Question for the teenage nationalists


Shaah Enthusiast
Okay and? Most ethnicities don't have shit either so it's not a somali thing, get over it.
I want to know why you feel like you need to talk about somalis negatively every two seconds, clearly you have inferiority issues.
Yah we're a failed state, yah we have shitty nationalists but they are my people through everything.
Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.
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Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.
I have no issues with Bantus or any ethnicities and I despise people with superiority complexes.

But, you seem to want to mention how much you hate somalis/somalia in almost all your posts? I really doubt you're somali and if you are, there are other ways to go about being a "realist" that don't involve being a self hater.

You claim to be a realist but what are you doing to help the situation besides badmouthing it?
Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.

I'm sorry, this is an obsession. For multiple months, you have been going on about this.

You have a bee in your bonnet and it has stung you too many times. Your brain has swollen up and, as a result, you are on a loop repeating the same things over and over.

I hope you get better soon 🙏



I am NOT a federal agent
hey retard. Black is a color not an ethnicity. By your logic asians are white.
And no race is above another. We are all the sons of Adam.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.
how come you only came out of your shell now that the topic of somalia's condition came? HA HA HA. shows so much about you. #mentalhealthmatters
I have no issues with Bantus or any ethnicities and I despise people with superiority complexes.

But, you seem to want to mention how much you hate somalis/somalia in almost all your posts? I really doubt you're somali and if you are, there are other ways to go about being a "realist" that don't involve being a self hater.

You claim to be a realist but what are you doing to help the situation besides badmouthing it?
Everything in my head put into one post well done. Notice how she says "your country's a shithols as if it isn't hers, well maybe it isn't and she isn't even Somali.
Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.
lool I think she's AA
Larping as a Somali trying to trick us, lol we're too smart for that



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:manny: A Nilo + North African mix won't get you a Somali.

Somalis look very distinct. Recognizably so.

They intentionally segregate themselves even from other Horners forget about populations that are more SSA.

What do you want from them? To ingrate themselves to people of Niger Congo descent? Not happening. We are Somali so we only pray to IIahi. We'll take all the benefits of our skin colour in the west and still consider ourselves seperate aka Somali. That doesn't mean denigrating other POCs because of their phenotype. Just that we prefer carving out our own self-identity as opposed to passively accepting a meta one we had no part in crafting.

If your self worth as a Somali is contingent on the state of your nation. Then I pray for you.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
How so? I think I'm one of the few rational people here. I accept my blackness unlike most, and I do not think me being Somali makes me better or worse than others. How is that self hatred?

If anything, I think those who can't look at their dark skin and curly hair, and accept themselves as black, display those qualities. They also put on a front of superiority that does not hold weight when you examine it, and when those ideas are challenged become defensive and hostile. That seems to be what's plaguing many of the teen nationalists here. I honestly pity them.
Does one have to be a nationalist or think she / he’s superior for say they are Somali and not identify with the buzzword “black” ?
Seems like a logical fallacy.

The term black was used to identify ADOS, a people stripped from their original culture and language, black/Negro/african became a placeholder for them.

we know our ethnicity we don’t need placeholders
I’m not a teenager btw I’m a grown man
How so? I think I'm one of the few rational people here. I accept my blackness unlike most, and I do not think me being Somali makes me better or worse than others. How is that self hatred?

If anything, I think those who can't look at their dark skin and curly hair, and accept themselves as black, display those qualities. They also put on a front of superiority that does not hold weight when you examine it, and when those ideas are challenged become defensive and hostile. That seems to be what's plaguing many of the teen nationalists here. I honestly pity them.
no u don’t accept anything
u hate ur self and call ur self black when the REAL black peopke bully u and don’t count u in as black
Okay and? Most ethnicities don't have shit either so it's not a somali thing, get over it.
I want to know why you feel like you need to talk about somalis negatively every two seconds, clearly you have inferiority issues.
Yah we're a failed state, yah we have shitty nationalists but they are my people through everything.
I love you so much big cyber hug :tocry:
Blah blah blah. Your country’s a shithole and your people are refugees in Bantu countries, the same people y’all have the nerve to look down upon. Unlike others, I don’t hide behind fake pride and delusions of grandeur. If calling out those who refuse to accept reality makes me a self hater, then so be it.

Oh, and i suppose every other nation has been completely flawless through their histories, free from periods of war and hardship? These dark times will pass, but not with people who have your attitude :comeon:



East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
I seemed to have hit a nerve yesterday with the teenage nationalists on this forum. Nobody answered any of the questions I posed, instead choosing to call me an ajnabi, like any Somali person who does not think the way they do is somehow blasphemous.

Why does me stating the reality of our country trigger you? What is wrong with me pointing out that the superiority complex many of you pretend to have makes no sense? Before you start with the insults and the downvotes, answer these questions for me. Of course, I'm not expecting much from people who refuse to accept they're black.
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Ok but yesterday the cadaan handy man assumed I was timo jileec :/
[miisken I hope she get better femcel we are Somali and African. Us horn Africans had civilization while other ppl in our same continent lived in mud houses until 1600:hillarybiz:


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