Racism in egypt


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Egypt is super racist not even because of Arabs but the Copts that live there bring a insidious mindset Copts Greeks

the ancient Greeks viewed black Africans with racial prejudice and introduced racism that divided the world between white and black to the world

Its also funny how many of the black people the Greeks met in Africa were were superior to them militarily and technologically up until the Macedonians conquered the world

The world????


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Yeah thats one of the benefits of being Somali in these arab countries, they think you are gaajo somali

Cadaans here get finessed and scammed like crazy, visiting the Pyramids is dirt cheap for us and these Egyptian scammers dont bother you
They gave us a buy 1 get one free discount
The man who made the accounts travelled all over Woqooyi and a good chunk of Galbeed (I believe some of Koonfur too on different expeditions) and met and stayed with people from all four major clans of Hawiye, Isaaq, Darood and Dir and noted how ubiquitous dogs were. They were so common that you could tell a Somali nomad camp or reer tuulo village was nearby through the barking of dogs.

And it's fairly obvious why they stopped:

The settled Somal have a holy horror of dogs, and, Wahhabi-like, treat man’s faithful slave most cruelly. The wild people are more humane; they pay two ewes for a good colley, and demand a two-year old sheep as “diyat” or blood-money for the animal, if killed.

What seems to have happened is that the attitude of reer magaals from back then slowly became mainstream as Somalis urbanized more and more and, more importantly, became more hyper religious. Got to a point where even the nomads developed the same attitude toward dogs when they clearly liked them about a Century ago.
Daam reer magaal shenanigans affecting somalia for the worst like usual.
The man who made the accounts travelled all over Woqooyi and a good chunk of Galbeed (I believe some of Koonfur too on different expeditions) and met and stayed with people from all four major clans of Hawiye, Isaaq, Darood and Dir and noted how ubiquitous dogs were. They were so common that you could tell a Somali nomad camp or reer tuulo village was nearby through the barking of dogs.

And it's fairly obvious why they stopped:

The settled Somal have a holy horror of dogs, and, Wahhabi-like, treat man’s faithful slave most cruelly. The wild people are more humane; they pay two ewes for a good colley, and demand a two-year old sheep as “diyat” or blood-money for the animal, if killed.

What seems to have happened is that the attitude of reer magaals from back then slowly became mainstream as Somalis urbanized more and more and, more importantly, became more hyper religious. Got to a point where even the nomads developed the same attitude toward dogs when they clearly liked them about a Century ago.
desert dwelling somali are more civilized then their city counterparts


One time we got into a heated argument with a Yemeni, he came to my uncle's clothing store the man was haggling him in his subpar Arabic dialect for a discount. There was already a 30% off discount on the item and the guy kept going
"Give me less price, old man"

My uncle said no you either buy this or go to another store.
The Arab got cocky and resorted to petty insults.

Let's say my uncle lost
his temper he's a former police lieutenant during Siad Barre's reign not the guy you'd want to mess with.
When the dhegacas made a remark about Somalis being "Juucaan waa taxt al carab" hunger stricken and beneath Arabs.

My uncle jumped from the counter desk and slam dunked him. That was a sight to be seen.
Another uncle with a cane joined in and remove the guy out from the premises.

Yes these people can be disrespectful.
I went to an international American school, so everything was done in the american curriculum.

Have you learned some Arabic? Egyptians can be one of the most immoral people out there. They'll stop at nothing to get some money and classism is rife within society.

But they have good sense of humor I'll give them that.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Have you learned some Arabic? Egyptians can be one of the most immoral people out there. They'll stop at nothing to get some money and classism is rife within society.

But they have good sense of humor I'll give them that.
Lol yes, but not much. I could never pass the last intermediate level. Anyway, I forgot most of it.
Racism is everywhere, but I found egyptian people cool and they are probably the most reer magaal arabs.

There are a lot of South Sudanese people in the country who stand out, and are looked down upon because of very dark skin/lack of wealth and In the endz I was in they were robbing people at night.

But as a Somali, especially wearing a thawb, they thought I was a yemeni/khaleeji which surprised me since I have the normal somali skin colour not dark/not user light but brown. Anyways, whenever I told them I was somali they would be like..."Somali? They're the best of people." After hearing that several times I asked one of them why? And he was like Somalis helped us a lot when we were fighting the yahuuds during Anwar al-sadaat's time, they sent us a lot of livestock and other goods.

Btw Egyptians aren't cadaan cadaan, you can find all different shades of colour.

Nalaaye floxks

Life is like a sandwich, the bread comes first💰💯
Racism is everywhere, but I found egyptian people cool and they are probably the most reer magaal arabs.

There are a lot of South Sudanese people in the country who stand out, and are looked down upon because of very dark skin/lack of wealth and In the endz I was in they were robbing people at night.

But as a Somali, especially wearing a thawb, they thought I was a yemeni/khaleeji which surprised me since I have the normal somali skin colour not dark/not user light but brown. Anyways, whenever I told them I was somali they would be like..."Somali? They're the best of people." After hearing that several times I asked one of them why? And he was like Somalis helped us a lot when we were fighting the yahuuds during Anwar al-sadaat's time, they sent us a lot of livestock and other goods.

Btw Egyptians aren't cadaan cadaan, you can find all different shades of colour.
They like us because we are the aboriginals of egypt, the people of land of punt that’s why :stevej:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Wallahi no cap, I’ve been experiencing positive discrimination in Egypt atm.

Each time I go somewhere and haggle, these guys be like “Just cause you’re my Arab brother.”

I went to a temple and this guard asked where I was from, I said “Somal” and he proceeded to take my phone and take photos of a hidden chamber in the temple.

My man said “only for the Arabs”.

A bunch of cadaans and ajnabis tried begging it but my man wasn’t having it.

I hope Somalia never leaves the Arab League.

Wallahi no cap, I’ve been experiencing positive discrimination in Egypt atm.

Each time I go somewhere and haggle, these guys be like “Just cause you’re my Arab brother.”

I went to a temple and this guard asked where I was from, I said “Somal” and he proceeded to take my phone and take photos of a hidden chamber in the temple.

My man said “only for the Arabs”.

A bunch of cadaans and ajnabis tried begging it but my man wasn’t having it.

I hope Somalia never leaves the Arab League.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r

Bro Cairo alone is the size of Australia in population.

There are probably millions of horrible people in egypt.

But the vast majority are nice people. My housemate that I lived with for four years was an Egyptian and my best friend. Probably the nicest and most trustworthy man I’ve met.