territory by the Oromos happened under DERG. Like Dire Dawa, Babile, Moyale etc were engineered under Mengistu.
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First of all Harar was conquered by the Shewan army and it was where Haile Selassie was ruling as Ras Mekkonen before becoming an emperor it is basic history of the region. Neftenya system and the unholy alliance of Shewa Oromos and the Gondar Amharas was what brought the Oromo qurun to Haraghe. Your dumb rhetoric of Somali clans willingly becoming Oromo after centuries of war with them is beyond absurd.

Somalis prior to TPLF rule were seen as a foreign enemy invaders by the regimes in Addis. The state(Ethiopia) sponsored the displacement of Somalis for an almost a century. This displacement hit extremely hard the farming communities since their lively hood depended on the land while the nomadic ones could survive for long periods in duurka and make counter raids when opportunity showed. Thus many farming Somali clans had to either be displaced (pretty word for ethnic cleansing) or accept Oromonimo.

Dont forget that after 77 war, Somalis were on the radar of the Mengistu regime. If Im not mistaken, I do believe that most of the recent incursion into Somali territory by the Oromos happened under DERG. Like Dire Dawa, Babile, Moyale etc were engineered under Mengistu.
Clearly there are ACTUAL oromos in hararghe dumbass I never negated that, however majority of the oromos in hararghe are very much of Somali origin & that’s a fact. There’s a reason why hararghe was one of the easiest places for barre to capture bc majority of them willingly worked with him. Secondly, the assimilation happened through war that is correct to an extent. Somalis did willingly become Oromo as well, esp when they helped annex their own fuckin cities just to spite their own people. That wasn’t the fault of oromos, it was Somalis one again trying to one up their own. In the 70s those areas had a seizable population of Somalis but many of them assimilated regularly through time culturally. That’s not a hard concept to grasp. Somalis themselves have a history of expansionism but it’s weird to speak on refugees & people being baggers as if that’s not how most of you got here.


Neftenya system and the unholy alliance of Shewa Oromos and the Gondar Amharas was what brought the Oromo qurun to Haraghe. Your dumb rhetoric of Somali clans willingly becoming Oromo after centuries of war with them is beyond absurd.
Oromos were in Hararghe since the 16th century. Most of the Amhara settlers in Hararghe are Shewan Amharas; Menelik and Ras Mekanon were Shewan Amhara elite, those who suffered most from Amhara colonization were Qutti or Hararghe Oromos, I don't know how you are blaming them.

It's true Some Somali clans willingly joined the Oromo nation; similarly, some Oromos joined the Somali nation. Ethnic identity is fluid in the Hararghe region.
Clearly there are ACTUAL oromos in hararghe dumbass I never negated that, however majority of the oromos in hararghe are very much of Somali origin & that’s a fact. There’s a reason why hararghe was one of the easiest places for barre to capture bc majority of them willingly worked with him. Secondly, the assimilation happened through war that is correct to an extent. Somalis did willingly become Oromo as well, esp when they helped annex their own fuckin cities just to spite their own people. That wasn’t the fault of oromos, it was Somalis one again trying to one up their own. In the 70s those areas had a seizable population of Somalis but many of them assimilated regularly through time culturally. That’s not a hard concept to grasp. Somalis themselves have a history of expansionism but it’s weird to speak on refugees & people being baggers as if that’s not how most of you got here.
You just wrote a long paragaraph of shuban. You dumb f*ck when you realise you are wrong ceebta waa la asturtaa. What are you even on about is hard to comprehend.
Oromos were in Hararghe since the 16th century. Most of the Amhara settlers in Hararghe are Shewan Amharas; Menelik and Ras Mekanon were Shewan Amhara elite, those who suffered most from Amhara colonization were Qutti or Hararghe Oromos, I don't know how you are blaming them.

It's true Some Somali clans willingly joined the Oromo nation; similarly, some Oromos joined the Somali nation. Ethnic identity is fluid in the Hararghe region.
Blaming Shewan Oromos for the major part they played in facilitating the expansion of Ethiopian empire is valid. There wouldn't be Ethiopian state without Oromos. Never fall for the Oromo tears they created Ethiopian empire and expanded along with it as much as the Amxaar and Habeshas in general. Their problem is the fact that Habesha have a superiority complex as the gods chosen people thus they see non Habesha as inferior.

I don't know why you Darods are pushing this cheap propaganda that Samaale clans and others aswell out of nowhere have decided to become Oromo. Yaab wallaahi, wax caqli galeyn bee kuu akhrinayaan.
It’s a bit late for that, xoolos have been attacking them over clothing that is not only worn by them but among the Ugandans. They were asking why niggas were wearing Baatis in dire dawa, & this is exactly what I mean when I say it’s always people from Somalia. Never anyone from these regions.

Why are you so passionate about Oromos? Are you an Oromo yourself?

