Question for the teenage nationalists


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Since you're a little slow, I'll think I'll help you out. Look into the mirror. What do you see?
17,218 Holding Mirror Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images
Drying your clothes hand dry is a much better option than the machine. What do you use?


or maybe because we Somalis aren't sheep and won't scramble to follow a white man's label. Race is a phycological concept.

@Destiny call me when you become "woke" or whatever they say in the US
yeah i don't see the point of identifying ur with race over ethnicity.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Lol genuine question do you hate white people as much madows. I dont understand why somalis on here have such burning hate for blacks but rarely mention cadaan people
we hate everyone who isn't somali. Back in Siad's regime, there were posters that said Beware of Cadaans= HIV.


Shaah Enthusiast
How I expected some to bring out the colorist insults. How brainwashed are you that you hate the black skin you were given, that your people have? You coons really hate yourselves, don't you? How is this not dark or black in your world?
We're Really Like Them': Somali Book Authors Write About Experience  Settling In Green Bay | Wisconsin Public Radio
How I expected some to bring out the colorist insults. How brainwashed are you that you hate the black skin you were given, that your people have? You coons really hate yourselves, don't you? How is this not dark or black in your world?
We're Really Like Them': Somali Book Authors Write About Experience  Settling In Green Bay | Wisconsin Public Radio're Really Like Them': Somali Book Authors Write About Experience  Settling In Green Bay | Wisconsin Public Radio

they don't look negroid is my point. We don't want to be lumped with those people


Lol genuine question do you hate white people as much madows. I dont understand why somalis on here have such burning hate for blacks but rarely mention cadaan people
we hate everyone includes our own people


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
How I expected some to bring out the colorist insults. How brainwashed are you that you hate the black skin you were given, that your people have? You coons really hate yourselves, don't you? How is this not dark or black in your world?
We're Really Like Them': Somali Book Authors Write About Experience  Settling In Green Bay | Wisconsin Public Radio're Really Like Them': Somali Book Authors Write About Experience  Settling In Green Bay | Wisconsin Public Radio
Race was used to keep negros under control in America. What use is it in Africa? Black isnt a monolith, the term black is used for ADOS. Samuel Morton in the 19th century came up with a classification for race, now modern studies debunked his research and proved that race is just a label.
Why does it matter to you that people don't claim black? Why shove it down our damn throats? THAT reeks insecurity


Race was used to keep negros under control in America. What use is it in Africa? Black isnt a monolith, the term black is used for ADOS. Samuel Morton in the 19th century came up with a classification for race, now modern studies debunked his research and proved that race is just a label.
Why does it matter to you that people don't claim black? Why shove it down our damn throats? THAT reeks insecurity
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Highly Respected
@Destiny you are talking to a brick wall, these diaspora kids on social media (forums and twitter) believe that because we have thinner noses and softer hair that we are somehow superior to Africans and Carribean people. Just look at how they respond to others, posting gorilla and making slavery jokes. Disgusting.

Where does this superiority complex come from? Our nation is the definition of a failed state, no we wuz not kangz, our history is nomadism and massacring each other based on clans, not a history of state-building like Ethiopians. So many Black African people have far superior history to us.
Im sorry but jereers have too many Ls we don't want to associate with. They're too embarrassing. It hurts our pride if we ( who descend from people who have backbones of steel) associate with people who have been used and abused by EVERYBODY :hova:
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