**** means slave of Marehan. These were our slaves, keep posting wrong context though.
no dude, marehan married b000n in huge numbers, just admit it, b000n genes run in your dna,
**** means slave of Marehan. These were our slaves, keep posting wrong context though.
**** means slave of Marehan. These were our slaves, keep posting wrong context though.
Nope, we arent like cagdheer who let amxaaro fock their women.no dude, marehan married b000n in huge numbers, just admit it, b000n genes run in your dna,
Nope, we arent like cagdheer who let amxaaro fock their women.
Hooyathiina wasse, wallahi oo billahi Hawraarsame wa nasab I would give my daughter to them over any Madow lookin caaqdheer. somali xita mahan wa oromo.
i dare these folks to insult marehan in my face wallahi they would catch a hot bullet keep acting tough online
ur women get raped daily by amxaaro ni!ger, kenyans only f0ck ur women in kismayu. u forgot Silent cry?xabashi f*ck marehan naago women in galgaduud and gedo,
get over it dude, we give kenyans marehan p000n, they do gangbangs on them in the middle of kismayo
Hooyathiina wasse, wallahi oo billahi Hawraarsame wa nasab I would give my daughter to them over any Madow lookin caaqdheer. somali xita mahan wa oromo.
i dare these folks to insult marehan in my face wallahi they would catch a hot bullet keep acting tough online
look at this adoob b000n, kulaha b000n marehan mad eb000n by fellow marehans themlves waa nasab,
every night i know marehan girls forced to entertain the heros from kenya in kismayo and through out jubaland as pleasure girls,
Heres your women crying on TV hahahhaha fuckin n!gger
na3cala aabaha ku yeel i have video proof all you have is hearsay![]()
Here's your leader crying about Ogaden and ONLF. Please explain that![]()
Here's the emotion I was looking for. I gave you enough warning shots before dropping the heavy artillery![]()
The fate of Jubbaland is decided in Garissa and Godey![]()