Replacing Quran Dugsi with math, reading and science.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
:russ::russ: Let me answer your questions

1-no you can’t just Change your idea in seconds in science. You have to follow a rigorous process of approving and conducting experiments on your hypothesis. Even if you are right, it will take time before you are recognized for your contributions, this is why Nobel prize winners in science and medicine are awarded after like thirty years after their discovery. Your results must be approved by peer reviewed panel of experts.
2- you cannot, although bias exists. You need evidence and if the evidence is against you there is no way of skewing it to your side.
3- :mjlol: pictures are real, the space station is close to us and the moon landing was Not faked. There is rocks collected which prove this
4- no they don’t, they use high intensity scopes and other technology to capture the space. For instance, When the first pic of a black hole was presented, they did not use cameras or went close to it. They used technology and waves to detect and picture the hole.
You got pictures like these

Do you believe they have a 50 year old telescope that can see into the outer galaxies? Hubble? Pshhhh
As for the Noble Prize, not a good example. We all know that the winners are all chosen biasely and credit that is deserved is stripped away. Also we all know its owned by jews. For the Jews, by the Jews. 20% of the winners are jewish. No denying it.

You still never answered my orignal question. Is Allah nothing to you?

Hassan mahat

I karbash wahabist salafis daily.
You should see him when some guy asked him about eveloution. That was when I stoped watching him. He is there för the money hranted He is smart
I don’t even understand him properly. I tried to listen to him but he talks so long, he should be precise.
Guys stop taking the bait ffs we can obviously do both, it's not a one or the other type of thing.

Where are the damn mods/admin at? They need to mute this fool


I am NOT a federal agent
Imagine Instead of all the time we spent in dugsi, we spent improving our mathematical and scientific knowledge. We can still learn Quran on the side too. We will advance as a society. Kids will like math and will develop their problem solving skills very early.
Quran learning, understanding and applying it in our lives is more beneficial than worldly sciences and studies. we should put deen in the forefront Allah will not ask of us square roots and such.


I am NOT a federal agent
Just don’t forget to vaccinate your kids. “Allah will protect them from diseases” head ass.
Yes modern vaccines are a recent invention. Geeljires in somalia were doing fine in the good ol days with a nice and strong immune system. You can just get exposed to the disease in real life instead of it being injected to gain immunity. Humanity was doing well without them forever stop acting like its food or water.
Instead of just getting rid of dugsi. Why don't we just improve it?

Why don't the kids get taught Arabic so that they can be able to understand and ponder over the teachings if the Quran much easier? I've heard of hafids that went to dugsi and are doing gang work. This shows us that the dugsi isn't raising our kids to embody the teachings of Islam.

Memorization is good but it's useless when you don't act upon it.

I propose Somalis make their own education system centered around Islam. What I mean by this is that kids study stuff like the sciences and other worldly disciplines with the aim of increasing their knowledge of Allah and improving their worship through the knowledge they gained.

Somalis and Muslims in general shouldn't emulate the West and non Muslims in general when it comes to the goal of gaining worldly knowledge(sciences etc) and the use of the knowledge that was gained. Let me try to explain it down below:

The goal:
The West and a lot of non-Muslims gain knowledge in the hopes of controlling nature and subduing it. Their end goal is to try and control their fate by escaping the most natural thing, DEATH. As Muslims we know that's impossible, but the rest keep on running an endless race to nowhere.

Use of knowledge:
The non-Muslims and Muslims that emulate the non Muslims, use the knowledge they gained to try and subdue nature and make it subservient to them. This lead to a lot of consequences that will end up destroying our world if left unchecked. The rise in pollution, global warming, the extinction of many species and many more, the disturbance of the natural eco system of this planet, extreme exploitation of natural resources....etc.

The goal of gaining knowledge for Muslims is to help them recognize and decipher the signs placed by Allah all over the Multiverse(new research suggests we live in a multiverse and not a universe i.e the 7 heavens). This is was the goal of Muslim thinkers in the past. Al-Khawarizmi, the father of Algebra said in his books that he wrote his books and spread the knowledge he had gained for the sake of Allah, since the spreading of knowledge is considered sadaqatul Jariyah. This should be the mindset of Muslims when gaining knowledge and spreading it.

A non Muslim scientist would be terrified by the existence of black holes but a Muslim would be fascinated by it and would recognize the extreme unimaginable power Allah poses and this would lead him/her to improve their worship of Allah.

The Muslim would not use the knowledge that he/she has gained to try and subdue nature(and by doing that successfully leading to the destruction of it if left unchecked), but would rather come up with inventions that are in harmony with it because he recognizes that this Earth and all that's in it have a right over us, since Allah placed us as Khalifas(Successors) on the Earth. A Muslim would not be extravagant and wasteful in the extraction of natural resources because we as Muslims are only allowed to take what we need.

As you can see, this would be a better alternative. Rather than removing dugsi all together, we should improve it using the ideas I've suggested above.

Wa Billahi Tawfiiq.
There are actual studies that show Quran memorization actually makes you smarter. i've seen it with my own eyes. Kids that finished memorizing the Quran and then went to school would tend to be the smartest in their classes.
Sheikh Zakir Naik is a qualified physician. They pursue other fields as well. My mums favourite Sheikh used to be an engineer. It doesn't have to be a choice between religious studies and academia.
These people clearly never heard of the Golden age of Islam. That's when the Muslim world was leading in the worldly knowledges(sciences etc). This was mainly because of the teachings of Islam. Muslims were commanded to pursue knowledge. The Muslims did that and they excelled in everything, and they didn't have to forsake their religion to do that. @Hassan mahat needs to learn from them.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Nacaalaa kugu yaal, gaal gaal dhalay

If I'm pissed, I have curse in Afsomali

