Puntland State Education Updates

We have 16,000 students writing in 106 exam centres while Somalia has 31,000 students writing in 'over 100 exam centres'. Their exam leaked and ours has not in the nearly 20 years that they've been running. Their exam is written in Nairobi, Kenya and ours is written in Garowe, Puntland. The difference between centralism and federalism in a nutshell.
Translation: "Puntland has surpassed Somalia. We are now competing with Africa." This is the director of the Ministry of Education talking about the opening of the certification exams.

He echoes President Deni from a few days ago:
Translation: President Deni commenting on the FGS's failure in handling the national exams: "Puntland should take control of the national exams."
9 regions link?


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
This is great news but I swear to god Somalis are delusional as f*ck

Somali certificate is recognized as a shitty O Level degree.

You can't get admitted to first year studies abroad while most African nations have no problem enrolling to undergraduate degrees in the UK

All of Somalia's education is shit and prepared abroad by Kenyans

1) Puntland exams are made, prepared and distributed by the Puntland ministry of education
2) Puntland certificates are accepted by countries that have some kind of diplomatic relationships with Puntland such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Egypt, Sri Lanka, India, China, Malaysia, Philippines (my cousin studies there). Europe is tricky and due to political technicalities. EU deals with Somalia as a block and due to the single market of the EU, if one EU country accepts your certificates, then all EU member states have to accept it as well
3)There are promising diplomatic restoration with Rome.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

My eyes are too dried out due to the Ramadan but I'm crying with my heart.
@Tukraq @Crow @Abdalla

Mb. I thought Puntland had the same curriculum and exams as Somalia

But are you sure Puntland certificate are allowed in the countries you listed?

I thought the only recognized Somali certificate is the one given by the education ministry in muqdisho?


@Tukraq @Crow @Abdalla

Mb. I thought Puntland had the same curriculum and exams as Somalia

But are you sure Puntland certificate are allowed in the countries you listed?

I thought the only recognized Somali certificate is the one given by the education ministry in muqdisho?

Of course Puntland doesn’t have the same curriculum or exams as the FGS (What kind of question is that?) if we did it would be cancelled right now.

Puntland has been setting its own exams since the early 2000s, the FGS began in 2012 (maybe 13), and all those countries do accept the PL certificates. All Puntland exams are set in Garowe while Mogadishu’s are set in Nairobi Kenya.
Of course Puntland doesn’t have the same curriculum or exams as the FGS (What kind of question is that?) if we did it would be cancelled right now.

Puntland has been setting its own exams since the early 2000s, the FGS began in 2012 (maybe 13), and all those countries do accept the PL certificates. All Puntland exams are set in Garowe while Mogadishu’s are set in Nairobi Kenya.
Alright but how is PL certificate recognized while SL certificate isn't recognized outside of Somalia?




Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@Tukraq @Crow @Abdalla

Mb. I thought Puntland had the same curriculum and exams as Somalia

But are you sure Puntland certificate are allowed in the countries you listed?

I thought the only recognized Somali certificate is the one given by the education ministry in muqdisho?

No, the Mogadishu exams-which are prepared in Kenya-have failed and are postponed until the end of this month. There will be a social media black out during the exam weeks in Mogadishu.

The whole rift started with them wanting to issue certificates on our behalf. In order to give certificates, they must harmonise the national exams. PL leaders said 'your exams are prepared in Kenya and can be bought on the streets'. That became reality as their exams were leaked last week.

The quality of their exams is pathetically of low quality written in elementary English. Our exams are in afsomali.

They only restrict the scholarships they received as aid to be given to students that have FGS approved certificates. But you can be accepted by the countries listed above with a PL diploma but you have to pay the tuitions on your own. Even the universities that give them scholarships do not trust their exams and hold their own entry exams and award the best 10 or so.

Previously in Puntland, the schools use to built relationships with certain universities. Meaning that only the graduates of a certain high school were eligible to attend those universities. But since the harmonisation of the PL curriculum under Faroole, the PL diploma is recognised by several countries. Now you don't have to attend high school Y to attend university X in Sudan for example.

As you can see, it's been a long process and Puntland won't give up their sovereignty for free.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I'm confused, does Puntland want to be entirely independent or a part of Somalia?

Here comes the 'is Puntland independent or not' argument. Tell me mister anarchist, where I go? What's puntland suppose to do?


If wars can be started with lies, so can peace.
Speak for yourself. Our curriculum and exams are prepared in Garowe.

We are not too concerned about international recognition at this time. We want our graduates staying in Puntland, not working abroad. We can worry about international recognition when we start producing research.
This felt good to read but was the exams in Somali apart from the english one?


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
Mashallah, puntland certificate is also allowed in Malaysia as my cousin is studying there.

May allah keep the evil yellow eyes from our achievements. Ameen


Is Puntland curriculum in 'somali' also? I think @Abdalla mentioned the test is in Somali. It's so important to translate knowledge into the local language, this was the first thing europe did back in the 1700's, to translate all the world's knowledge in english and they stored it in encyclopedias.

From these encyclopedia's they started to teach their students year by year covering various topics all delivered in their language. This eventually led to them 'mastering' knowledge because all the knowledge was in their language and easy to understand.

It's very difficult to teach students from a nation using a foreign language, that alone is going to bring 'scores' down.

Puntland needs to ensure it converts all it's curriculum studies into 'somali'. Especially around the topics of basic science, maths, history, english. The core subjects need to be maths, somali language, basic sciences. Optional courses can be english, world history, world geography, arts, etc. Make them have 5 courses a day. 3 core subjects(maths, somali language, basic sciences) and 2 optional courses like english and geograpahy.

We need a population who can 'read, write, calculate numbers, and has grasp of basic science' once they finish their high school. Once we have a population that has the basics, we can produce great universities and pursue higher learning investments. It will create experts for us in different fields of technology, medicine, finance, economist, social workers, etc. We will be finally classed as a society with high human capital.

