Reconstruction of our Paleolithic ancestors

You are delusional if you think an IBM + Natufian-like population isn't the source of the majority of Somali MENA dna but Greek & Anatolian Farmer groups are...might as well kick yourself out my thread Tadesse Gebre and head to the Tigray front
I never said Somalis Eurasian-like ancestry is entirely EEF, but it is probably partly EEF-like, and I've explicitly said in many posts on here that overall Natufian + IBM are better sources of the Eurasian component buts thats not mutually exclusive with some EEF-like being present which is what literally every single study points to. I don't think they entered directly into the Horn but Horners score Late Period Egyptian ancestry which we likely acquired in Sudan which is where the Somali EEF component will be mostly embedded within. This fits well with the spread of Levantine Farmer ancestry into the ancestors of the Kulubnarti Christians as their also modelled a lot better as Late Period Egyptian than Levantine Farmer because the Levantine would have been thorougly admixed by the time it would have reached North Sudan/Lower Nubia, so it would have looked something Ancient Egyptian-like. So the Somali Eurasian component would be mostly Natufian-like + IBM-like, both of which are stand-ins for Mesolithic Egyptian imo, the rest would be Ancient Egyptian-like/Levantine Farmer. And some Islamic Arab or whatever.
A lack of certain haplogroups doesn't attest to a lack of whatever ancestry is associated with those haplogroups, where do you think K1a comes from? Its found amongst the Kenyan/Tanzanian aDNA even.

You say "actual runs" like studies aren't "actual runs"? You need to address why so many studies find the Eurasian ancestry in the Horn to be modelled using groups carrying EEF, whether it be Sardinians, actual EEF/ANF, Chalcolithic Levantines or Late Period Egyptians, even KEB (EEF rich) works better as a source of ancestry for some PN individuals than the Natufian rich Bedouins in f4 stats. G25 isn't everything, there isn't a single study that corraborates with our Eurasian as being modelled as simply Natufian + Iranian.

How can you simultaneously maintain this position and the idea that we descend from Lower Nubia? Pastoralism in the Horn isn't older than 3500 BCE, you think Lower Nubia was devoid of Neolithic Levantine ancestry that recently? Thats a massive implication with your theory and its obviously not true.
How come some Kenyans /Tanzania have haplogroup K1a, did they get this haplogroup from a recent back migration that was fairly recent? And also what subclade of K1A do they belong to?


Forza Somalia!
Khoikhoi who are now extinct had Cushitic ancestry majority of these SE African madows don't.I think anything south of Tanzania generally lack Cushitic ancestry.Although you can find the occasional E-M293 South Cushitic lineages among madows south of Tanzania including South Africa
I still don't get them having E-M293 and having cushitic in them.
Neolithic Farmers that settled in Egypt are the ultimate source, the initial spread would have occured 7 kya but I'm not sure when this exact linege entered NE Africa.

The supp data only shows K1a.
I thing you are referring to the Somali
T-208 and the Hausa R1B. However THE T clade is haplogroup K, AND not K1A, not sure which sub clade those studies are refering to .
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I thing you are referring to the Somali
T-208 and the Hausa R1B. However THE T clade is haplogroup is K, AND not K1A
Idk what your talking about, haplogroup T isnโ€™t a mt haplogroup.
I still don't get them having E-M293 and having cushitic in them.
Cushitic pastoralists continued their migrations south, of the Horn and Tanzania where they encountered Khoisan groups and intermingled with them.This intermixed group are called the Khoi (cattle herding Khoisan)



You still dying on this hill are we? Nigga the fact you still can't find haplogroups associated with EEF like G and J2 plus plenty of actual runs that shows Horner lack Anatolian Farmer ancestry proves you wrong.

We ain't got nothing to do with those EEF European Farmers
I have European farmer :yacadiim:



#JusticeForShukriAbdi #FreeYSL
apparently we also have this CHG ancestry on qpadm and that global25 doesnt pick it up and inflates iberomaurusian results
anthrogenica post 1.png

anthrogenica post 2.png
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Watch your lip..I'm Bani Hashim and directly from Hussein ibn Ali bin Abu Talib grandson of the seal of the prophets you peasant.Autosomally I'm as Somali as you if you are not one of those Bantu,Mehri,Bekele or Tesfayu admixed Somalis
Banu* my bad.

If you banu hashim how are your ancestors those paleolithic people you posted was my question.


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