actually I remember watching that debate, daniel completely was out his depth, I hate his arguments sometimes, I wish an actual intellectual Muslim with good arguments would argue with him,
actually I remember watching that debate, daniel completely was out his depth, I hate his arguments sometimes, I wish an actual intellectual Muslim with good arguments would argue with him,
also did they debate about andrew tate in this debate? imagine debating a guy who you dont know in real lie and have no relation to at all and is rich off of p0rnography and is a materialistic man and you have no reason to defend and it will have no effect at all. these muslim da'ees trying to defend andrew tate is just very very very sus.
Yeah i watch his debates from time to time he is quick witted. However when if comes to religion he purposely plays dumb and says i do not know and you dont.destiny is smart I like him, I think the other debators other than muslimmetaphsycian arent that smart and arent good debators and have bad akhlaaq, he would need someone on his intellectual level to debate him, it would be fun
There are many smart atheists doesn’t mean they are telling the truth. There sre many dumb muslims who tell the truth. Dont be so emotional.You like a bisexual atheist who mocks Islam? Could you share an example of the gay atheist being "intellectual" according to you @cooli3o ?
Your impressed by the gay atheist who mocks Islam while trying to insult our Muslim brothers? Lol you think the Muslims are not smart and have bad behaviour but are impressed by him who mocks the deen and our Prophet SWS and speaks on how he is bisexual and in an open marriage?
VERY telling.
Ikr i was grinding my teeth watching that debate. Idk why muslims take these position that we dont have to defend. Why would he try and defend tate when there was so much information against himactually I remember watching that debate, daniel completely was out his depth, I hate his arguments sometimes, I wish an actual intellectual Muslim with good arguments would argue with him,
also did they debate about andrew tate in this debate? imagine debating a guy who you dont know in real lie and have no relation to at all and is rich off of p0rnography and is a materialistic man and you have no reason to defend and it will have no effect at all. these muslim da'ees trying to defend andrew tate is just very very very sus.
Just because he is a muslim doesn’t mean daniel has to defend him in a court case about his previous offence prior to reversion. Why would he take that stance.Andrew Tate is a Muslim. Why are you here attacking Muslims and defending a bisexual atheist who insults Islam and the Prophet SWS?
It is you who is very very very sus. You are delusional.
Yeah i watch his debates from time to time he is quick witted. However when if comes to religion he purposely plays dumb and says i do not know and you dont.
There are many smart atheists doesn’t mean they are telling the truth. There sre many dumb muslims who tell the truth. Dont be so emotional.
yh he is smart but stupid on some topics, just like every other athiest, when it comes to religion they become a bozoowever when if comes to religion he purposely plays dumb and says i do not know and you dont.
I dont even believe tate did it, but guess what, do i care, does he have any relevance to my life, have i ever met him, no, seriously sucking up to a guy who a bunch of sad 15 year old nerds love bc he is popular is just embarrassingIkr i was grinding my teeth watching that debate. Idk why muslims take these position that we dont have to defend. Why would he try and defend tate when there was so much information against him![]()
Bro is exactly the typa of muslim you do not want in debate. These people who i call Religiously Autistic, they have a strong grasp of faith but lack any social awareness. You dont understand the art of debate.I promise a nigga like destiny would run laps around you.Allah SWT defines what is "smart" and "dumb". By defintion an atheist is dumb and a Muslim is smart.
How as a Muslim can you consider an atheist, especially a rabid fed like destiny who mocks Islam and promotes his gay swinger life as smart? What is your definition of smart? Talking really fast?
Then to contrast that to a Muslim and call them dumb? Did you take in what you wrote?
Yeah its the same case all the time watch this clip from this somali brother debating destiny.yh he is smart but stupid on some topics, just like every other athiest, when it comes to religion they become a bozo
Its a rigid mindset. Daniel did a great job in this pbd podcast but some of other debates i have to turn it off because some of his arguments make me cringe.I dont even believe tate did it, but guess what, do i care, does he have any relevance to my life, have i ever met him, no, seriously sucking up to a guy who a bunch of sad 15 year old nerds love bc he is popular is just embarrassing
also, why cant muslims admit, that mwe can lose debates, also many ppl have warned of daniel haqiqtjou and his fans, he i causing a lot of fitna, and i will assume the best of him and think he has good intentions, but in these debates i see alot of overtalking shouting strawmanning dishonesty and disrespect and not good intellectual points
yes, thats why ignore all his comments, he is like a guy who is book smart but doesn't know that telling someone their breath stinks would hurt there feelingsBro is exactly the typa of muslim you do not want in debate. These people who i call Religiously Autistic, they have a strong grasp of faith but lack any social awareness. You dont understand the art of debate.I promise a nigga like destiny would run laps around you.
