Random Oromo history thread!


Nigga @ahus21024

Are you seriously saying the rulers of the Sultanate of Dawaro (Jaarso) are Oromo when we didn't even know about your existence till your expansion after the collapse of Adal Sultanate
Nigga @ahus21024

Are you seriously saying the rulers of the Sultanate of Dawaro (Jaarso) are Oromo when we didn't even know about your existence till your expansion after the collapse of Adal Sultanate
Dawaro are jidwaaq that got assimilated into Oromo they are not real jaarso just like baalcaad and walaabi these guys aren’t real jaarso they got assimilated
Dawaro are jidwaaq that got assimilated into Oromo they are not real jaarso just like baalcaad and walaabi these guys aren’t real jaarso they got assimilated
By Somali reckoning, the founder of Dawaro Sultanate was Jārso people belonging to the Ali Madaḥweyne branch which is a sub-clan of Dir. After the Oromo migrations, the ʿAli Madaḥweyne Dir were absorbed into the Afran Qallo Barentuma confederation, and today the Jarso are reckoned as Jārsō Daggā Qāllō Barentuma Oromō.

Fake. If you believe Mareexan are Oromos, do you also claim dir to be Oromos?
Bruh Ik dawaro ain’t even real Jarso same with the baalcaad and walaabi they are daroods that got assimilated into jaarso
Proof? Or just spewing nonsense. What do you mean by real jaarso? You saying the descendants of Ali Madaḥweyne are Oromos? How can you claim a people who have been explicitly mentioned 300-400 years before the oromo migration?
You and that other one smoking some laced khat.
Bruh Ik dawaro ain’t even real Jarso same with the baalcaad and walaabi they are daroods that got assimilated into jaarso

Please stop the historical revisionism. You have failed to provide one source. I even gave you the challange to find me any mention of Oromos or Galla as a people anywhere before the 16th century and you failed.

@Garaad diinle @Duucale1
Please stop listening to @Abba Sadacha and @ahus21024

They both oromos who have been trying hard to fool Somalis on this Somali forum called "Somali"spot. They have been working day and night to change, to corrupt and revision or history as to make themselves seem like natives in their current occupied Somali land. When confronted with their genocide and ethnic cleansing they become silent or try to underestimating the gravity of the error they have done. You remember that Oromo who was lynched in Bosaso a week ago? Well that man was lynched because he was shouting and claiming Somali cities as Oromos.
View attachment 248347
Please stop the historical revisionism. You have failed to provide one source. I even gave you the challange to find me any mention of Oromos or Galla as a people anywhere before the 16th century and you failed.

@Garaad diinle @Duucale1
Please stop listening to @Abba Sadacha and @ahus21024

They both oromos who have been trying hard to fool Somalis on this Somali forum called "Somali"spot. They have been working day and night to change, to corrupt and revision or history as to make themselves seem like natives in their current occupied Somali land. When confronted with their genocide and ethnic cleansing they become silent or try to underestimating the gravity of the error they have done. You remember that Oromo who was lynched in Bosaso a week ago? Well that man was lynched because he was shouting and claiming Somali cities as Oromos.
This nigga believes Wikipedia you can write on Wikipedia and dawaro are abasguul jidwaaq search it up they are are jidwaaq and baalcaad are Absame
View attachment 248347
Please stop the historical revisionism. You have failed to provide one source. I even gave you the challange to find me any mention of Oromos or Galla as a people anywhere before the 16th century and you failed.

@Garaad diinle @Duucale1
Please stop listening to @Abba Sadacha and @ahus21024

They both oromos who have been trying hard to fool Somalis on this Somali forum called "Somali"spot. They have been working day and night to change, to corrupt and revision or history as to make themselves seem like natives in their current occupied Somali land. When confronted with their genocide and ethnic cleansing they become silent or try to underestimating the gravity of the error they have done. You remember that Oromo who was lynched in Bosaso a week ago? Well that man was lynched because he was shouting and claiming Somali cities as Oromos.
Fool Somalis on what wtf
Proof? Or just spewing nonsense. What do you mean by real jaarso? You saying the descendants of Ali Madaḥweyne are Oromos? How can you claim a people who have been explicitly mentioned 300-400 years before the oromo migration?
You and that other one smoking some laced khat.
Akisho,Wardey,gurre and jaarso are Oromo the others in cali madaxweyne like garire are samaale
View attachment 248347
Please stop the historical revisionism. You have failed to provide one source. I even gave you the challange to find me any mention of Oromos or Galla as a people anywhere before the 16th century and you failed.

@Garaad diinle @Duucale1
Please stop listening to @Abba Sadacha and @ahus21024

They both oromos who have been trying hard to fool Somalis on this Somali forum called "Somali"spot. They have been working day and night to change, to corrupt and revision or history as to make themselves seem like natives in their current occupied Somali land. When confronted with their genocide and ethnic cleansing they become silent or try to underestimating the gravity of the error they have done. You remember that Oromo who was lynched in Bosaso a week ago? Well that man was lynched because he was shouting and claiming Somali cities as Oromos.
The man was lynched more than a year ago

Garaad diinle

 
and how do you think somalis' got the biggest land in the horn? with flowers and candy, or by conquest?
The simple nature of your qustition indicate a clear lack of knweledge about the history of somalis or cushites and their movment in the horn of africa. Furthermore you've proven yourself to be dishonest in some of your post, telling you anything is equivalent of talking to a wall.

