
Certified Liin Distributor
Oh what I just devised is too good to just drop here for this thread. @Muji I'll give you enough respect and make this solely focused around you
Imagine you are a career woman, with a high degree and have been working your ass off. Without noticing the years have been passing by and you now find yourself in this situation or shall I say at an age where your eggs are about to expire, the curve is declining by the month and the clock is ticking .. In a panic mode you go for a man hunt.. but find out your only option is to marry low educated broke faraxs who are the only ones left on the market within your age range. Now my question is

A. Will you be willing to pay for the expenses for your meher
B. Finance your wedding and honey moon trip
C. Provide a fully furnished home where you and your husband can settle.
I would much rather adopt.or stay single. No woman should have to pay and provide for a man. Its bad enough she has to go through morning sicknesses and labor. No thanks.


Why would I pay? I'd consider to meet halfway on the wedding cost and honeymoon but the mehr he needs to pay for if he is serious about marrying me.


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