Replacing Quran Dugsi with math, reading and science.

Jahiliya kulaha. I am enlightened, I believe in the scientific method and facts. Stop talking about things you don’t know .


I agree , basic mathematics and general science should be introduced to children at an earlier age , not only it's essential but introducing problem solving skills develops their logical and intellectual vitality.

Curriculum must be mandatory anything else can be secondary
Maybe put math & science tutoring after they finish their Quran.
Quran can be study like weekends or after school like 2 to 4 hours
What Somalis do is put their kids quran to 5 days straight 8 hours
Quran is important so does education and Allah didn't said stop what u doing and learn quran first then others come last
Kids learn quran and education young age
Kid got their whole live to learn quran
But education have times and it is always there


Ugaas of the supreme gentleman
You're on a forum where people wage battle for their tuulo by proving they have the most paved roads or who's deegan has a literacy rate above 50%

Exchange dugsis for schools and you'd have a decent nation laakin dadkaan caqli la'aan baa lugu habaray they froth at the mouth at something that benefits them then wonder why they're from a poor xaarhole.
Imagine Instead of all the time we spent in dugsi, we spent improving our mathematical and scientific knowledge. We can still learn Quran on the side too. We will advance as a society. Kids will like math and will develop their problem solving skills very early.
The Jews are trying to brainwash are kids helen already brainwashed this guy


100% agree. My family only took me and my siblings to Dugsi for 2 hours every Saturday . Mon-Friday was purely for academic work.
Wait are their families having dugsi/malcaamad everyday? We had only during the weekends... :wow1:

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
Nigga the Jewish chick you’re f*cking must’ve brainwashed you or some shit. Is the seal that good :russsmug:
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