Bro is exactly the typa of muslim you do not want in debate. These people who i call Religiously Autistic, they have a strong grasp of faith but lack any social awareness. You dont understand the art of debate.I promise a nigga like destiny would run laps around you.
Yeah its the same case all the time watch this clip from this somali brother debating destiny.
Atheist Questions The Creation of The Universe!
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exactly. have you seen his matt dilahunty debate? i liked some of his points but the entire debate he was missing the mark and provoking matt and interrupting him and having bad manners, then telling him to fight him, it makes me embarrassed this is what non-muslims see of us musilmsIts a rigid mindset. Daniel did a great job in this pbd podcast but some of other debates i have to turn it off because some of his arguments make me cringe.
Some times you wish you can jump into the screen and debate them your self
If i was to debate the top flat earther conspiracy guy even though i know he talking bullshit he would run laps around me in a debate. It would need someone of skill equivalent as a scientist to properly dismiss their bs.
Insightful post.yes, thats why ignore all his comments, he is like a guy who is book smart but doesn't know that telling someone their breath stinks would hurt there feelings
these people cannot properly change from one perspective to another, they see life under the same tinted glasses.
an atheist can be smart in his prospective field, bad as a person, spiritually, they are completely dumb, due to their rejection of faith, and a Muslim can be dumb in intellectual things but smart at the game of life, meaning they have faith and believe in Allah, so they are smart. these are 2 different topics, but this amuse guy cannot even differentiate between the 2
29:38وَعَادًا وَثَمُودَا وَقَد تَّبَيَّنَ لَكُم مِّن مَّسَـٰكِنِهِمْ ۖ وَزَيَّنَ لَهُمُ ٱلشَّيْطَـٰنُ أَعْمَـٰلَهُمْ فَصَدَّهُمْ عَنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ وَكَانُوا۟ مُسْتَبْصِرِينَ ٣٨
And the people of ’Ȃd and Thamûd ˹met a similar fate˺, which must be clear to you ˹Meccans˺ from their ruins. Satan made their ˹evil˺ deeds appealing to them, hindering them from the ˹Right˺ Way, although they were capable of reasoning.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
even Allah calls them mustabisireen, because they were extremely intelligent in dunya matters, but as soon as religion was involved they became stupid
The fact that your mind cannot consider a person who is not Muslim can be smart(not religiously but in general) is shocking and says more about your iq than it says about mine.The art of debate? Lacking social awareness? Lol, what are you actually talking about? Are you typing for the sake of it?
If youre going to respond, try reading and responding to the post. How do you justify calling an atheist smart and a Muslim dumb? Atheists are by defintion the dumbest and Muslim by defintion the smartest. I would understand an atheist making that claim but how do you as a Muslim?
It is an insane and baseless statement to make.
Aside from that, Muslims will defend Muslims it is not a business transaction for you to be asking what is the point. It is an Islamic principle. These brothers/Daee's track records speak for itself and their popularity continues to grow.
Weirdos who praise bisexual atheist swingers who mock Islam ranting about them does not make a difference if anything it probably boosts their popularity even more actually.
There are times to be a bit confrontational but if the energy is not being reciprocated then they just come off as rude. Mohammed hijab does this time to time it’s either a hit or miss. Sometimes its cringe but other times it can create be really funny.exactly. have you seen his matt dilahunty debate? i liked some of his points but the entire debate he was missing the mark and provoking matt and interrupting him and having bad manners, then telling him to fight him, it makes me embarrassed this is what non-muslims see of us musilms
exactly. have you seen his matt dilahunty debate? i liked some of his points but the entire debate he was missing the mark and provoking matt and interrupting him and having bad manners, then telling him to fight him, it makes me embarrassed this is what non-muslims see of us musilms