השבח לאל
A vice president begging people on the phone for $5 and begging the public to feed their soldiers, that's a next level of brokeness
They're mobilizing the women too, I can't believe this. The jokes write themselves!
A vice president begging people on the phone for $5 and begging the public to feed their soldiers, that's a next level of brokeness
Buh buh buh what about the world bank report though!A vice president begging people on the phone for $5 and begging the public to feed their soldiers, that's a next level of brokeness
Come get vehicles back from dick suckerWallahi I would be so embarrassed right now if I was @Starscream
Why do I have your vehiclesBohol is a layer no one should believe what he writes. The khatumo website r trying to raise the moral of anti somaliland groups properly they are aiming at the diaspora so that they can raise funds.
Why do I have your vehicles
Explain why ugaadhyahan has all you vehiclesTake your L. You came running in that thread so sure of yourself with the fake video.
Explain why ugaadhyahan has all you vehicles
Why are you avoiding this
Yet mj never captured one vehicle while ugaadhyahan captured all the vehiclesI don't know who that is. Don't break down your subclan for me. As the PL VP confirms, Dhulbahante as a whole were wholly irrelevant to the failed attack(you can have a participation ribbon for those two men who took part). Stop living past glories and thank your MJ cousins for fighting for you Ay u xaqiijiyeen Gopob Joogayaal Ku Sugan Deegaanka Tukaraq Duleedkeeda Waxa Gaadhey Deegaanka Ciidamo badan Oo ka Yimi Dhanka Howdka Sool Oo uu hogaaminayo Taliyaha Ciidamada Khaatumo .
waxa la Sheegayaa Inay Dagaalkii Tukaraq Oo Goor Hore Oo Axada Ka Dhacay Deegaanka Uu Hogaaminayey Faysal Falaluug Oo ka Tirsan Saraakiisha Ciidamo,Iyagoona Qeyb ka Noqday Ciidamaad Fadhisimada Ka Samaystay Duleedka Tukaraq. Jira Gurmad Ciidamada Bad Baado Khaatumo ku biirinayaan Inuu dagaalka Dhanka Hawdka Boocame Laga Xoojiyo Si loogu Dhabar Jabiyo Ciidamada Maamulka Soomaliland oo Shacabka u Arkaan Dhul balaadhsi Inuu yahay. ka imanaya deegaanka Gadqaboobe ee gobolka sool ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo beeleed beesha ugaadhyahan siyaad ay soo gaadheen deegaanka godqaboobe kuwaa oo aqbalayay codsiga garaad saleebaan garaad maxamed halkaa oo maalmihii u dambeeyay isku aruursanayeen ciidamo badan oo dagaal la gali doona maleeshiyaadka SNM-ta
Ciidamadan ayaa ah kuwii ugu tirada badnaa ee soo gaadha deegaanka Gadqaboobe waxaana dhinaca kale lagu soo waramayaa in Maamulka Somalialnd ta ay iyaguna wadaan dhaqdhaqaaqyo iyadoo hub iyo gurmad uu uga imaanayo deegaano kala duwan ee somaliland
Oh it went from vehicles to weapons nowYet mj never captured one vehicle while ugaadhyahan captured all the vehicles
2 of the 3 fronts are ugaadhyahan
Here is faysal falaalug in hawd/boocame previous months
The same place bihi was crying about getting attacked from
Here is karaash in east front
I ass fucked bucur bacayr/habar guusjelco kids
I own all your weapons
$5 or whatever he said it's part of morale. I donated 100 dollars which I had initially intended to give to the Awdal Cyclone. Somaliland is far poorer than Puntland GDP per capita and many other indicators according to the United Nations and World Bank so I am not sure what you are trying to correlate here. Are you saying Puntland is so poor it can't feed its soldiers, is your IQ that low? @Gucci mane's clearly still emotional about that the World Bank report it had a major psychological impact on the weak minded FKD population of Jeegaan Online Unit. JOU I will call them now!A vice president begging people on the phone for $5 and begging the public to feed their soldiers, that's a next level of brokeness
$5 or whatever he said it's part of morale. I donated 100 dollars which I had initially intended to give to the Awdal Cyclone. Somaliland is far poorer than Puntland GDP per capita and many other indicators according to the United Nations and World Bank so I am not sure what you are trying to correlate here. Are you saying Puntland is so poor it can't feed its soldiers, is your IQ that low? @Gucci mane's clearly still emotional about that the World Bank report it had a major psychological impact on the weak minded FKD population of Jeegaan Online Unit. JOU I will call them now!
That's great to know so it wasn't propaganda after all was it? It was from Somaliland but weren't you the one telling us FKD is for the big boys? You are getting kinda emotional here niyahow wait till there's concrete news we don't want you injecting roids out of frustration
Do you think i give shit who won this shitty.
Exactly. My intention is to trigger which i have accomplished
If you put in as much work in the gym as you do with your roid cycles and pathetic comebacks, you could have been the second V body after myselfExactly. My intention is to trigger which i have accomplished