Anyway for anyone interestet for some intresting read here you go. Cushitic presence in somalia and kenya is pretty old. Archaeological evidence indicate an age of around 5000 thounsed years back. In terms of genetics evidence in western kenya there were this guy that lived more than 3000 years before present with a genetic profile similar to the somalis.


The cushitic vocabularies within the nilotic inhabitents of the turkana lake matches that of the modern day somalis. A lot of somalis not only can they recognize these word but also understand them to. For example


All this words are somalis or cushitic vocabularies found in nilotic speaking population that lives in western kenya, uganda and tanzania. I can go on for more evidence of the early presence of somali, somali ancaster or somaloid population in kenya. The cushites and somaloid who found their way into kenya and beyond did so through millenniums and it picked up base with the introduction of the camel and the number of somalis in kenya increased.

Meanwhile the oromo invasion in to the populated well devoleped areas of the shewa highland or hararghe well described by arab historians within a short amount of time is called conquest. The apocalyptic description found in the account of somalis hararis habashi portuguese and arabs of the oromo invasion are undienable. The destruction of civilaization the paganization the erasure of populatiotion assimilation or some times wipeing them out from history the ethnic cleansing is not only seen today as war crimes but also barbaric action.

That transgression that occurred 500 years ago is still being pursuit by oromos the only difference being this time is that tha pagan oromo are now muslims. The oromo flamatory retoric of how they want somali lands is corroborated by inhumane attacs against somalis in places like balbalayti and bordar areas reminiscent of the oromo invasion. People such as Jawar Muhammad with his islamic name still fuling conflict and expansion. This never ending unjustifiable aggression is apparantly okay and natural in the eyes of many oromos. For every muslim oromo who transgressed on not only somalis but also other muslims you'll surely face punishment from the all mighty in the dunia or akhera, in the hands of somalis or possibaly by your own hands.
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Garaad diinle

 
276.000? thats nothing wtf. We seriously need to expand beyond Tana River.
Most of the boran live in islolo where you'll also find somalis such as isaaq, harti, garre ajuraan, surre and ogaden. Wardey speking somalis already live in the tana river county and along side them you'll find surre and i've heard that ogaden are also found in the tana river county. If i'm not mistaken there is a somali town found deep into the tana river county.
Akisho,Wardey,gurre and jaarso are Oromo the others in cali madaxweyne like garire are samaale
Silly oromo. I dont have to use wiki or western sources to prove they are Somalis. They trace their lineage to dir, they Somalis. They not Oromos just because they speak it. They claim Somali. The clan the name, Cali Madaxweyne outdates Oromo expansionist half a milennia. Its all written in arabic books. Its mentioned by portugese. They mentioned in Futuh Al Habashi silly Oromo. Futuh Al Habashi was written before the Oromo Expansion. You just regurgitating your false revisionist claim. Oromos in Bale, Hararghe can join Somalis as Muslim People or they can pack their bags to Borona land.
Silly oromo. I dont have to use wiki or western sources to prove they are Somalis. They trace their lineage to dir, they Somalis. They not Oromos just because they speak it. They claim Somali. The clan the name, Cali Madaxweyne outdates Oromo expansionist half a milennia. Its all written in arabic books. Its mentioned by portugese. They mentioned in Futuh Al Habashi silly Oromo. Futuh Al Habashi was written before the Oromo Expansion. You just regurgitating your false revisionist claim. Oromos in Bale, Hararghe can join Somalis as Muslim People or they can pack their bags to Borona land.
Show me a source of Jarso or akisho or gurre in the futuh habasha I’ll wait and bale and hararghe Oromos ain’t going nowhere they made those lands their homeland they fought with their blood why would they give it to you that’s never happening
Cry more Akisho and Jaarso are oromos that’s their origin they were in the migration they used to attack y’all around jigjiga and akisho used to raid y’all in hargaisa around the 1500’s they got converted then became Somali
Oromos in hargeisa in the 1500s? How did they go past the Ogadens, Cisse, Isaaq? You know Somalis were still crazy strong? How can some Oromos with horses and a wooden stick compare to Somalis with Arabian horses, iron swords, spears and ottoman guns? Oromos were in the stone age while Somalis were in the late middle ages
Show me a source of Jarso or akisho or gurre in the futuh habasha I’ll wait and bale and hararghe Oromos ain’t going nowhere they made those lands their homeland they fought with their blood why would they give it to you that’s never happening
Do you really think an stateless ethnicity like Oromos can do shit to Somalis? Even in our weakest and most turbulent time 2006-2009 Ethiopians were returned in coffins. This is Ethiopians as in all ethnic groups including Somalis and Somalis loyal to FGS and warlords against ICU.

