Puntland takes in Somalis who were deported from Las Anod by Somaliland officials.

D&M need to build and invest in their land which is probably the best part of Somalia. It has fertile soil and rivers. My advice to them would be invest in your land and improve your people's lives. No point of going to other regions and be mistreated. Stay home where you'll be safe and have respect. Somebody tell me if I'm wrong.
I doubt the shacab approve of this, the twisted minds who came up with this project need to be whipped in public.

Several forumer here has confirmed with families in Lascaanood where they said that this was long overdue and things like that.

Plus this was ongoing since early morning to late night and I could not find anything like a mudaaharaad or protest from the ground in Lascaanood.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I have never called for South-West Somalis to be harassed or robbed and deported like xoolo.

Bring receipts instead of trying to insinuate things. The search function is your friend.

Never said harassed but deported is somewhat spot on....

This is a short search that I did. I’m about to head somewhere for a few hours and was pressed for time.

Could pull up more when I’m back home.

Puntland hosted Bantus and D&M since the civil war, however, in recent years, construction companies have found more affordable and more skilled workers from foreign countries.

Instead of going back to their native regions some of whom are AlShaydan free, they are asking for 'work'. Puntland is not a developed nation, nor can we afford to look after thousands of people who are unemployed.
It's high time for South-West State to bring back their people and lobby for funding/train/employ them. Furthermore, it's a security risk for countless unemployed men to be lounging around on our streets, they would be enticed to join gangs or even AlShaydan.

Every Federal State needs to look after its own people, we are not responsible for all Somali Nationals.

They should go back to their home states and do voluntary or even free labour, instead of sitting on Puntland's streets without work.

Yes. I would rather have skilled, efficient and reliable foreign workers than 'fellow' Somalis who are no use to us. We have given them safe haven and peace for decades, however we don't owe them jobs that they cannot do.

By all means, open up Gedo to unskilled Bantus etc, and let them sit on your land all day long.

Puntland needs to register all IDP males and ask them what they are doing, if they are not studying or employed, they should get in touch with their Federal State and check if their home regions are secure and if it is, send them back. At the very least, surely they can join the SNA somewhere and fight for a living.

I will never condone or understand the purpose of allowing unemployed males to sit around all day long. It's a security threat and a social illness. Potential AlShaydanis, that's what they are.


What's racist about asking people to either become competitive in the marketplace or if they are unemployed, move back to their home state where they can be of some use? We are not responsible for babysitting unemployed males nor is it our duty to find work for them. Puntland doesn't have the ability to find work for locals, let alone thousands of men from other Federal States.

Their home states are either South-West State, HirShabelle or Jubbaland- these states should train and employ them as labourers, soldiers or whatever else is available. They need to serve their own communities and build their own regions, even if it's voluntary work.

By all means, you and the rest of the fake 'concerned' people, please invite all these unemployed males to move into your Federal Region.
Never said harassed but deported is somewhat spot on....

This is a short search that I did. I’m about to head somewhere for a few hours and was pressed for time.

Could pull up more when I’m back home.

Uhuh. I see you are adamant on being disingenuous and now you have the nerve to quote me and misinterpret my very clear and honest comments.

The posts you quoted were in reference to UNSKILLED and UNEMPLOYED Bantu labourers, who couldn't find work in Puntland and were complaining about it. So, I suggested, rightfully, that they should be given employment in their own home regions instead of sitting on the streets. They deserve to be trained and employed in their home regions.

Not once did I say that they should be rounded up, without any notice and packed into trucks and transported like xoolo.

I also very clearly said that unemployed males should be sent back "If their home regions are secure".

Puntland needs to register all IDP males and ask them what they are doing, if they are not studying or employed, they should get in touch with their Federal State and check if their home regions are secure and if it is, send them back. At the very least, surely they can join the SNA somewhere and fight for a living.
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Good job PL. I have criticized you in the past and probably don't agree with PL on many issues but this act shows strong leadership and solidarity with your fellow somalis.
Somalia government should officially thank PL and support puntites against the anti somali regime in SL

You should support the loose federalism we have today because it's a middle way that allows each state full political autonomy whilst maintaining national solidarity with one another in an economic, social and cultural sense. Otherwise they'll be more secessions and emnity


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I don’t understand why people assume it’s only D&M community that have been deported from Somaliland. It’s a mixture of southern clans including hawiye and D&M
Never said harassed but deported is somewhat spot on....

This is a short search that I did. I’m about to head somewhere for a few hours and was pressed for time.

Could pull up more when I’m back home.

