Qabiil makes me sick

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Its not the qabiil part But Qabyalaad Can yall stop posting about qabiil qashiin all the time?

Its getting repetitive lately

Hawiiye this

Isaaq that

Darood did that

Give it a fuckin break:camby:

Any Somali that likes to talk about qabiil and how and why their is so much better than the other person has nothing to brag about and thats the thing

Cuz the person who has nothing to brag about but their ancestors has failed cause the best part of em is underground
Qabiil is an invented hoax story. I gave up when I found out that(conveniently) most qabiils "can" trace their lineage back to Qurayshi arabs. Qabiil is BS and it should be rejected altogether.

You seem hurt over my post. There's a judge in the international court of justice, professors, prime ministers, presidents, authors and many more in the list I've provided. Say mashallah and stop pouting! :mjlol:
When your bar is so low you celebrate the mundane things in life! Somalis have achieved nothing of note. The sooner you get that through your skull the sooner you might beat the delusion.
Qabiil is an invented hoax story. I gave up when I found out that(conveniently) most qabiils "can" trace their lineage back to Qurayshi arabs. Qabiil is BS and it should be rejected altogether.
Not only that but there are history books written in Somali who deal with this very issue of the falsified tribes and nobility. But most tribalists have neither the capacity to read nor the common sense to realise that's false on their own.
Wondering the same here. Bed time stories? :leon: That's a useless link...

Anything u know of in English?
Since it gives you the ISBN, title, author etc, I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to find a copy. There are a few papers on the subject written in English but I can't be bothered to search right now.


Only one woman in that list


Qabiil is a man's world baayo
There's no correlation between qabilism and her notables being skewed towards men, i.e the shortage of women. In fact, your comment is of no relevance to her list.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
When your bar is so low you celebrate the mundane things in life! Somalis have achieved nothing of note. The sooner you get that through your skull the sooner you might beat the delusion.

MJ and low bar don't go together. We produce intellectual individuals. Get your Noname ass out of here! :mjlol:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There's no correlation between qabilism and her notables being skewed towards men, i.e the shortage of women. In fact, your comment is of no relevance to her list.

The only ones against qabil are the langaabs who have no influence and therefore want to rid themselves of a hierarchy where they are at the bottom. Qabil and all its manifestations is what Somalia is founded upon and it is here to stay. Deal with it. :manny:
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