Qabiil is a cancer that will never leave us

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Seeker of knowledge and truth
And you wanted to hand over our ace, our representative in that hellhole? You're ungrateful and kiss the ring of cumar buur if you want to be redeemed Nacalaa kugu yaal. Imagine if you were handling our affairs? Majeerteens would turn into looma ooyaans. :nahgirl:
Your chastising a man because he believes in the rule of law that no man is above law in his country no matter what qabil strong or weak big or small under Almighty Allahs eyes we are equals? that a criminal is a criminal and they should not be supported under any circumstances why would you be worried about your qabil being looma ooyan if there was justice for all Somalis? seriously trying to understand geeljire logic will drive you insane it's a rabbit hole:jcoleno:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Your chastising a man because he believes in the rule of law that no man is above law in his country no matter what qabil strong or weak big or small under Almighty Allahs eyes we are equals? that a criminal is a criminal and they should not be supported under any circumstances why would you be worried about your qabil being looma ooyan if there was justice for all Somalis? seriously trying to understand geeljire logic will drive you insane it's a rabbit hole:jcoleno:

Lol@this nigga. You were making fun of MJs for not 'laying the smack down on sacads' and all of a sudden you're a wadani? I swear it must be the end of fkd if one wakes up as a qabilist and sleeps as a wadani. Shaolin I expected better from you :gucciwhat:

As for the other political correct nonsense the people above you spewed, I wouldn't even bother entertaining them. It says a lot about them if they are more concerned with the reaction instead of the action that caused those reactions. They were nowhere to be seen when savages behaved like animals but darn you if you wash your hands off certain communities.

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
The picture of Abdishakur reminds me of when the terrorist Xasan Aweys turnd himself in the "elders" of his clan got knocked the fck out when they refused to hand him over to the government there's a lack of respect for a Habar Gidir in Mogadishu that other clans don't get




Seeker of knowledge and truth
Lol@this nigga. You were making fun of MJs for not 'laying the smack down on sacads' and all of a sudden you're a wadani? I swear it must be the end of fkd if one wakes up as a qabilist and sleeps as a wadani. Shaolin I expected better from you :gucciwhat:

As for the other political correct nonsense the people above you spewed, I wouldn't even bother entertaining them. It says a lot about them if they are more concerned with the reaction instead of the action that caused those reactions. They were nowhere to be seen when savages behaved like animals but darn you if you wash your hands off certain communities.
Your honestly taking an FKD banter session about a tribal skirmish that happens in most African countries and using it to discredit my wadanimo because I called out your national traitor uncle and his sidekick who tried to sell our ocean to a neighboring country an area so packed with oil and natural gas that it would benefit our grandchildren my bad bro for being Somali first and my qabil second :ulyin:

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Your honestly taking an FKD banter session about a tribal skirmish that happens in most African countries and using it to discredit my wadanimo because I called out your national traitor uncle and his sidekick who tried to sell our ocean to a neighboring country an area so packed with oil and natural gas that it would benefit our grandchildren my bad bro for being Somali first and my qabil second :ulyin:
What's your IQ? :gucciwhat:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
And you wanted to hand over our ace, our representative in that hellhole? You're ungrateful and kiss the ring of cumar buur if you want to be redeemed Nacalaa kugu yaal. Imagine if you were handling our affairs? Majeerteens would turn into looma ooyaans. :nahgirl:
One thing we don’t do is support one of our own when they’re wrong besides we have a president and a prime minister there’s no man above the law aniga Maxa taagan Nahay hala cumar cabdirashid iyo Abdishakur circus maximus while you’re busy watching a game of football there’s a real g like me out there pouring honey on your honey kkk


Seeker of knowledge and truth
You should read what you wrote before posting it, don't get too emotional and write with haste
Lol "I should read what I wrote before I post"? You should read in general start off with basic grammar and sentence structure before trying to come off as intelligent :childplease:
I'll quote this timeless statement made by on the greats regarding tribalism again.

Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men - ayn rand

Somalia as a land has great potential to become one of the greatest econimically devoloped countries not only in africa but the whole world. Unfortunately the land is currently inhabited by uncivilized barbarians. Imagine if cadaans or indhoyars lived in somalia.

The most mind bogling to me is even the diaspora practice the ways of their primitive ape ancesters. Having lived in a civilized society you would think they would be better than those back home, but they are, if not more, as tribalist as the illiterate clan elder back home. Shocking.

No matter the level of education attained by any of them, the level of religious knowledge they acquire, they are still engaged in the clan politics that made them the most corrupt human beings who walked on earth today. .

I don't remember last time I listened to a Somali sheekh for any reason. I decided one day it is waste of my time to lend a minute to a talking Somali head even if he is spewing religion. Totally disgusted with my lot unfortunately.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
No matter the level of education attained by any of them, the level of religious knowledge they acquire, they are still engaged in the clan politics that made them the most corrupt human beings who walked on earth today. .

I don't remember last time I listened to a Somali sheekh for any reason. I decided one day it is waste of my time to lend a minute to a talking Somali head even if he is spewing religion. Totally disgusted with my lot unfortunately.

Bro its not that serious. Detach yourself from any reason and logic when it comes to Somali affairs. If you don't, then prepare yourself for high blood pressure


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Bro its not that serious. Detach yourself from any reason and logic when it comes to Somali affairs. If you don't, then prepare yourself for high blood pressure
Good advice I need to take that up ....the geeljire in me won't let me leave the madness that is Somali politics tho:ileycry:
Qabiil is not bad and it is being used as scapegoat by useless people . Darood weaponized Qabiil so if anyone needs to drop qabiil it's the people who used it the wrong way. The rest of us look at it as lineage / heritage and cherish it.

You blame one Qabiil collectively to point out how Qabiil is poison. What is there to cherish about being a Somali if you are a total failure anyway collectively as a society? Or success for your clan means you have couple towns ruled by a member clan you re happy with when the entire country known as Somalia is struggling to stand on its feet?

There is nothing to cherish about clan. It is backwardness and the evidence is everywhere for anyone with peanut size brain to see.
Bro its not that serious. Detach yourself from any reason and logic when it comes to Somali affairs. If you don't, then prepare yourself for high blood pressure

Good advise. I think prophet Mohamed would give up on Somalis much less some a non-person dude like me. This society kissed its grave long ago and they are dying painful ugly death to extinction with each passing year. Victims of their ignoramus and backwardness.

Waa horaan iska daayay musuqmaasuqooda and their fakery.
As long as Somali is dealing with some qabiil bullshit they will remain the most corrupt country. We have all the means to become a well established country but this qabiil bullshit is holding us back.

We should obliterate qabiilnimo and treat it as Germans/ the world treated the nazis post war.
:draketf: waryaa forget somalia.
it'll never change. ur swedish, claim ur people sxb. never claim somali. u gain nothing from it.
We should embrace it. qabiil ain't going no where, in fact we should go one step further and divide the entire country into small little villages for every qabiil. Why pretend to be a country when the rule of law can't be applied to everyone?

or we can just remove old ass niggas from positions of power. F them and their dhaqan.
they ain't shit, they don't lead no one and they should be told to F off or get lynched. if not, let's stop the nonsense and move on. hawiye can't hold the government hostage.


Xamar Living
people on this forum treat qabil like sports teams.

the degenerate culture of qablism has unfortunately penetrated into our very being

like a genetic disease that is passed down

its mind boggling how youth (millenials and Gen Z) born in the west and are educated for the most part still engage in qabilism

for example look what happened to the native American and the countless wild savage tribes across the world in the past 100 years or so.

wallahi somali if it continues down this path will not exist in 30-50 years time

in the next major war when the big western countries are not paying attention/are to busy, we will get swallowed up by our neighbors.

niggas still don't realize we're facing an existential crisis as we speak

even the oromo's are wantonly slaughtering somalis

its still about the "muh qabil is better than yours" mentality.
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