The previous puntland president Abdiweli Gas said " The people and government of puntland agree to deport the slipper wearing people from xudur and buur hakaba(Rahan Weyn Bantu) form puntland":russ::russ::dead:

I support i wlay la tarxiilo
They are cunsuri go to baidoa and leats ee if there is hawiye, darood or Isaaq doing business.
Also how come there is no qarax in Baidoa.
The previous puntland president Abdiweli Gas said " The people and government of puntland agree to deport the slipper wearing people from xudur and buur hakaba(Rahan Weyn Bantu) form puntland":russ::russ::dead:

President Gaas was talking about the AlShaydan in Galgala, many of whom are actually from South-West Somalia and they have already been deported, to the afterlife.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Uhuh. I see you are adamant on being disingenuous and now you have the nerve to quote me and misinterpret my very clear and honest comments.

The posts you quoted were in reference to UNSKILLED and UNEMPLOYED Bantu labourers, who couldn't find work in Puntland and were complaining about it. So, I suggested, rightfully, that they should be given employment in their own home regions instead of sitting on the streets. They deserve to be trained and employed in their home regions.

Not once did I say that they should be rounded up, without any notice and packed into trucks and transported like xoolo.

I also very clearly said that unemployed males should be sent back "If their home regions are secure".

I don’t care whether they are Bantu or not.

My argument is that your attitude towards reer SW was different a month ago to today.

All I asked was what caused the change in attitude. You could have easily said that you always respected them but there are specific instances (ex: Al-Shabaab) in which your opinion will change.

Laakin you came in here looking for a fight asking why I didn’t applaud this recent goodwill measures.

When I actually did......

Mashallah, I got karbaashed on a thread for defending Puntland’s SW and madooweyn community.

They are honestly the hardest workers I have ever seen and also the most sociable. I genuinely have the deepest respect for them wallahi and I hope other Somalis learn their hardworking traits.
I don’t care whether they are Bantu or not.

My argument is that your attitude towards reer SW was different a month ago to today.

All I asked was what caused the change in attitude. You could have easily said that you always respected them but there are specific instances (ex: Al-Shabaab) in which your opinion will change.

Laakin you came in here looking for a fight asking why I didn’t applaud this recent goodwill measures.

When I actually did......

My attitude has always been consistent.

Which is that I don't want unemployed men to be sitting around in other states, when they could be joining the SNA in their own regions or doing voluntary work.
This is because they can be enticed into joining AlShaydan or other criminal entities. I will not apologise for that stance.

As for who is looking for a fight? My post was a response to your negative comment. I didn't seek you out.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
My attitude has always been consistent.

I don't want unemployed men to be sitting around in other states, when they could be joining the SNA in their own regions or doing voluntary work. This is because they can be enticed into joining AlShaydan or other criminal entities. I will not apologise for that stance.

Yeah I understand clearly.

Don’t play the β€œI was just responding” game when your response was clearly facetious and based in whataboutism.

I’ll show you an example below:

Will you apologise for these comments tho?

Families, orphans and even ethnic Somali reer PL live in IDP camps.

Shutting IDP camps affects all of them.

Everytime a Puntland official is killed, it's a Bantu or eelaay. How many times must I repeat that those IDP camps must be shut down and these people sent home?

Unfortunately, Puntites don't value hard work and would rather hand over manual jobs to shisheye and now even Oromo.

Who has to die next for them to snap out of it?
Yeah I understand clearly.

Will you apologise for these comments tho?

Families, orphans and even ethnic Somali reer PL live in IDP camps.

Shutting IDP camps affects all of them.


IDP camps should be shut down and Federal States need to ask these NGOs to build permanent houses in their own regions. This is what they have been doing in Puntland, so they can do this in other Federal States also.

IDP camps are nothing more than experimentation camps for foreign NGOs and rape centres for AMISOM forces.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r

IDP camps should be shut down and Federal States need to ask these NGOs to build permanent houses in their own regions. This is what they have been doing in Puntland, so they can do this in other Federal States also.

IDP camps are nothing more than experimentation camps for foreign NGOs and rape centres for AMISOM forces.

Isn’t that deportation or forced removal?

Assuming some don’t want that and want to stay in Puntland?
Isn’t that deportation or forced removal?

Assuming some don’t want that and want to stay in Puntland?

LOL..How is wanting Somalis to have their own permanent homes in their own regions "forced removal"?

And why would anyone object to permanent housing in their own region? Especially someone who comes from lush, fertile land? What a great punishment, please don't build me a house in Baydhabo, the horror! :comeon:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
There’s politics and there’s humanity. Reer SW are not different from any other community when we’re engaging in fkd

You are trying to get piggy points from people that will never ever approve you.

@Periplus aniga iskakey celi. Debate me. Whenever I feel, at the very least, some kind of adversary I will start personal insults. Everything is fair game from that point on, parents, dead or alive. Everything. Debate me car iyo wir

