Qabiil makes me sick

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If its on mainstream media, don't believe it
Qabiil is an invented hoax story. I gave up when I found out that(conveniently) most qabiils "can" trace their lineage back to Qurayshi arabs. Qabiil is BS and it should be rejected altogether.

Are you the same metamorphosis from somnet? That guy was tribalist
Did I touch a nerve? :lolbron:

Did you not admit to asking your mother for info and claiming she knows everything?

Or do I need to pull out your post just to refresh your memory?:siilaanyosmile:
wtf this nigga want from me now lol didn't even comment on one of his threads. it really must be a slow day for him to I guess he is bored looking to pick people to bother


You obviously dont understand how qabiil works.

A woman's role in qabiil is 1) a baby machine 2) a gift to an elder as part of a ceasefire agreement
Whether that is true or not, it isn't in contention and has no bearing on topic of the shortage of female 'notables' on her list, which pertains to other factors altogether outside qabil and is of no relevance to it. You missed the mark.

Thank you :nvjpqts: time to brush up on my Somali.

Lemme forward this to my adeer, he's always claiming that our clan was founded by some Arab who landed on our shore 2154321123 ago :lolbron:

The only ones against qabil are the langaabs who have no influence and therefore want to rid themselves of a hierarchy where they are at the bottom. Qabil and all its manifestations is what Somalia is founded upon and it is here to stay. Deal with it. :manny:

That's what you think :siilaanyolaugh: I'm going to sabotage it from the inside


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Whether that is true or not, it isn't in contention and has no bearing on topic of the shortage of female 'notables' on her list, which pertains to other factors altogether outside qabil and is of no relevance to it. You missed the mark.

How can there be any notables when Somali society and qabiil relegates women to baby makers? No qabiil would willingly allow a woman to represent them, hence the West pushing for parliamentary quotas for women.

Nobody cares about a woman in Somalia beyond her capacity to push out babies and serve as a peace offering. Your blood money is half of a man's, as is your inheritance, and even testimony


Notable Somali woman are the exception, and even then there will never be a Reer VixR

MJ and low bar don't go together. We produce intellectual individuals. Get your Noname ass out of here! :mjlol:
You're absolutely delusional. Take a look at your list again. In what world are regional politicians and youth league cofounders considered high bar achievements? The reason Somalis are at the bottom of every field of note is because people like you whose ideals can't go beyond the said bottom. People who proclaim mundane, run-of-the-mill social efforts as brilliant achievements. You're type of person who would tell his/her children that they should aim for being shopkeepers and receptionists, since being a lawyer, a judge, or a professor is equivalent to being a Nobel laureate in your world. Educate yourself, please.
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