How did you come to that conclusion?! Somalia was and is a failed State. You cannot dispute that fact.
First things first, it hasn't been considered a failed state since 2015.

Somalia no longer a failed state, just a fragile one, says UN
United Nations representative in the country says the country has stabilised although security concerns still remain high
And secondly, It never was a failed as a state to begin with. You cannot remove a government, intervene in an area and destabilize it then label it a failed state. It's bogus.
AlrightPost a reputable source that backs your claim.
Private sector growth

Private sector key in accelerating Somalia’s economic growth
Private sector key in accelerating Somalia’s economic growth

The private companies have emerged as important drivers of economic growth. They are transforming key sectors such as telecommunications, finance, and energy.
Nr.1 university in East Africa
SIMAD University in Mogadishu has been ranked #1 in the region and among Africa's top 10 universities
@Midas @Zak12 @Galool Source: This actually makes me a lot more hopeful for the future of Somali educational system with just a bit more funding and stability Somali universities can easily be in the top 3 in the near...

SSA University Rankings
Explore the top ranked universities in Sub-Saharan Africa Discover the top universities in Sub-Saharan Africa with the Times Higher Education Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings 2024.
Real estate boom:

Somalia: Mogadishu emerges in real estate projects | Africanews
Mogadishu, a city dubbed the most dangerous city in the world, is now emerging from the ashes of war. Two decades of street fighting among warlords left Somalia's elegant villas in ruins.

Somalia Experiences Remarkable Revival in Real Estate Sector
In a surprising and welcome development, Somalia is marking a triumphant return to the forefront of the real estate sector, signaling a positive shift in the country's economic landscape. After years of instability, economic challenges, and political turmoil, the nation is now witnessing a...

Are we any better than them in any of those categories?!
Yes we are, wealth is spread out more amongst Somalis. So the average Somali lives economically better. There is more affordable housing projects initiatives then some vanity mega projects and satellite cities like in Egypt/Ethiopia.
... And we don't have slums and IDP camps?! Think logically before critiquing anyone else.
We don't have slums and IDP are people displaced due to conflict or climate catastrophe from their real homes, they often return back to their homes or are given new housing.
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